JB, isnt it obvious that EggShells is the omet king Name is a warning to all omelettes who dont follow Rule 3
I'd love to see these rules, there's bound to be one about patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time ! Lol There's bound to be some Zaft vets / leaders / old boys watching this and thinking ' WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT??'
I.hear tell apoc stomped on omets here a while back and now the king is calling them to jump into this osw with zaft/apoc i would love to be part owner of the marketplace when this anoucement whent out i bet omets everywhere was giving there creditcard number to google to get 20 noob to do a name change and waving by by to the king lolo
Dont you mean them old Zaft boys go: WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT First Talk Then Surely there must be plenty of face palm there I can only Imagine King Omelette going to Harpo.. "Stand back, we got this **** handled" we war "on behalf of you"
there's an omet sitting at the clan -house of night- #4, maybe he didn't hear your call oh might king.
A little opportunistic jumping in if you ask me, couldn't handle apoc on your own ? Zaft can't handle on their own , so your having a sausage party together to feel better about getting your ass kicked
I got nothing.. I mean seriously, can't stop laughing. This **** CRACKED me up.. Maybe that's EGGxactly what "The o' mighty king" wanted. Lmfao ДPФCДLУPSΞ IΓS Д MДCHIИΞ ΓHIИG
Ouch.......I did try to tell them to handle this one guy whos basically destroyed there reputation differently but they wouldnt listen. This is sadly the result . I dont think ive seen a bigger fail thread yet. Maybe in time we shall see if they can bring that credibility back will be interesting .
That would be a no! Although he'll go down in kaw history for the funniest ( albeit unintentional ) thread ever!
1..2.. Apocalypses coming 4 u 3..4.. Zaft will be no more 5..6..Harb got his fix 7..8..Harb got laid out stait 9..10.. after Zaft hunting Omets again
Ya know I think I know eggsactly what the omelets are doing. Trying to stay relevant by joining an osw where if course they're hitting their ebs about as hard as daft
Dear OP, I sincerely thank you for making this thread. I laugh harder with each page and new post. Glad to see humor in a war game. ️
I have to agree this thread really made light the osw bar none this is the funniest thread i have ever seen i will never beable to take a omet serious again