OMETOTCHTLI Estocs War Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OMETOTCHTL1, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Bump for a great guide

  2. Just needs a bit of colour and perfect 
  3. Good thread, missing some of those BB codes though Good guide nonetheless
  4. That's right I forgot about this thread
  5. Would be good if the leaders actually did the work and didn't randomly stop calling out names...
  6. Good basic guide. The key to all wars is adapting to your opponent and their strategy quickly without cc chaos. Every clan is built differently and the your strategy will change throughout the war. A good commander must not be rigid and be able to change to your opponent.
  7. Very very interesting...
  8. bump - can this be stickied?
  9. Nice, although now we know the OMET war strategy
  10. Awesome. Helped me understand way better and this is my first attempt at learning about it 
  11. OMETs  yum
  12. I thought Omets kept this secret?