Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *OMETOTCHLIlll (01), May 17, 2013.

  1. So these are all the OMET rules?
    I feel bad for the person who wrote all of it.
    Either way, TS;CR.
    ;) Thanks for that^
  2. I have always wondered about the omelettes...
    I have seen MANY of them
    I had the crap scared out of me because I thought that one of them that had previously targeted me was in a clan I was helping at
    And now I find out this...
  3. haha they have no system to detect omet recruits to being omets :shock: ..i wanted to be a omet. :mrgreen: I like omets system and guide but they have too many fake omets out there. I was recruited by one fake omet and spent weeks trying to be recognized. It was a totally disapointment as they call ed me a "fake" and a "spie". Im not happy with them atm and im happy something like this came out :D
  4. Just go to the TLAL0CLAN...
    No fakers there.
  5. After reading this I might need to get glasses
  6. Basic guide of the omets that any entry level omet can get. Nothing out of the ordinary here :).
  7. I usually just tap. :?
  8. Oh wait, our noob/basic guide has been revealed nooooooooo
  9. Whoever made these rules and standards has had real life Psych warfare training or is at least familiar with the field and is a thinktank for whatever occupation they have in real life. And as for exposing them you have actually helped them recruit.
  10. Lol
    Something tells me this was a fail
  11. @ris
    I think that might be the point...
  12. i'm for hire :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I dont need a clan to "contract with me" i have friends :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Yea it could very well be the Omet's trying to help boost recruiting. As well as smooth out the process of doing hits and dealing with people in general. Its amazing how little people react if they are told a disaster is going to happen and it actually starts happening. They will seek the easiest way out in the fastest manner possible.
  15. It's a basic guide. When I first saw it a while ago I was slightly worried. Been a long time since I had seen clans in kaw with the ability to not only use but use it effectivly, my favorite play style I knew they had potential then. Having seen their more in depth works I can say this is just a basic brief. More advanced then most would get.

    If you read it as a normal player learn it well. It will serve you. The advanced stuff they have us all specific only to the omets in how it works and won't help you

    The guys saying tscr. Ss it then zoom in. Supposedly that works
    To op. good job. Don't let em tell you what you got isnt worthwhile because if it was that useless they'd have shared it like they did their public guides. You successfully stole information from the omets
  16. Omg we omelets gonna die the noob guides out there op least put summit useful most of kaw don't know you Muppet
  17. Too bad you kind find half that information in forums, walls, clan pages, etc. to begin with.
  18. Can* not kind
  19. Where the guide to fight me OMETS...