Great post. Distance. Lol. Which catagory Will u place me after our epic battle . Ill put u in the tough Guy catagory
While Distance does discuss real wars here - that is the only fun war to have where people get their growth stalled by being dogpiled by teams of equal players or whacked by singular strong players- he's also been in some killer system wars. If he doesn't do a guide on them I'll link this one and write the guide. I'll talk to some of the guys who were in the hardest system war to date WiG/Nemisis where no one knew until the last hour who would win, and all players fought like madness.
This is the whole reason I joined IG family and not only am I getting closer to osw I a have also grown alot. I am almost -wig- so I can't wait for osw.
:O I was not in the wig/nemesis war, so I can't say for sure, but imo the most epic system war was zaft vs iG. That was sooooo intense, and it involved all the subclans too ^_^! iG just came up with some crazy good tactics that everyone uses today. (lol drop volley) It is good to know that some other epic system wars have happened since then! I thought they all pretty much died out. **please devs work on pvp instead of pve!!!!!*
Yes Swabia. I think i slept for 4 hours during That war. That was fun. Hope the Devs can bring those times back and stop pw and like hotch said focus more on pvp.