Old Players.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. im in the shadows
  2. I'm surprised to see so many people I used to know still play.
  3. @ Omar. It's a shame as I like you but I have to point out in response to your post.

    Why would they hit me?
    Great question Omar.
    Why would they?
    But they chose to.
    Soooo here we are.
    They started it, their mistake
    I never back off, they will learn this the hard way.

    Their osw. The mighty osw where the eb fairies pay for hte non stop bottom pin on it and maybe strip once in a blue moon.

    But of course that's all for show as they are upholding the last of the pvp clans honour and its not just putting on a good show for everyone.

    Yep such a good show they cannot even control one player.

    Maybe wdgaf should reconsider their alliances as all last rights can do is make chumps of themselves

    Now if last rights cannot control one player how do they hope to ever show authority in a game over multiple numbers.

    So many times they have had to back down recently. And all because of one player.

    Pay to win osw.
    Pay to strip fake gold = bunch of chumps.

    Are they intelligent?
    Wulf, Boondock yes and they have my respect. Heck I even like one of them and enjoy our chats.

    Appledrool. Heck we are in our second month of her and last rights ( and any clan she visits ( don't harbour my enemy )) and yet she still believes I am upset because she cowardly hit a build less than half her size.

    Heck I am betting she is so dumb she has to be told why I am farming her and anyone in any clan she is in.

    It's hilarious. Mighty osw clan. Some of the biggest names in kaw history.
    And appledrool is reducing their public image to mud.
  4. Woah Alison was a GUY?!?!! I NEED TO SEE THIS THREAD 

    And whatever happened to pinky. He was like the forum president of like 2012
  5. @Rochendil You are the one I farmed A Lot during PvP.. That aside I have been playing for 2 years or more and I guess its pretty obvious why all the old Players left Kaw.... DEVS have already screwed up a lot and THEY WILL SCREW UP MORE
  6. Everyone is either semi-retired or highly inactive many people have quit buddy good luck trying to find anyone.
  7. Been around for about 3 years but quit for a long time I remember being excited when they opened up the Highlands and Majesty was on top
  8. I played years ago, incredibly active in forums and gameplay. Been at least two years since I've been on here and I don't see anyone I remember sadly. Oh well back to lurking
  9. I used to be really into it, and that was mostly because of the social aspect of it. But nobody I knew is around anymore and IDK it's not the same meeting new people.
  10. [​IMG]