The old summer promos were pretty slick. They enabled me to change builds around a few times and it seemed to encourage lots of small/mid development.
That's the summer promotion I sent a feedback and they replied basically they don't care was going to start a petition to get it back this summer but haven't gotten the time to write it and make it pretty
Deathsfinger is a spender so yeh what a load of crap. I dont know how much it is to bc now but I know its not happening in a year with no spending and being semi active.
Lol not spending guys just playing smart and I missed the free lands I'm happy for devs to say how much I've spent I think you may be surprised. And yes growing is easier than ever that I can guarantee its one of the reasons devs didn't slash price of hf rather they have being giving you the option to work on two lands to assist in growth there are a few good articles explaining the return on upgrades and options but I feel it's lost on noobs. But all players should start with a guide by teja explains how to hit haunt and grow quick lol but instead most just sook.
And 2 years no wonder you don't think growing is easier you haven't explored the game long or hard enough - maybe talk to those that know eg llbc in a day how do they do it ( that's why the devs deleted the reset items maybe you should search forums by devs explaining his that component had become to easy lol )
I wish i could believe you deathsfinger but your achievements are to the bare minimum. You havent even reached your 1year kawmunity badge and your 20m in attack and defence. There has been some major spending money on your account
monkey it's not major spending or activity especially when compared with activity when in osw. Hte clan and yes why wouldn't you if you can try help setting one up or becoming admin or making friends or ........ People just like to make excuses and disbelieve did any of you search teja thread or devs thread on reset items before responding - my guess is no lol
Look devilfinger i really dont care one one bit lol im not here to talk about that. Im here to express an idea.
I have done the resets with some alts when they were still paying perm bonus items. Yes, buying all lowlands was easy but that's not really the point of this thread. And if you manage by whatever means to live off other's seals, well done for you, but this isn't the case for the large majority of the players. The whole polemic is about how to offer a way of income scaling to the price of the T6 and T7 lands of buildings without having to use HTE or the very latest tier of ebs. Concerning the summer promo event, which I found a nice addition to the game, I somehow have the impression that it got permanently replaced by the Blood Rain event.
Years are kinda blurring together :lol: which summer was the every day or two x2 drops/gold for crappy EBs?