Oi Chocolate Mod!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moody, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Ch0c0lat3
  2. Oh wow. That really sucks ^_^
  3. I think its a beautifull name change, the 2 was so wrong :mrgreen:
  4. WH47'5 WR0NG W17H MY N3W N4M3!? :(

  6. No idea
  7. It offends me!

    Of all the missed opportunities you had and you went with a cacophony of noughts, letters and a solitary 3 which is just wrong!

    I demand a change back to the original chocolate23 or quite frankly a better name as suggested in the op.

    I look forward to you caving to my demands. :cool:

    Moody ️️
  8. So ugly
  9. Support Ch0c. Give em hell.

  10. My votes for Minty.
  11. And I will now steal this gif for ever
  12. Vogon poetry is now only the 4th worst type of poetry in the universe. Nice job.
  14. Bump! Chocolate has changed names again!

    A much more agreeable Choccy!

    A solid choice!