oh yeah? most of you haven't done it

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wordwaster, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. Preach it brotha
  3. Amazing! Congrats man!
  4. Hey. Question about the cloud.

    Is KaW/forums being described by "wasted"?

    Or is word wasted? ๎ ๎’
  5. Congrats Master Waster. I aspire to someday go beyond simple scullery maid, and be a legend like you.
  6. Congratulations to wordwaster!

    For reaching 10,000 posts in history! :D

    With regards,
    A kaw player, sean893
  7. Hmm I think I'm almost there...soon maybe. But I'm impatient so meh :roll:
  8. I bet I have 10,000 posts.
  9. Congratulations word.
    Great milestone for a great player :lol:
  10. Great job balto
  11. What, I don't even ๎
  12. -_-, congrats
  13. quality not quantity
  14. Lol who gives a rats ass about how many posts you have or the quality of your posts
  15. Good job mate๎ŒŒ now if only each post earned you a dollar... :lol:
  16. Snowman... That was a low blow, man... Low blow.
  17. Yes. Mate. Thanks willeh