Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Sweet_Pineapple, Sep 5, 2015.

  2. They will give it time. History has shown all powerful alliance or regimes fall.
  3. Bob 

    No worries , pineapple couldn't punch it's way out of a paper bag. I've slapped that ass silly in many an indy.

    BTW , COW has said I am gona have to answer to kofte for farming him. 
  4. glad you see the problem.
  5. Pineapple, you take ass kissing to a whole new level. :roll:
  6. Someone's alittle sure of themselves lol
  7. Man, I did as well. :lol:

    Anyways support to any new OSW clan.
  8. The name makes me think more along the lines of idiots than i don't think so
  9. Lol silentsnake

    I'm an apoc member. Of course I am going to limit it to us. But WDGAF is high on my awesome list
  10. :lol:

    Big alliances are so cute when they talk OSW.
  11. why hasnt op recieved a perm ban from system wars. pineapple is inactive most the time

  12. Not as cute as clans who think themselves a martyr of KAW:)
  13. Front bro didn't you know that New Age are the KAW OSW GODS? Look at the forums man, they all over the place talking about how they DESTROYED Yafi. If they ever gonna charge at Apoc im so gonna reset and run for my life. (mothers and children first, i know.)

    I might change my name and join New Age cuz i wanna be a OSW LEGEND KAW GOD once. Or something like that. 
  14. I don't think you realise you cannot reset anymore
  15. Women and children first.

    Rik i think he was lost in the moment. We all lose sight of the incredibly important things like no more resetting when we are blinded by euphoric sarcasm.
  16. Don't everyone be jealous all at once.
  17. Oh idiots
  18. Dang.. Already plotting i see. Thats very ambitious. I wouldnt tell to many people though, you want to have the element of surprise on your side when you stike against Apoc.

    This is like hush hush type stuff.

    Fight the power young blood.
  19. Lmao...... And this hasn't been locked for "lack of effort" ..? That is the surprise here
  20. Plotting what? :lol:
    Apoc must think because someone isn't intimidated by them that they are out to get them.

    You guys make me smile.