oh good another pissant zaft clan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Barbarous, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Hi Paint Boy.
  2. Thing is though the new clan your talking about are pissants...they are fake ZAFT
  3. Oh really? I thought they were fanboys:
  4. Lol look at the new zaft post
  5. This basically his recruitment thread๎’๎’๎’๎’ your a failure at the game bro
  6. Stfu dude, stop bagging on Zaft
  7. Back tithe top this forum goes
  8. Funny to me is most doing the talking aren't all that big to be criticizing. I have a few friends in Zaft and they are good people.
  9. All these zaft posts are more annoying then the flea biting.my ankle.
  10. Op is just a child by the looks of it because someone tuck his dummy he's crying on forums like the spoiled child he is
  11. im kinda surprised this guy has allies left tbh. and over a tril at that. I realize that zaft has better things to do than farm every person who bashes thier family in forums, but still.
  12. Stop Spamming Fourms With
    Your Virtual World Problems.
  13. Stupid attention whore
  14. I'm no ZAFT fan, but dude, seriously, you're taking up forum space.....