oG Alliance Please Read.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DreadLSA, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Djkillz dude in the nicest way saying crap like that in a game peoples kids play ain't right no matter how much of an ass hat you think omega is and by saying this your lowering yourself
  2. Djkillz dude in the nicest way saying crap like that in a game peoples kids play ain't right no matter how much of an ass hat you think omega is and by saying this your lowering yourself to the level of omega and his racist clan mate coldasshalfwit
  3. Sorry for double post phone acting like a cha again.
  4. 
  5. Yes u r right respected and understood
  6. lsa i will never get board or tire from smashing u i get my rocks off in hitting u time an time again your clan an u r to stupid to give up and i hope u dont cuz kaw is a much better gsme without your clan screwing it up for others:)
  7. So LSA Elite is 14 players vs the OG Alliance?

    We may need Philo to do a war thread for the numbers here.
  8. Maybe you will get some grammar lessons, Feedmemoor. I've seen toddlers with better grammar than you...
  9. Maybe Willy the Dousche should write the war thread...
  10. Why have I never heard that before. LOL
  11. ^Very clever. I also enjoy 5th grade insults. Your mommy teach you that word when she was flicking beer cans at your head?
  12. ^That little piece was meant for larry, not you northman.
  13. It's a legitimate idea.. He should write it. He seems to have an opinion on everything..

    You can help him TNT.. He needs a busy body forum queen to help him out.. And you need something to do with your self
  14. Well, you know me....

    Whenever I see 7 clans on 1, I tend to giggle like a gallivanting tween.

    How are things going? LSA gonna CF soon?
  15. I can help too, ill be the shy member of the trio who sits in the back and quietly agrees with everything they say.
  16. Busy body forum queen.

    Thats funny bro!

    Said nobody ever....
  17. It will be like that episode of South Park when Cartman and Butters write that fish joke..

    Willy is a good Cartman and every time I see TNT post I can hear Butter's voice in my head
  18. Willy oG had already cf'ed on LSA. They were the ones who re declared war. Your making it seem like oG just decided "Hey lets go beat up a clan of pure spies! Hip Hip Hooray!" They hit into multiple clans so they get hit by multiple clans.
  19. Cartman and Jimmy you mean. However Cartman really didn't help to write the joke, but took the credit for it.
    That Butters jab just became totally irrelevant.
  20. I'm not fat, though. Just big boned.