One more for the road. "Iraq is a long way from Ohio, but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." Madeleine Albright, President Clinton's Secretary of State Town Hall Meeting on Iraq at Ohio State University February 18, 1998 This is the Clinton's. Sounds like Bush to me.
Conservatives crack me up. You do know that China is still a communist county, right? That's as hilarious as all the conservatives who threatened to move to Canada to escape socialism if Obama got elected. Seriously, The GOP spoon feeds you guys BS about "freedom and liberty" while getting you all worked up about immigrants and gays, then steals you blind. Don't think so? Here's what your boys are up to this week. The House is scheduled to vote this week to repeal the estate tax. In case you didn't know, the government taxes estates worth $5.43 million in the case of a deceased individual, or $10.86 million for a married couple. This effects 0.2 percent of Americans, or about 5,400 families. The average effective tax rate is about 17%. Repealing the tax will cost the Treasury about $268 billion over 10 years, adding to the deficit. How does the GOP describe this? It's a win for the "little guy". "This tax doesn’t just hit the big guy, It hits the little guy" Paul Ryan (R-WI) I don't know about you, but I don't consider an individual with an estate worth $5.4 million to be a "little guy". And what spending does the GOP plan to cut to offset the loss of revenue? None. Remember, these are the same guys who refused to fund disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy unless it was offset by spending cuts because they were so concerned about the deficit. But a tax break for millionaires and billionaires? That they can do and screw the deficit. Republicans do this stuff all the time. Their economic polices are the #1 reason why the rich are getting much richer while everyone else isn't. Need more? The house is voting this week to remove consumer protections from people who buy mobile homes. A mobile home isn't considered a "real" home. It's considered to be "movable property". As such, buying one doesn't come under the same rules that buying a house does. In 2010 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau put rules into place that protected people buying a mobile home from predatory lenders. Well of course the big banks didn't like that. They were charging people a lot more for a mobile home loan than a regular home loan. So this week the GOP is voting to let them go back to doing it. It's a win for the "little guy". Like I said, Republican economic polices are the #1 reason why the rich are getting much richer while everyone else isn't. But hey, at least they're fighting to keep gays from getting married. That's much more important to me than my bank balance.
China is still communist? The half a billion starving people in the rural undeveloped communities in China definitely weren't aware of that.
Oh boy lets turn the United States into China. Dibs! I want to make iPhones for unsocialist countries, you're stuck making their clothing. ... %5B/URL%5D The great defender of the middle class. ... %5B/URL%5D Grooming income inequality in America. ... %5B/URL%5D Jokes on us.
Do people actually read those article links people post? I could find an article to suggest just about anything and use it as support. Doesn't make it any more true. Thing is, both parties suck. Democrats are total morons when it comes to economic and foreign affair issues and republicans have their heads up their asses about religion and social issues. I hate them both, just have to choose the lesser of the evils and that won't be me voting for Hilary.
It's too early for this stuff. Hope she don't stroke out on this long campaign. Maybe she will burn out and fade away.
Some read them, some don't. I already have the information on file. I'm fairly politically active and I like to read. Read them or don't read them. I'm not losing sleep over it. And while yes, you can find an article to support just about anything, some sources are more credible than others. It's usually hard to lie about the numbers though. That information is public record. So you can find accurate economic data fairly easily. Same goes for things like invading countries. You can't really keep that secret or lie about it. You just have to look. And anyone looking with reasonable amount of intelligence can easily disprove your comments. The Democrats are far from perfect, but the Republicans suck at economics and foreign policy. And no, both parties aren't the same. There are fundamental differences on economic philosophy. Republican polices favor the wealthy over the middle and lower class. But that's the wonderful thing about democracy. You can vote for whoever you want. I'll vote for who I want.
With out wealthy people there will be NO jobs created the people who run a business is not going to hire if there is not a profit to be made. no business will survive if their overhead cost is more than the profit So economics 101 more like 99 if you keep taxing the wealthy they will move their businesses to a place where a profit can be made Now let's move past the fact our tax system is no longer applicable and needs to be revised let's say you have one person who makes 250 k a year and pays a flat tax of 15% that person will pay 37,500 dollars in taxes now you have a person who makes 30k a year will pay 4500 dollars in taxes To me that is better than a person making 30k having to to be placed in the current tax bracket the which is what a little under 15%. Really either way you look at it the rich still pay more taxes than people in the middle class do but it would be a fairer tax for everyone
Here ya go Don. You should probably be a Obama supporter. This is what has happened since Obama took office.
Not too mention gun laws have become the most liberal laws that I can remember. They have even made it so you can carry a loaded firearm in federal parks. Out of control income disparity. Rampant out of control gun laws. Sound like a conservatives wet dream to me.
Think about it. If Obama hates America. He wouldn't take your guns. He would make it easier for you to get them. For everyone looney tune out there to have a gun. All the political misfits. All the fringe outcasted groups. Everyone one. Instead I hear this. We are going to shut down the ATF, because they want to ban a certain type of ammo. We have never had more freedom in regards to firearms. This has ban under Barrack Obama. We haven't sold more weapons globally since the Second World War then we have under Obama. He is a staunch supporter of the military industrial complex. People are getting rich and making money as usual. It's the middle class that is still falling behind. I expect the same under Hillary Clinton. She is beltway politician. She has been in DC since she graduated law school.
The only difference will be Hillary will try to reign back on some gun laws. You will see that in full force if she elected for a second. If she wins the upcoming election. Other then that. Expect the income gap to keep growing. Expect our arms to keep flowing.
Yes and no. Without the middle class, there would be very few people to sell products to, which is the basis of our problem now. Contrary to popular belief, wealthy people don't create jobs. Demand for products and services create jobs. People spending money create jobs. If the bulk of your population doesn't have money to spend, there's not going to be much job creation no matter how many incentives you give the wealthy class. And the wealthy class doesn't consume enough goods and services to make up the difference for the lack of a viable middle class. As for the wealthy moving their businesses, most of the ones that could already have. They've been doing it for decades. It has pros and cons. One of which is eventually the price of labor where they move to goes up and they have to find somewhere else to go. Another is doing business in a country that may or not be stable. There are ways to discourage it. One way is create tax incentives for companies that create jobs here. The opposite also works. Create tax penalties for companies that ship jobs overseas. Could the tax code be simplified? Absolutely. Both the individual and corporate tax codes are nightmares. Overly complex and difficult to understand. Will it be fixed? Doubtful. There's a reason why it's so complicated. People with a lot of money have spent a lot of money buying politicians of parties to make it that way. Contrary to what Ted Cruz says, the problem isn't the IRS. They don't write the laws. People like Ted Cruz do. Do the rich pay more? In dollar amounts, yes. They make most of the money. As a percentage of income, not always. Mitt Romney paid more dollars in taxes than me, but as a percentage of how much he makes, he didn't. Why? Because Mitt makes his money from investments, and that's taxed lower than money made by labor. Do you think it should be? I don't. Income is income. Why should Mitt pay a lower rate for moving money around accounts than some guy busting his ass on a oil rig? In addition, the working class also pays payroll taxes. Mitt and most wealthy people don't. They're not on payrolls. And philosophically, I don't have a problem with progressive tax rates. People who make more should pay more. I think it's morally repugnant to let fellow Americans, kids going without food or old people going without health care, just so some billionaire can stuff more money into a account. Jesus and Jefferson thought so too. The biggest hypocrisy of the Right is that they want a nation based on Christian values, but they don't want their tax dollars going to feed the poor or care for the sick. I'm not even a Christian and I know how messed up that is. "‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Those are real Christian values. Not freaking out about gay people getting married, evolution being taught in schools, or making sure the 10 commandments are in every courthouse. And until Republicans start actually living them, people like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee can spare me their moral lectures and self righteous indignation.
Here is another example from our socialist friends. The dipping median income since the financial collapse. Blame who you want.