To me the email server is a big problem because she said it was for bill but turns out it was hers. The other problem is because it is against the law for any federal employee to have its own email different from the .gov one they use. Who's to say she didn't delete vital information that conserned some of the allegations that she is caught up in. She also complained that she didn't want to carry more than one device for email service but yet multiple times her picture was taken with multiple devices on her plus you can use one device for multiple emails I do it for my job and only carry one device. Lieing to the people is not a good way to get elected
Technically speaking she didn't break the law. The law to use only govt email wasn't enacted til she left office. Mayb that was one of her reasons for stepping down as sec of state.
Don, you're confused. First of all, there was no rule rule saying that Clinton couldn't use a private email server during her time as Sec State. I asked you what rule or law she violated. You never answered. I'll ask you again. What rule or law did she violate? You're making the claim. Back it up. While we're on the subject of rules, there is a rule called the Presidential Records Act of 1978 which governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents that Dick Cheney violated when he and 88 other senior Bush administration officials used private RNC email accounts and private RNC servers to conduct official business. We found out about it in 2007 during the investigation into the firing of eight U.S. attorneys. As many as 22 million emails may have been deleted from those private servers. I don't recall the Republicans being outraged about it, do you? Next, no one died in Benghazi because Clinton "didn't do her job". It's not the Sec State's job to "inspect embassies". That's the Bureau of Diplomatic Security's job. Yes, as Sec State, Clinton was responsible for everything that happens in the State Department. Just like Rice and Powell were when we had diplomatic facilities attacked during Bush. As I pointed out to yesterday, I don't recall Republicans being outraged about any of those attacks, demanding investigations, or demanding that Powell and Rice resign. Do you? Now, I know conservatives like you are all "outraged" about Bengazhi, but the fact remains after eight investigations, Republicans still haven't turned up any evidence of wrong doing on the part of Obama or Clinton. None. Zip. Nada. No one was left to die. Requests for help were not ignored. No one tried to cover anything up. That's the fact. I don't care what you "think" or "feel". I deal in facts. Get some to back up your claims. While I'm being frank, I don't think people like you really care that much about Benghazi, except for hoping to use it against the Democrats. You certainly don't seem to be concerned about anyone who died in other attacks, or the thousands of Americans that died because Bush cherry picked intelligence and manipulated the country into invading Iraq. I mentioned them previously. You had no response. You went right back Benghazi. Don't those lives matter too? Or they don't count because your guys were in charge then? Why are you outraged about Benghazi, but not Iraq? By all means, explain that. Lastly, if Clinton wins in 2016 it's not because the "system failed". It's because she beat the other candidate and got more votes. That's how it works.
Are you illiterate? Have you no reading comprehension skills at all? Don was saying that Obama has more than doubled Bush's increase to the debt. He never said Obama doubled the debt. His math: bush increase to debt =4.3T Obama increase to debt =7.7T Which isn't quite double, but obamas term isn't quite over.
Actually, he did. Here's what he said: What part of "National debt was at 10.3 when bush left office with 4.9 tril during his whole 8 years as of now national debt is 18 tril which is INFACT MORE THAN DOUBLED WHAT BUSH did in 8 years" are you not understanding as saying Obama doubled the debt? If you're illiterate or have a reading comprehension problem, I'll explain it to you. While I'm at it, 7.7T isn't "MORE THAN DOUBLED" than 4.3T either. Either way he's wrong. If you'd like, we can discuss which polices created that debt. I love discussing polices and what they cost.
Don't hate on me because I have facts and figures to back my claims up. Hate yourself because your party sucked so bad at at governing.
Yes yes. You are correct.... He stated: Obama added MORE THAN DOUBLE WHAT BUSH did.... I think the problem here is you think the debt was 0 when bush entered and 10.3T when bush left. Which is wrong. you argued with me, while proving me right. You still fail to either 1 comprehend what he stated. Or 2. Fail to realize bush entered office with debt as well. It is true that 7.7T added by Obama is not double the 4.3T added by bush.... Double would be 8.6T. He is a whole 900b off. Still, you can not claim that a president who has had 7.7T added to the debt during his presidency is a good president. Obama is a childish leader. "You don't agree with me, I'll so it by executive order." News flash, obamas job isn't to create laws. If he wanted that job he should have ran for congress. Obama is a shitty president. Not to mention, he paraded school children around to push his anti gun agenda. If you can't get a law passed using his methods, it's probably not a good idea.
Correct. Hes not in ofiz to create los. That is congress job. And they are not doing nothing. So, basically they are committing fraud by being paid. Obama signs executive orders as last resort.
Responsibilities of sec of state includes Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries National debt as of now is 18 tril we still have 8 months to this year and next year to be included which means Obama has doubled the national debt from when bush was president We are still at a negative growth for jobs created our gdp to actual money people earn is lower than when bush was president Law Hillary Clinton broke was the freedom of information act that was passed July 1966
If you want to hold Clinton personally responsible for the safety of every American citizen overseas, that's your prerogative. I find it amusing though that you don't have the same standard for Republican Sec States, but then I've come to expect hypocrisy from conservatives. CBO forecast on January 26, 2015 that the national debt will rise by a bit more than half a trillion dollars for the next two years, which will leave the nation with a $19.1 trillion debt by the time Obama leaves office. So no, Obama hasn't doubled the debt yet and CBO isn't predicting he will, though he will come close. You keep insisting he has. I can either surmise you're still confused about it, or simply not telling the truth. Either way, since debt seems to be bothering you, maybe this chart will help: Debt isn't simply a matter of spending. Income plays a factor as well. If your paycheck gets cut, your debt can go up even if your spending doesn't. Notice what happened in 2009, the year Obama took office. Spending, indicated in red, shot up. Revenue, indicated in blue, plummeted. That's why the deficits were so large. Now, before you get all excited, keep in mind FY 2009 wasn't Obama. FY 2009 was Bush's last budget. Obama did add about 200 billion to it, but the bulk of it was budgeted before he took office. The deficit was a whopping $1.2 trillion the day Obama walked through the door. Don't just take my word for. Here's what the Libertarians said: Don’t Blame Obama for Bush’s 2009 Deficit ... 09-deficit That's why we've had such big spending numbers and deficits. Spending levels were already high when Obama took over and revenue was tanked. One can argue that Obama should have cut spending but that's not the smart thing to do when your economy is in the toilet. Spending cuts would have further damaged the economy. We're still not out of the woods in that regard either. So it's pretty dishonest for conservatives to come here and whine about Obama and debt. Obama didn't create the mess. He inherited it. Unlike Bush, who inherited budget surpluses and turned them into record deficits. I'm not really clear as what you're trying to say about "negative growth for jobs created our gdp to actual money people earn". Wages are stagnant? No kidding. Wages have been stagnate since 1979. It didn't start with Obama. 2014 Continues a 35-Year Trend of Broad-Based Wage Stagnation And what exactly do you want Obama to do about them? He can't force the private sector to increase wages. He's done what he could and asked for a minimum wages increase, but the only thing that's going to increase wages is a shorter supply of labor, and that's not going to happen until demand for goods and services increases. Maybe not even then. Incomes weren't that great under Bush either. They declined compared to what they were during the Clinton years. It's a long term trend, remember? Lastly, as to Clinton violating the FOIA, Justice Department lawyers say otherwise. And they're using legal precedent set by SCOTUS regarding files of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and records of the Iran-Contra investigation to back their case. Could the DOJ be overruled? Maybe, but it's doubtful. Republicans have plenty of things they don't want to release either.
So many big name conservatives said the same thing when President Obama was elected (and also when President Bill Clinton was elected. Sadly, they never followed through on their promises. Who knows, perhaps it was because they like to exaggerate and stir panic and fear, but never have any intention on acting on their words. Anyway, I can tell you are different. You actually will leave, and are not simply saying stupid things. Have fun living somewhere else
i must point out Hillary is unqualified to lead anything yet will likely win due to the same reason Obama did (no one wants to look insensitive) most voters are absolute idiots. That is all.
Its like when you were in middle school and you ran for class president. You talked about getting vending machines, recess,better lunch food, and soda fountains instead of water fountains. Do people actually believe in pinky promises anymore? ESPECIALLY from our corrupt government, whether Democrat or republican... its all just distractions to keep us from finding out who the real person in charge is.
I hope the political campaigners stop using G. Bush as a way to sell their favorite candidates. I seen a post about Bush squandering the money on Iraq. As if the democrats weren't right inline with Bush. "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security. This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction." Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York) Addressing the US Senate October 10, 2002 This is Hillary selling the Iraq War.
She's just a hypocrite, but this thread isn't about Hilary Clinton the cheated on wife of bill Clinton, it's about jilari the jihad cat.