Heehee, wait until Camp Cliton opens up. We can all learn like you Salty. It'll be great! Adult Fun Camp 2016. Vote for it!!
What lies were told about Benghazi? We had seven or eight investigations so far and I don't recall anyone proving there were lies told. You brought it up, so by all means, tell us what lies you're referring to. And what about her Gmail and personal server? She didn't violate any rules. If she had, the GOP Congress would be screaming for her to be charged with something. They aren't. True, I would have done it differently, but the fact is she didn't break any laws or rules. Millions in legal fees for Whitewater? Seriously? Republicans spent $70 million tax dollars investigating Whitewater. They found nothing. They expanded the investigation and kept looking at everything they could until they finally found something. Bill got a hummer from Monica Lewinsky. The horror. Her husband was impeached for getting a hummer, by a GOP congress being led by Newt Gingrich, who was cheating on his wife at the time with his staffer. Yeah, it was that hypocritical. I didn't lose sleep over it then. I don't lose sleep over it now. Fact is, Bill was a popular President. He still is. He ranks right there with Reagan in popularity. Good luck trying to use Bill against her. Benghazi is a dry hole. There's nothing there. We've investigated it eight times. Even the GOP led investigations said there's nothing there. Gowdy isn't going to find anything either. If you have your hopes pinned on Gowdy, you're going to be out of luck. Personally, I think the whole thing highlights just how hypocritical and unhinged the Republicans have become. Four Americans die and the Republicans are "outraged" and demand non stop investigations. Thousands died during the 9/11 attack and the Republicans had to be forced to open an investigation. It took over a year AFTER the attack before they did. And there were no investigations of any of the other attacks we suffered during the Bush years. Benghazi? Yeah, spare me the outrage. A strong President to help restore American strength on Homefront? As I recall, the last guy we had was a "strong" President and he's the one mostly responsible for the Homefront needing to be restored. It was on his watch that the economy collapsed and on his watch that we wasted trillions on wars. Things that the GOP has done little to fix. Hell, the GOP is busy trying to get us into another right now. No thanks. Hillary isn't my first choice, but she's miles above anything I see the GOP offering right now.
Kaw didn't give us a second chance. Completely off topic, but I want to set the record straight for moronic comments such as these. Our accounts were and STILL are banned. We started over. Our accounts are new, not the same, get it? Different accounts, old ones still BANNED. Let me rephrase this since the developers made it so public and never should have posted original bans in forums, for continuous harassment from idiots who don't get it. OUR ACCOUNTS ARE STILL BANNED! We STARTED NEW ACCOUNTS. So, what? Since our accounts were banned, we aren't able to start new accounts on new devices? Tired of idiotic statements from people who seem to think we magically made our accounts come back from the dead. Developers should never have posted forums, especially since they didn't point fingers at the most recent bans. But hey, that's ok. Guess our bans were so important that ATA made their own thread about us. Bears are sexy critters. That's why they took the time to let the world know about us No second chance. Since you tried to bring something up as a failed analogy, and maybe try to somehow touch on a topic, which shows amazing ignorance. Different phone, different accounts, different topic. So glad people like you continue to bring up 2++++ year old news. Wait, notice we have our names back? Dev's hate us so much still I see. Oh wait! All star achievements too Oh look! More achievements we had! I asked that they not give our old accounts back. We didn't want them. We are much smexier now than we were before
Anyone thinking that Obama made a dime has only read into the political BS coming from the left. Obama more than doubled the national debt. His spending has created the single largest, per person financial debt this country has ever seen. The amount of money is so enormous, that people will be paying for this disaster for generations to come. We are now set up for economic collapse. Is this a single person or a single president's fault? No, it isn't. However, the last thing we needed on top of the economic downturn, the bail outs of most auto makers, the real estate collapse, is more spending. Each man, woman and child in the US would have to pay $67,000 to pay off this debt. That would mean even new born babies would have to immediately go to work and make that money. When you break this debt down to what those who work are capable of paying, the cost is more like $275,000 per person. Since this isn't achievable, the interest rate on this goes up, not in a linear fashion, but instead grows exponentially. We are left with utter financial collapse. The road has been paved. On top of that, The US doesn't make anything any more except more money, the oil dollar and weapons. That is it. We've become a consumer. One of the largest consumers on the planet, and consume economies do not work. They always fail. Rome was a consumer economy and they failed fast. A strong president right now would open up full scale manufacturing and give companies the tools they need to succeed on a manufacturing level. Instead, it's being shut down even further with regulations, EPA, massive taxes and not enough manufacturing incentives to allow businesses to compete or export trade. The only thing left is for the fat lady to sing. We need a business minded president, one which will allow for modifications to NAFTA, one which will close borders and keep jobs in America. This likely won't be a popular president at first, but will help the country start on the road to recovery.
Um, no. Obama hasn't "more than more than doubled the national debt". Here's the numbers: When Bush’s term started Jan. 20, 2001, the gross federal debt was $5.73 trillion. At the end of his term, Jan. 20, 2009, the gross federal debt was $10.63 trillion. This means that the debt just about doubled under Bush. The gross federal debt under Obama -- as of April 7, 2015 -- is $18.15 trillion. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter ... ok-office/ For Obama to "more than double the debt", it'd have to be over $20 trillion. It's not. Furthermore, the debt increase isn't a result of Obama's spending. "Obama has presided over the slowest growth in spending of any president using raw dollars, and it was the second-slowest if you adjust for inflation." http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter ... -lowest-s/ So why the big increase in debt if spending increases under Obama have been so low? Mostly factors in place before Obama took office. "Those factors include tax cuts enacted under Bush and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which were started by the Bush administration, as well as the stimulus bill and another tax cut deal approved by Obama." http://www.politifact.com/new-jersey/st ... us-43-pre/ If you're upset about debt, the people you need to be sending angry letters to is George Bush and the Republican party. They're the ones that inherited budget surpluses and turned them into record deficits. Obama's the guy who inherited the mess. The numbers prove it. We don't need a businesses minded president. What we need is a President and Congress that understands economics. The problem isn't that we've become a consumer economy. We've always been a consumer economy. The problem isn't regulations, EPA, or massive taxes. Federal taxes are actually historically low. The problem is we're running out of people with money to consume. It's a global lack of demand caused by high unemployment and low wage growth. Cutting taxes and deregulating isn't going to fix that no matter what the GOP says. In fact, Republican economic polices are largely responsible for the problem. Reaganomics doesn't work. All it does is create a massive upward redistribution of income. It makes rich people richer at the expense for the middle and lower class. We don't need a business minded president. Being "business minded" is what got us into this mess. What we need is a President and a Congress who's going to stop running the government to favor the wealthy and big businesses.
@Poppabear you are naive to think that a president can do anything about switching the US economy from a consumer one to a productive one. Why? Simple. Minimum wage in Mexico is $5/day. In USA is $7.5$/hour. Government can't cover that difference. The only way is for americans to lower their demands and to work for same money. Are you willing to work for $5/day? How many of people you know are willing to work for $5/day? USA economy is sick. And any cure will be painful for most of USA citizens.
yah we should lower the minimum wage here so just like all the other countries we cant buy anything either (giggle) noone able to buy anything should fix the economy right up (wink)
Bushes whole 8 years the national debt rose 4.9 tril in the first 3 years Obamas national debt rose to 4.9 that's a 43% increase in 3 years. National debt was at 10.3 when bush left office with 4.9 tril during his whole 8 years as of now national debt is 18 tril which is INFACT MORE THAN DOUBLED WHAT BUSH did in 8 years