I think that the Clinton's should have a second chance, but not now. Maybe in 50 years, we can talk about chances. But not right now.
Lets pretend for a sec hilari is not elected for prez. Who then? Uh? Tell me i dare u. Cruz? Randy? Rubio? Who? Nobody is more capable than Hillary. Accept it.
I don't know exactly who is the best president possibility, but if Romney ran again I would vote for him. And I'm not a crazy redneck gun-toting nutcase. I'm going to give a really good reason why, and just hear me out. Obama really really messed up this country. Mitt Romney made his millions buying failing companies for cheap, then fixing those companies and making them better. Then he would sell those companies for a huge profit. He was a turn around expert. He was what the country needed- someone who makes organizations better. But that's my belief. If Romney ran again (and I'm pretty sure he's not, but you never know), I would vote for him.
Internet slang for 'admiring' example: Ya mirin me bro? Correct. *sexist And lets not look at the persons gender, i think what they bring to the table is much more important than 'hurr hurr a female president' sure she'll be a female president but what is she bringing to the table? what good will she do for the usa? To me its more what the person can do, regarless of the gender since we are both capable of doing great things. Also note that even in the usa (and canada) men and women alike face sexism, most of it not bad as most of the world, but some pretty bad.. lol :lol: Idk man, he sees the country more as a business than a nation of 'united' people.
And what do you do in a business? You make sure you don't have debt (cut down the 17 trillion Obama made), decrease spending (less wasted money, which is always good), and they train employees better (better schools). Just a thought. I don't think he would be the best president we've ever had, but he would be a great one.
From what I just researched, the debt has only increased by 7.4B under his presidency. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the ... -7-charts/
he wont be so focused on the people, he'll be more fixated on the economy. which bad and good, because he can really help your economy but i doubt he'd care about the people, like rights and stuff of a sort.
I was messing around a few months back, and thought of a great idea. The Clinton's should drop the DNC, and run as true independents with a populist agenda. They should call their campaign, The Clinton's Revenge. Bill would make a awesome First Lady. I think they could win it with the DNC. As a couple. The Billary Administation.
Really she should have been president the past 6 years 83 days 10 hours 33 minutes 40..41..42 seconds.