Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. No support for rancor levels for no matches. People on here complaining about no matches are the same people crippling the system by roster stacking with sh and exploiting the flawed and outdated plunder system. Fix the system, dont reward the exploiters for crippling the matching system. I love the idea of lb/sh stacked rosters matching themselves, would see that exploitation die pretty quickly if they all had to war each other and face defeats rather than current situation they either get certain victory against a mid clan or a no match... and then have the nerve to cry about the no match and beg for handouts. Stacking a roster to exploit plunder mechanics is not a skill, get over yourselves and adjust your rosters to include mid builds to tighten your clans hit ratio, or be happy with your no matches...
  2. Give rancor for no matches is will grately increase participation. All these people see a chance to no match and get mith and equips, so they all participate and then they all get matched up and get hooked. Increase TVP payout also to about 40+ mith. Pretty much we get half of what we normally get for winning. Also, you receive a spell when you no match with no effect and lasts like EE does. When you get a 2nd no match in a row it turns into a level of EE. This would make no matches more attractive and it seems like it could be easy to abuse like losing. The difference is you have to be prepared to war if you match someone trying the same thing. Then you are forced to fight and could lose everything you no matched for. I believe it would increase activity to take a little short term abuse.
  3. The sh or gh exploit as it's called isn't an exploit it's a reason to get all build types in a position to war earlier enough in your kaweer!
    Gh/sh don't have towers and don't use def pots! Both reduce payout, ever warred an eb build in ee, the payout for successful actions is far superior to any towered build, is that a exploit?!? No it's a standard!
    Let's be right all builds deserve a chance to war!
    I personally feel the main problem is allies! This is what can be and is abused my a number of clans! Whether hiring after match up or lb/sh stacking!
    If you remove allies from the match up situation ie so it has no bearing on strength during war! That removes 90pc of the problems, people will then only be warring with bfe and CS!
    Allie strength could be removed during the last hour (mith up time, if woc is cast)! Or something like that!
    Your then in a position then where hit ratios are tightened further as most will be able to hit each other and getting the right builds becomes a priority not how you roster is stacked!
    This opens up a whole new strategy for building rosters! All bigs vs all bigs, eb vs eb, bigs and small stacked, smalls v smalls! As you've reduced your margin for no match and roster stacking down by half!
    It'd bring back the skill of trackers, wcs to the forefront and not the constant moaning that's constantly bleeding through the forums!
    The problem is whatever suggestions/solutions are made someone will find a way to abuse/manipulate!
  4. And no support for rancour for nm!
  5. Back. Reading through all the posts now.
  6. <waves hand at kaw_admin>

    You will fix the matchup system now.

    (Jedi mind trick ... nothing else seems to work)

    "Do or do not ... There is no try." - Yoda
  7. Holy crap. The way we're going, it's gonna be hard for admins to accommodate everyone. I personally think that the admins are doing a pretty good job. Keep it up kaw admins.
  8. Do 11 man roster
    you cant do preseason 11 man and expect most clans to be ready for 25 look at the drop from pre to post im sure its big i know it was a big curve ball for us
  9. kaw_admin, quote this part of my post.


    Quote that, and say support. I honestly doubt you will but let's see how fun you are.


    Yeah the matchup needs work. Everything needed to be said has been already, I'll await the Adkins quote of me...
  10. TVP should be removed completely. What if clan of all small players ~200k cs decided to war? They are getting a no match and are forced to do TVP if they want mith, buy there is no chance for them to win. TVP is a fail EB all together and needs to be removed.
  11. Has anyone done the math on how many of the "No Match" clans are heavy on Small hansel type builds? Seems like most of the clans that have little to no small hansels don't often get a "No Match" Don't know if this is intentional to punish the clans trying to game the system or just an honest byproduct, but I'd love to see the actual stats.
  12. @Mesco Page 1

    The whole "verbally" attacking KA has already been done. Stop trying to get known again, your candle light has already been extinguished.
  13. Support.
  14. And that about sums it up. Little to no responses to any of the important concerns, but a near immediate quote of something stupid in order to seem fun.

    Well played.

    No wait, the exact opposite.
  15. Oh, Admin. Love ya babe.
  16. It's very important to alienate your paying customer base, while catering to childish drivel. What a waste of a damp post.
  17. @tmh,
    Admin has replied numerous times in various threads on various topics, they want feedback and they're getting it. Other than "O hai dair, we are working on it, thanks!" over and over again, what else do you want reply wise? There isn't much else to say, other than the odd reply to keep you doubters sure that they're reviewing the thread.
  18. Hey tmh how are you tonight? I'm still reading through the thread but I thought it would be fun to reply to that post. I apologize.
  19. I do not support rancor lvl 1 for no matches either. There will be countless ways to get to 50 with that loop hole. The system needs fixing and that should take care of no matches.

    And I still do not see the point in TVP being given to clans with no matches. Just remove it, it is a waste of your time and ours. See how many have mith casted and pay them back accordingly to what you deem suitable and move on.
  20. @kaw_admin,

    WOOH I JUST CORRECTED kaw_admin!