Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Also - Try Clarifying "Low Hit Ratio"

    $3,200 - $8,000 USD per week in lost revenues 

    We are tired of this canned response. If you want us to do something with roster mix, say something - Like...... Try adding more attack builds, lower your overall BFA, increase your BFE - you used to do this in previous seasons, your getting lazy and doesn't help the community improve

    After all, isn't the goal to increase participation in EE wars? You leave cash on the table with every no match, calculated as follows

    20 members x 1-2 xstalls per clan $20-40 in xstalls every clan x 20 No Matched clans = $400-800

    8-10 no matches per week on average = $3,200 - $8,000 per week you are leaving on the table EACH WEEK

    I think your Profit
  2. I think your Profit and Loss Statements most of all your Customers deserve better than "Poor Hit Ratio" if you want us to continue to spend money
  3. It still comes back to fixing the formulas.

    1: Fix plunder formulas to account for true strength not just cs. This will finally rid of of the ever pervasive guild hansel roster stacking. Or at least make it less of a standard.

    2: Fix matchup formulas to include average strength instead of full strength since many are towered and have high bfe/bfa that completely skew the outcome of wars.
  4. Your best solution lies in first changing your name from A Thinking Ape to A Working Ape.

    If you still need a thread for feedback after a 100 different threads already by the players suggesting what needs to change then you, ATA, have no business running EE. Give it out to a 3rd party vendor that knows what they are doing and just pay them to fix it for you :ugeek:
  5. 11vs11
  6. Skippeyeddo on Page 7 did a more accurate representation of the exact math

    What business chooses to loose $4,300 in one week? Thank goodness you don't have shareholders to answer too lol
  7. I know I- as well as many others stopped spending on these wars. I haven't had to buy a new xtal pack this season yet. Normally I buy quite a few xtal packs during seasons and xtal to grow in between wars and literally do just about every war. I'm not going to spend my money on a game that I feel like is screwing my build by nearly eliminating 2 hour wars and matching clans with several massive leader boards to a clan with one LB from bottom 150 or none at all. Your match ups are just- terrible. Ever since you started counting bfe everything just went to crap.
  8. Well, it's now been 3 hours since Kaw Admin left to go to lunch. I need a job like that! 

    Now that they've made their obligatory "we hear you... we are listening... blah blah blah" thread, we'll see how much they follow up on it. Frankly, I'm not going to hold my breath. They've been "out to lunch" this entire season. 
  9. My build is now outdated and undesirable for EEs. I may tinker with it a bit, but spend real money for a complete remodel, forget about it.
    Admit it kaw, EEs are a bust and move on before your player base does. And what about that long promised all star war?
  10. Taking in to consideration what everyone has said I think a fair compensation would be 1 rancor Lvl upon completion of the TVP. Now that the exploit of running multiple TVPs has been fixed I think that rancor compensation at end of TVP is more than fair. I'd even take no mith at the end of TVP for 1 rancor level.

    And like many others we need more clarification of what you're looking at. More of an explanation than "low hit ratio." Stop being lazy and let us know more in depth analysis. Stop leaving money on the table. Provide more in-depth feedback to players get more matches and you all make more money. Personally I think players deserve more information for all the work put in to just get a no match and told we have a low hit ratio
  11. My idea is pretty simply explained. I think devs should implement some kind of plunder system for assassinations in ee only. So just like plunder from attacks being bases off build and allies the plunder for assassinations would be similar. I feel this idea will help make ee wars more fun for Hansel type builds and make people have to ee in a more strategically way.
  12. Zero support for anyone getting any rancor for a no match. ZERO. That's just a load a crap, people begging for handouts. If you want matches every time then add more mids in, you'll get matches. You won't have easy blowout wins from your stacked roster, you'll actually have to fight a little more. But if you want matches you can get them by loading your roster with mids.

  13. Kaw_admin gets all of you with the same Jedi mind trick over and over.

    Please tell us how to improve this. It will help us for NEXT season.

    We will work out the issues during the preseason and test things out so it will all be good for NEXT season of wars.

    I'm losing my mind reading all the same suggestions that where brought up during after season 1, during season 2 and the preseason. Great ideas/suggestions/fixes that weren't implemented then, and won't be implemented ever!
    Now I'm placing bets on season 4 being the exact same thing, with different a different paint job 
  14. Although I've quit warring, I've still followed it all pretty closely. The best idea I've seen and one that I believe should at least be tried is basically an internal clan hit ratio. Meaning, the smallest player in your roster should be required to have a certain hit ratio vs the largest player in your roster. Maybe not exactly that but something alone those lines, bottom 50% has to have a certain hit ratio vs top 50% maybe.

    I apologize for not remembering who originally came up with this idea and don't want to take credit for it.
  15. The dif between s1 and now is size and equiped, theres only a couple types of builds that are getting to war this season fully equiped lb and big (equiped) mids ps and sh with half roster being sh

    So how would one be able to get a chance to ee this season
    The only way in if nvr warred would be to grow and get all eb equip then go sh

    There needs to be a way into being able to ee like put mith back into sw so people can get the basic mith equip so they can be accepted to war
    There also needs to be a way for people to get xtls to war with not everyone has the luxury of spending there rent money on a game. this is a must to keep ee going or just take xtls out of ee all together (yea right)

    Since theres such a big spread from sh to lb maybe match clans based on how many sh to lb members casted and all factors need to be accounted for bfa,bfe,cs maybe nurf bfa all together since such a wide aray would lead to more miss matches and no matches

    nvr mind just scrap ee and put mith back in sw and let us decide lol

    Lots of great ideas people are throwing out there devs i think just in this thread you have more than e nuf to work with please make it happen ASAP
  16. This internal clan hit ratio idea does nothing to fix the problem! Its posted by people that obviously have no idea how small you really have to be in order to hit the top of a non top 50 lb player. So your saying a lb/sh clan would have to add an extra 1-2m cs max on their current sh to get them into this artificial bracket. A standard 4m cs sh (add some ice trees or troop attk on hf) plus a few Tril in allies (easy to get as a sh) and your now a mid bracket sh, slightly bigger but much larger hit ratio foot print. This fixes nothing on a clans relative strength profile and their ability to draw balanced rosters at will.
  17. I agree tmh! No free rancor! That will only promote more little shitty builds.
    Hell! The price for T4 was cut by 1/2 yet the system that is currently backed by the player base does not condone growth at all. It's ridiculous!
    Show the community that you give a crap KaW!
    Show us that our loyalty to KaW is justified!
    Make the changes before your flagship sinks.
    Don't put all of your faith in your new game that's in beta testing. Screw us here, we will never even try it. ️
  18. Just saying: I get a match every single time I sign up my clan.

    Wanna know my secret?

    No trying to exploit the system! No SH ️

    NO SH = Match

    Try it out!

    NO SH 
  19. I haven't had time to read all the points in this thread... But pretty much what Fonz said sums it up.

    The main reason there are so many not matches is one because there is too much exploitation on hit ranges with SH. I think this has been talked about for multiple seasons and there's no reason you shouldn't have properly addressed it yet.

    The other reason, is simply because not enough clans are signing up. Why aren't they signing up? Because the majority of people aren't having fun. Why aren't they having fun? Because you've created a system were only one type of clan can win... A mixture of high power ADT tanks and little SH/GH. This whole EE idea was supposed to be getting away from the old school turtle wars.. And it's only gotten worse.

    So again the answer is SH/GH. Eliminate that exploit, and people will both get more matches and also more clans can start participating and having fun.

    How many times do you need to see this same damn post!!!!

    FIX IT

    Thanks 