Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Each build has its own advantage, SH/GH are better for wars that's just their advantage. They have many other disadvantages like small stats. If you don't like the way GH/SH work in EE then don't war. EE is their advantage, convert to SH/GH or a tower build or shut up.
  2. @KAW_ADMIN,

    Im sure EVERYONE here wants to know why a clan with 1 or 2 LB players, will match a clan with no LB players at all.

    Examples are clans that use high top stats and bfa, and low sos 1 bottoms. (Basically every clan) A HUGE example is Rising Hawks.

    We want to see LB against LB and less of this huge mismatches in which there is one or two guys you cant even touch.

    ANOTHER point i wanted to talk about is HIT RATIO: Even though you MAY be able to hit the player, with the CURRENT hit ratio, by NO means you will be successful. Try basing hit ratio on % you will succeed with attack instead of just being able to hit.

  3. @Kaw_Admin: The reason your war system is broken is the ease at which clans can manipulate their hit ratios/relative strength. I am going to use simple terms here, as I know there are additional hit ratio brackets not identified here, but Im going to focus on the three important ones currently being manipulated. Bigs (out of the hit range on a standard sh), Mids (typically can hit an entire roster. Typically 3/4m cs upto around 18m cs depending on bfa) and SHs ( can hit mids and shs). There are smaller gh/sh classifications but main war clans do not use them due to their impact on hit ratios. By doing some simple roster testing anyone can identify who falls in each category.

    Next, you build a roster to target certain roster ratios. Rising hawks in war 15 used a 5/5/10 ratio of roster building. 5 Bigs/5 mids/10sh. Now if you actually looked at their roster youd say Im an idiot, they have 6 bigs and 14 shs. But hut ratios have nothing to do with the gap in size between an 18m attk build with no bfa and a 3m cs sh with massive bfa. They have the same exact hit ratio impact! So clans have figured out they can put a few lb/near lb bigs on a roster, then sandbag a few massive bfa shs to lower overall stength, then control hit ratios with more strength lowering sh. They intentionally are targetting balanced built rosters who use alot of "mid" built warriors. A 5/5/10 roster has a hit ratio profile of 75% to another 5/5/10 roster. A 6/5/10 will fall just under 75% and these two evenly built/matched clans will never match up. Simple weighted averages tell you what you can and cant draw. A balanced roster has zero chance of beating a lb/sh clan but a near certainty to drawing these clans due to their hit ratios lining up.

    Until you start taking stastical measures of a rosters standard deviation, variance, and relative strength range, your war system will continue to be broken.

    For all you complaining about no matches, its your own fault for using too many bigs and shs with no mids to improve your hit ratios. For all you clans getting the shaft on matchups, dont use too many mids. Bigs help lower hit ratio against lb stacking clans. You can thank me later.
  4. The best idea I have seen on the whole EE / PVP Topic was to make payout based on true strength CS/BFE/BFA not just CS that would greatly even the pvp pay in ee wars making a Gh with massive bfe:bfa actuly pay during pvp and possibly make less than a mid size player would to them then people would grow more and the SH that are around wouldn't make huge profit while givin away penuts when attacked which is the main problem with them in rosters now you have iether huge tanks people fail against or tiny SH that pay nothing but are so stacked they can succeed on people 3 or 4 times their CS ot would help with the SH problem and encourage growth making war appealing to more people including mid size people ( MORE PEOPLE MORE MATCHES MORE XTALS MORE MONEY TO YOU MORE FUN FOR ALL )
  5. Revenant, totally nailed it. Nice post
  6. Team wars. 2 clans vs 2 clans or whatever 2 small clans against a big clan or a big and a small on each side these could go higher 3 4 Maby even 5 they would even the match out and have a much larger plunder pot and less no matches
  7. REV ONE OF THE BEST BREAK DOWNS IVE SEEN  AND YOUR CORRECT, but as im about to beat this bush again -- why not make them pay per hit -- that kills the advantage
  8. Basing pvp pay on true strength would mean that a SH like mine with 280 mil bfe and 56 mil bfa would actually pay as if it was a 10 mil CS acct which it is based on true strength and a mid size player with lower bfe/bfa would actually not make him huge profit while a mid size player could attack him and actually make a profit from it as that is actually the harder attack so pay would actually be based in the difficulty of the attack not just CS
  9. To everyone posting, how is this not déjà vu? Do you not remember the threads they've made in the past, in past seasons, with the same problems? Do you not remember giving your ideas then? What happened? Wake up...
  10. @ Minas

    "...Either convert to a SH/GH or a tower build or shut up." No offense, bud, but that statement epitomizes what's wrong with this season. We are trying to get MORE builds involved in warring, not less. More people warring will hopefully lead to matches being made more often, and (if the devs can ever get their stuff together) a way to save this season can be found. You were complaining on page 4 that a level of Rancor should be awarded for a no match because you will have a hard time reaching level 50.

    Not trying to flame... Just trying to point out how your two posts seem to contradict each other bud.

    Peace ️
  11. Unfortunately, getting sh to pay more wont help the problem. If you're actually paying attention, the top tier clans are already taking off most of the equip on SH to further lower their relative strength impact. This makes shs even smaller on the lb/sh stacking clans. Shs fighting shs dont need a ton of equip.

    Im fully aware im throwing away any knowledge advantage I may or may not have, but I want fair matchups that dont require clans to game the system. No clan should ever have a 20-30 match unbeaten streak when your fighting evenly matched clans, let alone 130+. That's completely ridiculous.
  12. I posted the answer in another thread but I'll post here too. If you want to help the match-up system, fix what's broke. Put player CS limits on wars. A minimum & max CS for all wars where everyone is in a fair hit range of each other. Let all under 3mil cs have a war, then say, 3-6mil war each other & so on. Count bfa into the match-ups a well. Let's face the facts, whatever you do someone is gonna find a way to exploit it (or as some call "strategy"). At least if you base it off CS limits &bfa it'll give EVERYONE a chance to war regardless of size.
  13. Well part of the problem is the failed solution to the former problem ... Yup the gh nerf not only has it failed , but has created a newer larger problem the sh , can hit much higher on opps roster with same result pays out crap but earns good plunder .this ain't rocket science to successfully run EE match ups u need human input , algorithms and hit ratios don't involve common sense. Before issuing matches look at rosters make sure both sides CAN win . As for no matches offer support to clan owners getting nm as to what they need to change
  14. The real problem is devs try to satisfy everyone, which is not possible, people need to understand why EE changed so much since it started, s1 was pretty good overall, we won a lot also lost some. There were a lot complains too, about no match, bad match, bfe and gh, in between s1 and s2, the changes were made to address those complain, add bfe to the match, it didn't help much for the losing clans, so people blame gh, most people think such small build not suppose have those eq, at that time gh can't have bfa, at least in our clan, our gh can't have any bfa because it will creat no match.
    Then because all those complains, people crying for no match rather then "bad match", devs start to address the gh first by adding the hit ratio thing, which created a lot no match and bad match for us, I remember one war we were against DR, all of our 6 gh can't hit anyone of other clan, that leave us 21 vs 27, although we manage to win the war, but we think we need to change our roster to get better match or even match, if we could have match with 6 people without any targets, we have to increase the number of gh, because any thing less then 6 could end up with the same result, so we tried 8-9 gh, too many no match, 10-13 gh better, less no match, so people start to call us stacking roster, more complain about gh, people on forum even start to calling out our clan name.
    So more change for for gh, reduce the plunder and tighten the hit range for gh, the plunder for the reduce about 30%, a lots people complain about it, also a lots people were really happy, instead of complain, I tested all the build, spend about 500b gold, found that lvl 1 SOS will give me better plunder then gh, so I changed my build to so call sh, so as my clan mate, with the success we have in EE, other people start to realize and adopt the build.
    The changes never end here, more changes were coming in, the war type was the biggest change, from traditional war to adv and random war, which forced us to change our build, in s1, take control at the start was very important, so all of our gh have to have at least 1.6 - 2 mil sdt, which make us a mid build, pay same as a 6mil cs attack build, and we can't have any bfa, with the new system, the plunder is more important at start, we were forced tear down all our tower and build bfa because the plunder and hit ratio.
    Between s2 and s3, we also change our roster a lot to increase the chance to get match, we don't really care who we match, we just want match, we don't like tvp, we almost never run tvp after no match, I know some clan try to aim small clan, we don't, we don't care who we match, we don't care if we were out matched. What we find is that if we put 15-16 sh in our roster would give us the best chance to get match, which is our current roster set up, many clan copied us also draws a lots complains, also the complain form our own member, because less attk build can war, but to increase our chance to get a match, we have no choice, it's not that we want this roster, we were forced to have this roster.
    I said a lot about our clan, because my clan history can tell a lot about the EE right now, when people complain about something, you need becareful what you are asking for, the result of today's EE is because the devs try to satisfy everyone, try to take care everyone's complain, kaw didn't change for our clan, we changed our build and roster base on the changes of kaw, just remember this, nothing can make everyone happy, whatever changes devs make, we will change our build or roster to be successful, with all the changes made after s1, our record are 260 win 1 lost!
  15. Thank you for making this thread 
    Im hoping Season 4 lots of the ideas and comments people have suggested may help towards a solution.
    Theres a few small minor things i think could be implemented this season still that could make a teeny difference ...
    War times- please please rethink the times - season 2 times were great- chaos wars by the end were great - S3 times are awful and has affected sign-ups
    With the no match ups - no one is going to get level 50 so just go straight to 4 levels each win, itll save the moaning lol
    Switch up roster sizes throughout the week, have some 11 man rosters, popular wars have 29 people again - that way something for everyone
    And finally ...
    Controversial but.... Turn off the dts/dtw permanently. I remember clans started warring bigger rosters to avoid GH- trust me after a few wars of SH whipping your ass, clans will start trying to avoid them again 
    Turn off
  16. this has been mentioned as far back as season 1 but im gonna throw it out here again…make divisions like other sports do…mith payout based on division…higher cs/division/higher mith…clans can move up but not down…wanna war as a puny sh? then deal with very small mith return…bigger players in those tiny clans get same to avoid exploits…noob clans can slug it out with option every 3wks to move up…smallest clan gets left out of match ups …then people cant complain about bad matchups…thats about as close as it can get being fair…make a computer generated schedule…top two in each division go to "playoffs" in a two out of three format…maybe a random "wild card" team can get in as well
  17. Can't you for once help us get matches admin? What can we do?

    Reflect a little over your own War Matchup posts please.
    Not rarely do you post "Good potential for mattch, unfortunatly all clans had already been matched resulting in bad matches"

    And that's just fine, but when 6 of the 8 biggest clans get's the same do that work? How can 8 clans who all try to match eachother (yes we do spy on our neighbours and mirrors rosters to get a better chance of match) and only 2 of them match....and with 2 clans matched all the rest goes in the bin.

    To me, that means that out of 8 clans only one(!) managed to put togheter a magic roster being able to have a good match with 7 clans, while those 7 could only match one, the one with the magic roster.

    So please, tell us how to make that magic roster that would make a good match with 7-8 clans at a time dammit!
  18. Have a mechanism that allows looking for war wannabe option to be auto assign to warring clan
  19. Devs Please try some rooster less then 20, may be somewhere 11-15.
    :( Most clans facing no matches and we cant make rancor this way
    Atleast we should be given +1 rancor please on No Match instead of Tvp untill the issue is fixed.
  20. I will post this one more time I have done on countless threads. Scrape hit ratio. Instead match clans on total power. Cs bfe bfa. Match clans with a 5% gap the closer the % the better match up. This would match gh clans vrs gh clans. This would also factor in the huge gaps in bfa. Let us have fun wars or let only clans sign up with member less than 4m cs to only 5 or so