Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. These matchups are more corrupt than most american politics. Instinct vs suf eb is a horrible match,when we,suf eb, set up a rostrer to perfectly match deadend. Can you atleast overview the matchups before you make them official? A extra 5 minutes would make somebodies day.
  2. All the wars I've been in have had terrible matches get someone to manually make matches every day
  3. Just like GH they need to get rid of SH, and replace with leagues, each league vary from strength and have their own equipment. So it'd encourage more growth and more preticipation from bigger players and have less no matches lol an idea not solid but it's my two cents ️
  4. EE wars won't be fixed anytime soon, unless more clans decide not to sign up. The email that I received states that there is a shortage of clans doing EE this season. This means bad match ups because they won't do no match so not to offer the "loser" eb. The system really isn't broke, it's more about the gh/sh that kill it for the rest of kaw. NO WAY A CRAP LITTLE GH/SH ACCT BE ABLE TO KO A LB ACCT !!

    What is the sense of participating in EE if you can't beat a gh/sh? This totally leaves out mid size builds that are upgrading to be in these wars, but can't even hit. Servers are lagging again. Not sure how I can get hit 26x in 1sec flat then KO'd ? I maybe got 2 hits which were fails. I can't beat their bfe and I can't win to get their bfe. So what's the point of doing EE at all?

    Ata said in the email that I should post the kaw_community threadwhich I have last season and yet to hear of a response.

    I'm done with EE, I'm not going to do them anymore. It cost me to much money for the outcome and a waste of ANY mid-size time. If I can't beat a gh/sh , which most of kaw my size can't then how do you think ppl are going to expand their gaming experience on kaw?

    Now gh/sh accts are dropping equip in order to get weaker match ups then still dominating the wars in plunder. The system is skewed to far in one direction and the mechs need to be dealt with once and for all. I don't see any difference now than before they announced the nerf of the gh. Am I wrong ?

    What say you ?

  5. Anything new on this?.... anything
  6. Wonder why this thread not locked yet devs probably not even paying attention to it.

    There are a lot of great ideas on here devs listen to your customers I'm starting to think there smarter than you.
  8. Just some ideas:
    1. All Stat war - For this war type only stats count in war. No eq, mith, or bfa just raw stats and pots. Run this type of war 3-4 times a week.

    2. Free for All - clans signup its a open roster no limits. People join or leave at any time. War last for 6 hrs. Basically bringing back merc wars that us old players miss. Run this war once every weekend.
  9. I agree with domo, devs want more clans to sign up for war then they need to find a fix where mid size build would have a fighting chance in ee wars for the most part I have quit on EE for the same reason as half of kaw, being ko'd by a smaller build or brutal beaten down by tanks really deteriorates people hopes of looking forward to another ee war. Lets be real most of us wont hit LB by the time we quit/retire kaw so being able to growing a good tank account with decent bfa/bfe well that idea is out the door unless you spend a crap load of money and/or never sleep and nobody wants to stay small eventually people will get bored and want to either switch build or quit/retire from kaw.

    All I see is a dead kaw at the end of all this.
  10. I think it might be better and easier to use the same match up system to get an initial match then verify the match by taking the current system and re-evaluating the match up in groups of about 4 or 5 in 20 player rosters and 3 in 10 player rosters starting from the strongest down to the weakest. I think that will get better matches and the Big/SH clans can still stack their rosters but they will only get matched against their own roster types. Just my thoughts.
  11. :cool: I have to ask, Plese fix the Life Bar on The Vanishin Paladins EB, or just Take it off and give Myth for our time spent setting up a roster that gets matchless due to the fact that many players are still abusing the system to Win Wars.

    How is it possible for a 11 roster have a big life bar on this TVP EB... you spent time and ask ppl to come cast , sell, buy allies.. suddenly y get NM...? pls get the Life Bar back to 11 menbers. Thx.

    oh yeah and keep the good work, 11 rosters are cool!!
  12. How about no hit restrictions for smalls but hit restrictions for bigs
  13. @kaw_admin or kaw_community how about a response? It's obvious there is something flawed with your system. So instead of just saying y'all are listening to our ideas, why don't you offer any insight into y'all's future plans to address this?
  14. 1 Introduction
    I want to make a note that this doesn’t resolve the issues of mismatch ups completely. These suggestions will only fill in some gaps of the current system, promote more clans to war and increase the possibility of fairer match up.

    2 Issues of Season 3
    2.1 Roster caps

    Small builds such as GH and SH has always been a way to manipulate the pairing to find an easy match by reducing the size of roster.

    The first suggestion is to have a ‘cap’ for a roster. For instance, a 20 roster which only allows a maximum of 5 build types with 7m total cs or less.

    This design will stop match up manipulation to be exploited to the degree where rosters can set up with 3 lbs 1 top and 16 sh and almost guaranteed to win. In addition, the 7m total cs is set so that if a SH be decide to build towards that target it means they will leak alots. Therefore, force them to either grow bigger or go back to sh to be competitive.

    This suggestion does not only reduce stress to recruit Sh, but will see an improvement in clans to sign up on time as they no longer need to find more sh to remain competitive. This promotes and award bigger builds to be selected for wars and gives all builds an incentive to grow.

    However, if clans still want to lower their roster size using sh, there is an option to do so.

    2.2 Human judgement.
    It was clear that there were several mismatches throughout season 3, and that was down to the influence of poor decision making. For whatever the circumstances were, I’m sure we can come to a mutual agreement that it's not fair to penalised weaker clan due to external errors made.

    I suggest changing the reward system, so that losing clans do not lose rancor, I will refer this as a ‘safety net’.

    It could be argued that there is little sense of satisfaction to winning, because there should be clear winner and a loser (but ee will still be lost).

    However, it’s a matter of perspective; losers will still remain to not be awarded rancor levels for not winning. That in itself is being penalised as everyone want to experience the feeling of winning and reach to the maximum rancor level quicker.

    I find this to be an effective system to adopt as it distributes rewards, and as well have a safety net to mitigate risk from human error.

    2.3 TVP
    Reduce the health of TVP by 50-75%. It’s an unpopular Epic battle which not all war members stay to the end and usually finish up with unhappy endings.

    3) Free war xstals
    Yes please, all participants will appreciate this implementation for sure.

    4) Conclusion
    To conclude, the design of the roster cap will tighten the flexibility of roster manipulation and will improve positive match up, because one of the reasons to why there isn’t a fair match up was due to the fact that other clans cannot sign up on time. Why? Because, they cannot recruit enough SH builds since most of them are taken (as they want to lower their roster too, to remain competitive).

    The rancour system needs changing; the devs sometimes come across as if they are not certain of what a fair match looks like. Personally, I came across several mismatches and I’m confident it's mostly down to human judgement.

    I have established that it’s not fair to penalise war participants who took time to set up roster to war, and resulted in a mismatch. I suggest that all losing clans should not lose rancor for Season 4, until there is a stable system at least or that this idea is voted to stay for the rest of future Seasonal wars.

    Finally, reduce the health of TVP by 50-75% and YES to FREE war xstals!

    Note: Again I will emphasise that my suggestions does not resolve the issue completely, if you see any weaknesses from my suggestions, I'm sure you can improve on it and post it.
  15. Seems there is a different dev responsible for different aspects of KAW. The only solution at this stage is to have a different dev take on the EE war system IMHO. The current one is clearly in a mental funk and needs a different role in ATA or maybe just needs to go on a very long sabbatical...
  16. [Text=bold] testing bbc [/text]
  17. Once again we seem to be back to ssilence, with just the odd hunt and new eb coming iut with no apparent effort towards fixing bigger issues. Can you guys even see why people are so frustrated???
  18. [​IMG]

    Sounds like you should employ people who understand the game......or should I just use smaller words?
  19. Devs, can you make a no match pool for clans that did not get a match to go in and allow them to pick each other from that pool so that they at least have one last chance to get a match before officially being considered a no match for that round of wars? Maybe have all of the clans show up in a list that the admins or "war leader" (war leader would have to be chosen before war sign ups and can only be an admin) for the war can rank each clan in the no match pool by 1 through however many clans are in the pool with 1 being the one they want to war the most down to the least they want to war but are still willing to war. Make it so that they do not have to choose any clan that they do not want to war by just leaving the priority box blank or set to 0. Once all clans have chosen their preference (time limited of course) the system can match them up based on who wants to war each other most until there is just an odd man out. I am sure you will not have a problem coming up with an algorithm for matching based on preference.

    How does that sound?