Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. I think it is better to promote the game cloud rather that make people stop playing. Just my two cents but if you would like fewer people doing EE then lets go with your suggestion.
  2. I gotta say this is the worse season of EE I've ever seen, very disappointing with all the exploitation there is aswell...........kaw 
  3. Can anyone think of any other comparisons to season 3 , in terms of a complete failure and cluster ****, in any other gaming / tournament / competition?
  4. Referees giving the Soviet Union three attempts to score the winning basket in the '72 Olympics?

    Maradona's "Hand of God" goal?

    Figure skating. Period.

    But you are right, there are few things as screwed up as this season.
  5. Lmao @ figure skating
  6. Firstly Devs you have ruined this season. War is now all about Leaderboards and SH. There is no fun in wars no more and I seriously hope it is fixed before S4. I love this game and warring but it's not the same anymore. I hope you have improvements for s4
  7. Actually jax war is the same, EXACTLY THE SAME , for three seasons now , only this season it's reached it's pinnacle of ****.
  8. Yeah look at our ee. We had no lb in the war and we get matched up with kruetzer. Or however you spell it.

    Does the famous kaw_munnity even read this tread. That clan not even in our rivals, plus the lb bfa is triple our entire roster.

    I'm gonna need an answer back on this one.
  9. Yea guess what ? This game blows now. You can only be GH/SH or top LB to war I these ee wars. Devs will maybe fix it in another year.. Lol
  10. Until then the devs will keep sucking on all the big nobers in the game and say they are working on "it". :lol:
  11. (sigh) is this thread still open, why?

    The 3 things (i am sure there r more) that can help turn things around (and have been echoed over and over and over again) :

    1) Take a snap shot, lock, or whatever u have to do to stop this bs of ally buying (and selling) after matchup. With your reluctance to take action condones the behavior. Let me ask u kaw_admin. Would u like your chances going into a war against a clan who "mysteriously" just added several trillions in allies a half an hour before war begins? Pls answer so we all know u give a rats a**!

    2) Lose the hit ratio. For u to say there weren't gonna b any "major" changes this season i would say an average of 50% nm changing to less than 10% (ave. mind u) is pretty significant. Don't lie to your "customers", pretty bad for business if u ask me…or anything with a pulse, just sayin.

    3) Adjust the payout of smalls who might have more allies than several clans put together. Smalls will never not have a place in this game or any other for that matter, at least adjust the payout. I mean if a 18-23mcs build hits a 3mcs build and makes 1m and the 3mcs hits the 18-23mcs makes 60m when that 3mcs acc. has triple the bfa as the 18-23mcs, something is off there. Yes if u att. a smaller build u shouldn't expect to get 60m, but 1m?!? lol u wonder why ppl r pissed?

    Will ppl find ways to "game" the game, yes, but pls start the offseason wars and season 4 with some common sense. Otherwise good luck with your future endeavors.
  12. war 5 you give us a nm at enlightened souls saying all other clans in our range had been matched leaving only bad matches but there was a clan (natural born guild hansels) 2 spots above us with the same reason for a nm. How would that have resultee in a bad matchup?
  13. KAW_ADMIN/MUNITY sorry to say this but u guys need to take a math class, n understand, that how the heck is a sh (under 3 mill cs) going to be able to attck,assas & scout a 13 mill cs, thats 10 mill cs bigger. Thay should recive a "player to strong for you" just the same way a mid cant hit a small, because ur advertisement for the game says "grow ur kingdome to conquer" but its all false advertisement advertisement
  14. I like the idea about having a bigger payout if you have big bfa. Maybe a smaller differenece, the higher your cs are. Just as the war equipment should give a percentage bonus of your cs.. I always found it so strange that a 3m cs 1 month old account, fights for the exact same equipment pieces as a 2 year old 20m cs account
  15. Come on kaw admins.Enlightened Souls signed up early and we still dont get a match? The amount of time spent on organizing so that we are close to others for a match up just goes down the drain with a nm. How are we suppose to grow our rancor? I respect that you're doing your best but please try a bit harder. Thank you. We need these rancor levels. Everyone does.
  16. I still think that by changing the system payout at wars, things would change. Just dont adjust payout acording to the defender. Try making payout acording to attacker too. That way a gh/sh wont be able to "generate" that much plunder. Same thing would go for ppl with 8M in towers. As towers wont plunder, ppl would have to chose between "plunder force" and defence.

    That way more mids would be able to war. Now u just need 5 bigs and 15 gh/sh. Result?? Low hit ratio= no match. And ppl keep complaining....
  17. And yes... A max ally purchase ( in total cs) must be set to aboid a massive purchase after matchup. Its not fair that an enemy can jump 8 slots at cr just before war
  18. This tickled me DEVS thank you.

    -WTF- -> Other clans in your stat range had already matched up leaving only bad matches

    When did a bad match ever stop you matching us up? Season 3 is a joke.

    Free JAX
  19. Btw devs... Do u remember war xtals for season 3? Id like to have an answer to this post, as it was a clear and specific promise u did...and season 3 is over with no news.
  20. Hey just want to make a suggestion, some people are complaining about how mids or some really small bigs have to hit SH to keep them pinned and get terrible plunder. So i was wondering, why not have all sh pay the same to any others who hit them as if the attacker was a sh. I think this might help in a way to avoid clans stacking sh and encourage mids to qar cause they would not get 1-3mil an attack. This could be vice versa aswell so if a sh wins an attack against a mid, it is just like a sh hitting a sh. Even though i am a sh i think it will help with mids in war. this could also work with mids winning against bigs. just my 2 cents and i know this probably has flaws in it, but can get tweaked and fixed. (Excuse me if i am using bad grammar)