This is a good point, for people that were getting matches it was fine, but we had just as many complaints of poor matches.
@devs, the attempt to lessen the exploit of the gh only allowed the emergence of the lv1 SOS. It still never addressed the issue of stacked lb on low stat gh/sh. It has now been so exploited it's crippled the entire system. There has to be a way to isolate rosters, calculate the top 10 accounts cs/bfa/bfe and the bottom 10 accounts cs/bfa/bfe and match according to clan build distribution that would match lb/gh to other clans with lb/gh, and the low or mid cs clans wouldn't then match lb stacked clans. I'm sure you will be amazed when you see the actual stats of these so called "low-stat" cs lb/gh mixs and you will understand the complaints. Bfa MUST be calculated in. BFE doesn't make a comparable match to BFA. There's no way a mid stat player with a maxed lv 10 sword can win on top 50 lb. BFA will always win. So calculate it, put a cap on the allowable limit. Most lb clans are happy to rotate lb to war. And any clan wanting to war as a lb/gh can war against other lb/gh. I'm sure you will find a huge drop in the number of clans doing this if forced to fight a real war. The mids have to be allowed to war again and the exploits controlled. So control it all! 20 ppl roster , calculate ALL the stats. Force lb to man up and fight lb. Allow the mid range clans a chance to war among their own ranks. And honest beginner clans with low stats, low bfe and low bfa to war among themselves without a one-sided slaughter fest. EE was made for clan loyalty, bring it back! Force clans to war rather then merc. You will control the exploits by controlling the movement. Give clans an extra loyalty boost that isn't taken away with a loss so ppl just have fun warring and 1 loss isn't so devastating to the plunder. If ppl want to merc they CAN, but don't give EE if they aren't loyal to any clan. There was so many good features about season 1 and it's been a down hill exploit ever since. Stop jumping to the cries of every noob and listen to the whole of the community.
PVP- When will you guys roll out the PVP update? For months it has been promised... and as you know PVP still hasnt changed. Can you give me a day or a month??? CRYSTALS- Lets get other ways to get crystals instead of paying. ROLL OUT MORE QUESTS PLEASE. THE SH needs to get NERFED.. Its just like the GH if you have not noticed. Idea for spy builds ROLL MORE ATTACK POTS OUT.
Hit ratio algorithm is broke, period. Please turn it off until u fix it. Do the best u can matching cs, bfe
I seriously wish I was able to put a Gif on here of a person hitting a red button over and over while there is a sign above the red button that say "pushing this red button will send 50,000 volts of electricity through your body" That is the emotions that I have when it comes to dealing with KAW. You have all the information that you need through the 100's of post that have been made. I say let's start with this...... How about you inform the community of what your abilities are to meet the needs of the community? Maybe if you state "we cannot or do not know how" to do something, communication with your paying clientele will be much more improved
Dragster the bfa thing is easy First off, BFA must be included in matching for matching to make sense. But ally ownership cannot be locked, this has been discussed to death over the past few years. The solution is simple. At the time of matchup, the system takes a snapshot of the four BFA values of each player on each roster. These values are what are used for the entire war. Doesn't matter if you get allies hired away, doesn't matter if you hire new allies, your bfa values will not change no matter what you do. They are locked into the snapshot value at the start of the war Simple to implement for the devs (easy to code) and no way to exploit
Nerf SH's. When GH's we're nerfed, shadow Hansel's (people with level 1 SOS's only) took there spots. So it would help the matchup system a lot of there were no more Shadow Hansel's.
Devs you can tinker around as much as you like but you will never satisfy those that just like to whinge. The losers will whinge and the victors will beat their chests.
I think the biggest thing that would improve likelihood of a match AND the quality of the matches is to have MORE PEOPLE WARRING. More clans signing up will mean more variety and chances for good matches. You guys need to make EE more available to everyone and encourage people to war. 1: War should be FREE. Crystals should not be a requirement. 2: Better war times that are available to everyone. More wars. 3: Make EE available to all builds!!!! I'm not exactly sure how this would be done. The typical things that clans are looking for are SH, big attack builds, and leaderboard players. Mids and hansels have a more difficult time to find war. Players without defence towers have almost no chance at all to war. If more people war, things will be better. You guys also need to stop doing things that are going to piss off the community and turn people away from EE. It blows my mind why you wouldn't include war crystals. Free war would ensure way more people war.
@Terra It is free. You don't have to buy crystals, you choose to. If you don't have any Xtals, most clans won't accept you.
Devs, I would be absolutely overjoyed if you could respond to this idea and give me some feedback as to whether you may do it in the future or not. also their are many supporters already with only a little bit of time in the active topics.
No matches suck for sure. I think we've all reached a point where even a bad match would at least scratch the EE itch. Without tearing up trees here's my 2 cents what we could maybe try; 1. Trial run turning off hit ratio, just see what the hell happens. 2. Have a human input on match ups, it'd not take long to skim over the results, match up an hour early if need be. Just for example if u got 10lb and 10gh vs 10lb and 10gh then most likely computer will say no to hit ratios cos 10 can't hit 10 and vice versa but in reality it would be 2 mini wars, any human could see this. 3. Something for the Kaw-munity to try.. Organise a couple of wars where no GH are rostered at all, again see what the hell happens, maybe the world won't end and we might actually win. Might even get the devs some different info to work with. No doubt they've been mentioned before but I'm not up on forums. Oh and what Tal said.. Chaos wars seemed to work fine?
Don't like the fact that EB builds don't get the chance to war anymore without changing there whole build.
War xstalls are unneeded If you want to war spend 2 dollars on 20nobs And yes the fact you have to reduce build just to war is beyond a step back from growing SH/GH need to be dealt with My thoughts Make up leagues Each league you can earn a set of equip just like EBs the hire the league the hire the stats on equip this will force GH/SH to convert back to get the powerful equip they desire Mid builds, like myself are screwed and get no matches like crazy so I stopped trying to war