Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. We understand many people want more more focus on War and PvP in our updates and this is something we've been working on. We've detailed our plans in our Content Roadmap. Again though we won't be making any substantial changes until after the season ends.

    Just because we can't instantly implement changes players ask for doesn't mean we don't care what you have to say. There's a lot of work that needs to be done including but not limited to objectively evaluating each idea, coming up with a detailed execution plan, development, and testing.
  2. Getting rid of 2hr and fixed ko wars was pretty substantial if you ask any hansel……
  3. Devs lack a lot of sense in terms of war mechanics.

    Here a radical thought, the point of this game should b to grow your kingdom

    * There should be consequences 4 stayin small. No matter how much bfa and bfe you add - there should b a limitation to how high you can hit.
    * Also it should b reverse in terms of plunder durin eewar. Sh should not be able to make much when hittin mids but mids should be b able to plunder the poop out of sh. Example: if a 5 year (metaphor for a sh) were try to hit a 15 year old (metaphor for a mid) and try take his money he should be not be able to take much...mayb if he were sneaky he'd stealthily take a couple dollars; but if a 15 year saw a 5 year with cash, he should be able to take as much money as he wants.

    Devs: good ideas tiger...
    Tiger: you gonna implement them?
    Devs: umm....
    Tiger: is that a yes?
    Devs: nah, had u goin there 4 a sec huh?
    Tiger: yea for a sec I thought u cared...
    Devs: lol
  4. Btw I do agree that 1 hr wars was a great update
  5. Vamp is correct Kaw_community, you implemented an EXTREMELY LARGE change with getting rid of 2 hr wars.

    That post alone shows you don't understand your own customer base and game very well. Maybe you guys should try playing it some and actually be in the trenches instead of looking down from the ivory tower.
  6. I agree with the post - I def think game makers would learn more about product by actually playin it from the ground up using various builds and tryin to war with them.

    Lol but I figure if these accts got discovered they'd get farmed
  7. Create an objective for people to grow, 14th slot EQ, with CS as ur pre-requirement to obtain it. My suggestion a def eq that requires mith to upgrade but CS to unlock next level, will auto drop to lower level if CS is not met. Maybe a 15 level would do it.

    Level 1: 500k-1M
    Level 2: 1M-2M
    Level 15: > 15M CS

    People dont want to grow because current system suits them. Give the rabbit a carrot to chase KA
  8. They made % stat equip
    The majority cried
    If all equip was % based, at least partially, dropping to Gh/Sh means squat.
    The problem still lies within the players themselves.
  9. equipment will not be a decisive factor.

    Need to go back to season 1 match algo. Will kill the ally market though with everyone dumping bfa.
  10. @ Dylacer: To change everything to % EQ would be hard for almost all of KaW to accept, but introducing 1 EQ Def base would definitely give a new milestone for all to race over it. Current EQ is too imbalance with high Att stats. We already have imbalance pots.

    Just a thought for KA, implementation would be another issue on WHEN they are free.
  11. Idk whats going on but there is alot less nms and im loveing it!
  12. I've been playing this game a lot longer than I ever envisioned myself for an iPhone app. However, this game started off great and seemed to be going in a positive direction until now. In no game should you be punished for actually playing the game, and processing strength wise. Kaw_admin you always give the same answer you cannot immediately change things that's obvious, but you have not gave any insight on how this game will go back to the way it was meant to be played. I use to love to war, but after seeing smaller players that's a tenth my size determine wars while my build doesn't effectively work then there's no reason to keep playing. I know people always bring up the issue this is a free game, and that's correct. However, ATA is a business and the only way they can keep their revenue pouring in is to listen to their customers to improve the game. I'm almost certain the ratio of players quitting to new players staying is no where near what the devs want. So instead of giving us the same answer offer some ideas to improve the game, and actually let us discuss them. Not just say you have plans for the future, and want to listen which you obviously don't do well.
  13. @ Devs, is it possible to calculate a clans total bfa, then total clan cs?
    So say any clan holding top bfa lb and build complete accounts should be no lower then 350k cs and up for 20 members. The second tier should be lower allowable bfa and lower clan cs. And so on.
    This would prevent top lb from warring with gh in attempt to lower clan cs and pull weak clans with no lb.
    So in the creation of tiers and narrowing the ability to exploit lb/gh. In the same effort to prevent massive lb stacks and arms races, by having a max bfa allowable range.
    So if the allowable limit for bfa is ...for example 500t for the clan of 20 members at top tier, a clan would be limited the amount of lb they could use and balance their total cs strength.
    If they rostered a top 5 account they would be handicapping themselves by only being allowed 1, where as another clan within same cs range rostered 3 lb within the 100lb range along with the rest of the clan to equal the allowable bfa limit.
    Having to meet a min cs and a max cs within bfa ranges, would encourage rostering mids with bfa and even build complete accounts with no bfa.
    A beginner clan with low cs and no bfa would automatically be no matched if they added a ally lb because their total clan bfa would be outside of allowable limits. Same as a stack of 6 lb from top 50 would also no match due to excessive bfa.
    Also, if the objective of the ee war is to earn plunder, then any account active in war should be able to be plundered on. So all accounts should be attackable and have troops, be it a hansel , hybrid or attack. It would automatically kick out any clans attempting to war with pure spy rosters.
    Just a thought, hope I explained it well enough.
  14. I'll repeat simple form

    1) no build that can't be att (just like tower builds) no ps in war .. No troop buildings no match (no TVP)

    2) no dtw/dts in war period

    3) reverse plunder when huffing opponents in ee war (u make wat u would make hitting urself plunder wise every successful att no matter opponent) (rest of mech successful / defeat mechs still the same)

    This would permanently fix ee

    Make the weakness these rosters have actually be the weaknesses they are
  15. Hitting * not huffing stupid iphone
  16. The matching algorithm is actually very good the problem is the way plunder is scored in such limited time and action counts not the matching
  17. Product getting worse Feedback worthless Devs din't listen. Hit ratio don't work for crap!
  18. Really funny that the GH and SH dictates wars. They should have new LB for GH and SH
  19. Why do u figure BFA in for match ups? Minus morgul is doing a bunch of ally trading after match up which makes BFA in your process a waste
  20. And this sko for the win crap has to be changed war is boring now when nobody actually you now...FIGHTS