Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. I think devs should do something for all those nm . Incredible numb of no match for s3 , we tried different roster . We still get 2match out of 10 sign up for war .
    Even when we sign up 3 hrs b4 , still nm . & Answer is cause all clans in our range get matched leaving bad matches for us .
    I suggest to give half amount of rancor for nm . Or to many won't have lvl50 rancor
  2. Joke excuse devs try sorting out match making system so can actually war rather then messing about bringing out s.m.a.s.h and more terrible joke ebs
  3. Don't know if anybody mentioned it... But if I recall correctly, the Devs said that they're changes will produce more No Matches, and the community is fine with that. Don't see why so much complaining.
  4. I'd rather have no match than this crap.... Devs all about money might as well kill EE wars as it's what ur doing... U cheating clans screaming it's devs fault I disagree u couldn't learn to fight so u started stacking yay u devs haven't cheated Kaw players U STACKING CLaNS have and u clans now have gh/SH drop equipment keep it up soon only u stackers will war and it will be one another
  5. I'd rather have no match than this crap.... Devs all about money might as well kill EE wars as it's what ur doing... U cheating clans screaming it's devs fault I disagree u couldn't learn to fight so u started stacking yay u devs haven't cheated Kaw players U STACKING CLaNS have and u clans now have gh/SH drop equipment keep it up soon only u stackers will war and it will be one another
  6. 100% agree smokin, thx devs for killing the only thing (besides my peeps) I give a damn about in this game. Well at least I can save some $, congrats on the clans who "r the best" at finding loop holes and continue to do so. If the devs ever find a way to correct these wars maybe I will care to contribute to their salary again, but until then have fun taking advantage of those loop holes u have found. U and the fact the devs won't swallow their pride and admit this system is seriously flawed beyond repair is what killed ee. No disrepect to MK and Walu, at least u were forth coming about it, not like these other clans who felt that winning 9 out of 10 wars wasn't enough already. Peace
  7. this is all because the devs cannot or will not fix the damn guild hansel :(
  8. Regens needs be lowered to ten min max. 1 hour war Advantage sko 13 min max regen is dumb.
  9. Everyone who participated in s3 should be given all the war equips so its not overpowered for the bad roster stackers.
  10. Last three wars:

    1. Us: 1 sh (or similar build) vs 10 sh
    2. Us: 4 sh vs 15 ( rising hawks embarassing)
    3. Us: 3 sh vs 13

    A few things become obvious (even though they've been obvious for two season now) in these matchups.

    1. Hit range is too large for smaller builds. DECREASE THEM!
    2. I'm not exactly sure how you're making matchups but it seems like you're adding main stats, bfe, and bfa into one lump sum. Which makes absolutely no sense. The matchup should be deemed fair by comparing the three of them separately. If they were compared separately , none of these matchups would occur.
    3. Clans are still keeping massives sums of gold out before match. You should incorporate an assumed 5% or 10% towards every clans bfa when making a match.

    We will still be using low or no sh for rest of the season. If we lose, we lose with some dignity. These clans can have their cheap wins. But it really sucks that even when you TRY to make a decent war roster , you still get matched with this **** over and over and over.

    Completely failed season on devs part for allowing this to happen. And clearly the only reason this is STILL happening is because you still ALLOW it to happen.

    Thanks again.

  11. This thread is basically...

    "Move all your whining to one side, while we count our money"
  12. Great job at less no matches. If S3 was who got most no matches, it be a tight race between many clans. Keep up the great job devs, just hope the S3 equip don't suck as much as the number of no matches
  13. Two wars in a row we have gotten no match & the explanation for our no match was something like "Clans in your stat range had already been matched leaving you only bad matches". I am just wondering if you guys begin to match clans before sign up closes or not? Does signing up at last minute create a larger chance other clans will already be matched up?
  14. Matchups aren't made until the signup closes. The only downside to signing up later is that you may end up being the odd clan out should an odd number of clans sign up.
  15. Want a match? CAST 13 SH over(BFA/50)+CS=3,000,000 no more, no less
  16. That's a poor answer kaw admin.

    You set a sign up dead line and whether you sign up 1-2hrs before lock or 30secs before lock you should be putting forth the effort to match everyone. Maybe switch a math around so that one with "only potential bad matches" actually gets matched. You guys have spent 15 min some days matching clans, you should be able to move clans around to reduce no matches.
  17. This is just too stupid. No match for the 3rd time in an row for "It Burns When I EE". That part is annoying but not what i have a problem with.

    No match was announced and within 20 mins of announcement we finished the eb we were doing and started TVP. TVP started 35 mins after we got our no match. (20 mins + 15 waiting period).

    No one could hit the TVP because no one had Rancor Vision. The whole clan had Rancors' Curse but not a single member had Rancor Vision and so no TVP.

    Take your stupid mith eb for your dumb no matches and throw it out the damn window. You guys seem to fail at every darn thing you do lately. Unbelievable.
  18. Dear Devs:

    If you really want to fix this game, lets figure out the main problems and come up with real solutions!

    The real problem is that you have an old game with outdated mechanics on which you put patch after patch of mostly bad ideas that rather than fix anything, simply create more and more loopholes. War now days is really come down to which clan can find the most MATCHUP LOOPHOLES and exploit them.

    It is legal and my hat off to the smart players that figured it out. However it did create quite a few problems:
    1. It destroyed any ounce of strategy in the war itself.
    2. It excluded most players from participating. (mids, none tanks, hansels, etc.)
    3. It created numerous no matches + many more bad matches.
    4. It prevented the chance to virtually any new player or clan to join the wars unless they just want to be in the bad end of a massively horrible match.


    Each patch or idea to fix the "problems" resulted in even more loopholes more exploits and worst matches.

    At this point I strongly believe that that old game mechanics themselves need to simply be thrown to the closest garbage can and a new game mechanics that fit the way the game is played now and your vision (or lack of vision) with respect to how the game will be played in the future should be established.

    So what do we do now you ask?

    First FIX the game mechanics - in fact, replace the mechanics completely! Its time!

    As to wars, unfortunately the current clan system simply doesn't work.

    I believe that a much better system is to allow all individuals who want to war register to the war and then allow your system to break it down to war clans that will be evenly matched with each other.

    Since you been able to do a similar thing with the ASW years ago - I will give you a credit that you will be able to figure out 20, 25, 50 (or any other size) rosters that will be close to each other in actual stats, size, builds, etc and will make a better war.

    You can also vary the length of some wars, the number or xtals used, etc. based on the desire of the ppl who sign up. (Give us options)!

    I am pretty sure that you are also have the ability to change a couple of basic stupid rules and make a few new ones that will help the game:

    At log in count all of each players stats including BFE! However, don't lock the ability to change the equipment during the war. Seem basic strategy to decide what weapon to use depends on the time and situation it is in the game (wow - real war strategy!!!).

    Block all allies activities by the time of match. All Gold that a person has at lock of war shall be put in a separate war account that will be released after the game. No ally can be bought from or by a war participant during the war.

    Finally, create s sub system for inactives - if a person is inactive for the first 20% of the war they are automatically removed and a random player from the waiting list is sub in (with as close stats to the one warring)

    Since you are moving in the direction of PvP and since awards are now personal rather then "clan" it should be easy transition.

    By doing so you can also give the mith/ee/xtals awards based on personal activity and contribution for each individual in each clan.

    Please try to create mith awards that you can:
    1 - easily explain to the rest of us.
    2. actually make sense of ppl real contribution in the war

    There are many other issues that you should address. If you decide to go this way, I am sure the Kaw community will be happy to help you figure it out!

    Please feel free to ask us (and me) how to make this game better - and most importantly maybe you should actually start to listen!!!!!!

  19. do devs really listen? I wonder if they see all the complaints and more players getting disappointed. I feel sad cause this was a great game.
  20. U know what I used to rage 2 but it's not the matching system it's ur rosters set up .u have to adapt