Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Wait I read a post and lets be honest there will be no completely perfect system with no exploit at all... It just can't be done... U can see my posts I have complained about system quite a bit. But I'm asking for something to be closer to overall fair and intelligent system. As it is ee is broken.
  2. I dont know if you still read the other threads since you've created this one, I just want to make sure you've read lady_liz' idea, the kaw arena. It is simply an awesome idea, that has 11 pages of full support already. Instead of trying to fix a lousy and flawed system, a completely new one might actually save kaw. Please tell me you've read about this idea :)
  3. I did read it thanks. It is a good idea and we are considering all avenues at this point.
  4. KA you said you don't lump players into categories or build types . But no matter what system you implement it will always be abused by clans putting "the biggest allowed" with the "lowest allowed" builds in order to skew a match.

    So the question is , how do you prevent that?
  5. For rest of season 3 can you at least give preference to clans that can match if they didn't war because, "all other clans in your range had already matched leaving only bad matches" the war prior.

    Seeing that back to back is rubbing Alcohol in an open wound
  6. So as we all keep beating the dead horse that is this problem (because nothing is being done to correct it), here's some food for thought for the KaW Dev's.

    Other than the fact my clan has had double digit no matches and we might was well quit warring, have u looked at your bottom line?

    A quick estimation - 40 xtals per war, 5 no matches per war, 5 weeks w 16 wars.... That's almost $13,000 in lost revenue!

    Do everyone a favor and go back to season 2 mechanics
  7. Well, at least now it's pretty obvious WHY there's been nothing done about fixing the existing problems in KaW that people have been complaining about for MONTHS! They've been too busy working on their next **** game.

    Face it guys... ATA has basically written off KaW. It's getting more and more obvious each day. 
  8. They took the revenue and funded a new app congrats devs 
    All that time and money and instead of working on the game we all dig in our pockets for not only to grow but to support and you make a different game
    It's like buying coffee and you end up throwing it in our faces 
  9. We haven't "written off KaW" in any way whatsoever. While it's true that we as a company have launched a new app, the development team for S.M.A.S.H is an entirely separate group of people from those working on KaW. In no way has this new app impacted our work on KaW, and we've got a bunch of new content planned as we've mentioned in our roadmap.
  10. Week 3 war 8 major lag through out war roughly 30-40s on a lot of UK users in my clan. I would rather had a no match than this pile of crap war.
  11. Not just in the UK, I experienced major lag as well (East Coast U.S.), nothing like xstalling and watching your news feed fill up quicker then a sh1 buying and selling allies before and during war. U introduced a new Eb…nice, but during war?
  12. Maybe Dev need to reconsider the time to release the new eb. It's cause major lag for those who are warring.
  13. Cast actual rosters. We've warred 6 in a row. Great wars as well. And only cast members that have grown. It seems clear to me the answer is in front of everyone posting. Quit trying to manipulate the ee system and actually war. Cast bigs/mids whatever y'all want. No reason ever that half your roster is less than 3 million Cs. Don't agree. Check our last 6 wars. We cast who we wanted and all wars were close and a blast.
  14. I agree with killerds said the same thing on page 47 when people quit trying the cheat the system and play and want a challenge then ee will fix itself we dont can sh and get a match every time win or lose it is a close war no matter what. So quit complaining and grow if you don't want to put together a roster of 20 sh and go against another roster of sh and fight, oh wait that would mean a challenge hmmmm probly not for the whiners
  15. @killerds full support. Bring mids back into wars. I'm a mid and do just fine in our roster ;). If you don't believe me then check the six wars killerds is talking bout and look for me in the wr. Stop lookin for a trick to win. If you haven't figured it out yet only top war clans have success with sh. So if you roster them that's who you gonna match or get a no match.
  16. Killerds totally agree - the wars, win or lose have been great fun up at the stronger ends of clans warring - and nearly always a match up too
  17. Another no match. Again. Let us know why and what we have to do. Be specific. This sucks
  18. Do u think if hit restrictions were off if there would be more no match or less?
  19. Everyone keeps crying about no match, and yet people abused to the System to get to do TVP before the change. If Devs put in Rancor or EE for No matches, than guess what, it's going to get abused again even more so this time than before.

    The problem isn't GH/SH. If anyone has watched some of the rosters, clans are converting their mids into tower heavy monsters that SH/GH can never hit coming out of KO. The Insane Asylum is a good example of this. To all you cry babies that are mad because SH/GH are destroying your mids, TELL YOUR MIDS TO BUILD PROPERLY. Obviously the 2.5m ADT and 3m SDT standards are no longer good enough to be acceptable. Bump them up to 3.5/5 or at least 3.5/4.5, this will advent any SH from plundering on them and now whoever has the most mids will win wars over the team that has more SH. Putting more mids into your roster in place of SH will not change your chances of getting a match either. Mids have a higher hit range and if you did get a roster full of SH congratulations on the free win.

    IF you take SH/GH out of wars by whatever shenanigan update comes to play, a new norm will emerge and once again people will cry into the forums to nerf "insert new build name here."

    The answer isn't to "Cast" whoever you want either. This is a war game, some strategy should be necessary. If you want a game that you can just play with whoever you want and win easy mode, than check out World of Warcraft or any other stupid facebook game on the market.

    The real issue with EE and lack of participants is because of the cost. Each war cost every player 1$ worth of crystals. You should never have to pay to play an aspect of the game especially when you want to war in a game called "Kingdoms at War". Understandably KAW made mentions of "War Crystals", but players in general need to understand they aren't out yet, but when they are you will see a HUGE influx of war participants and a lot more matches being made. More clans participating=More stricter algorithm=More matches and closer matches. I can't emphasize enough that as soon as you play a F2P war game and war for free, the primary emphasis of the game and dominant participant group will be people who want to war.

    -Make your mids up their ADT/SDT to (3.5/4.5) in order to beat SH/GH
    -Stop crying Nerf cause something new will emerge
    -War Crystals will bring a lot more clans into EE
    -Stop crying for Rancor/EE for no matches
    -S3 was huge developmental mistake