Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. In my opinion, devs did pretty good for war 2.

    22 wars coming up.
  2. Someone needs to post that "I believe" UFO poster mulder has hanging in his office on x files
  3. War is like chess. its fairly for everyone to join ewars. you get 50% chance to win and 50% chance to loss. So why RH and other great clans got big winning streak? Yeah, they are smart and they do more than others before they sign up a war.

    Let more peoples join ee wars is the only way to fix the no match up problem.
    Devs shall do the following:

    1. pay 2x or 3x golds in war
    2. random drop SOD, horn in war
    3. more miths pay-out (riciculous, when everyone go bigger size to join wars and devs still keep the old miths py-out fomular)
    4. much better rancor equipments (why not I just stuck at EBs to build my bfa and shall do ee wars if my bonus is only a slighly higher?)
    5. any drops in wars that you can let peoples join/back to wars and ....
  4. Kyle.... Imma make this as simple as I can....... Your completely and utterly wrong... With current ee war setup it is very very easy to rig it so ur clan has an extremely large advantage with well over a 90% chance of winning or getting a no match. Like I said I dared rh to go with a roster of no gh or just 2 or 3 and they flat out refused and said its part of there tactics or whatever.... It's fixing the game. Plain and simple. Rh give em credit they are very good outside of rigging but even they know without rigging the system they know most likely they would face a team that would flat out embarrass them..

    As for more participation bah it needs fixed before I waste my real money on it.
  5. To put it simply, your hit ratio is not working.
    These days it's either 'no match' or a 'one sided match'. The fact clans are warring with 3 LB and a large number of tiny builds MUST tell you something is wrong with your system?
    I sincerely hope you start listening to the KAW community and fix the exploits people here have constantly told you about.
  6. Devs dont worry about complainers when they finally grow a spine they will realise they are the reason EE is no fun for them. First off people quit lb/sh stacking. GO BIG then you can use pure spy and hansels hybrid and even towered mids. Our clan has switched to all bigs and have no problem anymore with getting matches and having a great war that is close no matter outcome. We lost 1 by 300mil or so and won the other 2 so grow a pair boys and girls find you testicular fortitude and cast all bigs you just might be surprised you actually have to work for a win but will have fun.
  7. Definitely prefer a nail biter, teeth clencher, all puckered up war as opposed to a blow out.

    Go Big or Go Home️

    SILVER, Great War Y'all RESPECT!
  8. Voodoo, we have war with very few gh/sh before, what we got is all of our gh can't hit anyone, we end up with 22 vs 27, we won that war but not easy, and can you name one clan that can flat out embarrass us, we have lost 13 times since our clan created, most by 6 bil, don't remember we were embarrassed. If you know ee so well, why can't you come up with better strategy and beat us.
  9. @ Mike. Support. ;)
  10. Devs if u r punishing the small builds with all the no matches pls don't tip toe around the subject and just say it. Put a mininum 4-5m cs cap on these wars and b done with it. Talk about alienating the ppl who pay your bills. And just because the option is there to grow, does 1 have to? All these rants about gh has turned into rants about sh1and will shortly turn into rants about volary1/sh1…when will it end?
  11. Another freaking no match? Really? U go and change 2hr wars to 1hr wars, instead of fixing the main problem?

    With that kind if logic, I bet u take a suppository for a toothache
  12. At super u must think lr and everyone else an idiot... That's exactly the point of ur gh stacking ... Yea it's 22 vs 27 ur completely correct but let's be honest these ur bigs are by far monster pus compared to ur apponent of wich can't hit and yet ur bigs stomp all I've ur apponent simply because u stacked so many gh... That's what makes the system u started using work so well... And lets face it in a 10 man roster lets say u have what 3 lb bigs and 7 gh or such.... Because of the 7 gh of less than 4 m cs u guarantee a win the smalls pay crap as don't even new to hit and the 3 bigs destroy the 1 lb of the apponent if they Are lucky enough to have one and yet the other 5-6 mids ur apponent has u bigs make bank off them too even though ur outnumbered by 3-4 on a 10 man roster...

    Again don't think me an idiot....
  13.  grammar check, can't even tell what your trying to say.
  14. Is no match the issue or bad matches.

    If the matches were better, more would play, and it would be easier to create more good matches. The biggest single reason for poor match-ups? The pairing algorithm does not match even clans. Wars are won by the clan who earns the most plunder, yet clans are match based on strength. That is like determining wrestling classes based on how fast someone runs.

    What matters in war is how much plunder you earn, and how much you give. If that is not even nothing else matters. Incidentally, a correct matching algorithm would eliminate the incentive to be a GH, and perhaps the proliferation of GHs would end.
  15. Ahhhhh, oh well, yet another day i log on and check forums in the hope that something has changed significantly regards to ee war. Again i am disappointed as there is nofeedback as to what is being trialled. Most here would rather see something happen try it for a couple of weeks, even fund it with xtals like pre season 2. As it is while you may, or may not be, be beavering away behind the scenes without any sort of feedback or progress report most of us just feel that nothing is happening.

    I personally have pretty much given up on s3 now. Every time i set up for war i have to use brownie points with the wife to not do something with her in the evening. With the amount of blowouts/no matches this season it's no longer worth my while. I will repeat that ee should be the jewel in the crown of KAW, OSW for hard core and ebs to support war.

    I am really concerned that ee is going to die, and that it's going to be a needless death.
  16. Post to ka or kc u know my account u can pm me for my phone number I have a system that will fix all this mess easier to program then the others and actually have a real time conversation with someone in charge of ee to discuss the real issues ....

    If u really care to fix this u need to talk to real people with real experience with real understanding of the system to help u make it bullet proof to exploits

    It's the only way u will sell ee to the masses of kaw and bring ee to the forefront of ur game as it should be .. This is a war game and as it stands right now the system war part of ur war game is busted

    And as a side note u should do this with more then just me grab the war commanders from a few of the more established ee clans and talk to them individually come up with a few ideas and then present them to the community as a whole before implementation see if they can poke holes in it just from looking at it ahead of time save u a bunch of trial and error later on
  17. Is this the official discussion thread? Or a single thread to ease the devs task of ignoring concerns? When was the last time they posted on here? Geez, even there threads are no matches. Plz take more accountability for the current state of ee, I've never seen so many people giving up ee entirely.
  18. It's the official "one sided discussion" thread lol
  19. Sort of, it's a single thread to ease the task of reading all the other threads. Still here lurking and reading. I don't have an update yet though. Sorry.
  20. Another no match. Seriously. This is a joke. Devs, please pm all the clans who war and give real feedback on how to get a match. You are now wasting our time. That is a bad thing when a game wastes our time.