Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Some of these matches are really bad. I can tell you before war generals and honorable discharge will lose even before the war due to bad matchup. No disrespect to the warrers but rather am upset at how things are set up currently. NM is better than BM.
  2. So here's my opinion, troll it or support it , idk.

    A "noob protection" system should be put in place, as in most other games similar to this has.

    A noob protection system is :

    Where a window of stats , with in a certain range higher and lower, is created.

    Ie. Say a person is 4m cs. The protection window could be , let's say 50%, they could hit a person up to 6m cs or as low as 2m cs. Now this can be adjust it's just an example. 25% ,33%,,66% Etc. Etc.

    But a system such as this could end the gh/sh & top heavy rosters advantage, thus leveling the playing field all the while reducing the no match situation.

    This is pretty much already in place ( dts / dtw ) and can be tweaked to fit the above scenario. I honestly feel this could make huge difference and remove a lot of the advantages out there at the same time as bringing more players/builds into the war system furtherreducing the no matches.

    Troll on !
  3. Further reducing**

    One other thought, it could be based on total stats , bfa, bfe etc. or just raw stats minus all towers equip and allies.

    ╓╖╥╓╓╖╓╖╬╥╓╖ ╥╖╥╖╥╥╖╓╖
    ║..╟╢║╢║║║║║.. ╟╜║╢║║║╟╜
    ╙╜╨║╜╙╙╜║╨╙╜ ╨..╜║╨╨╜╙╜ ~ EbNoob :))
  4. So there's 45 pages, and I'm not gonna run through all of them to see if this has already been suggested.

    Make like 4 bracket of rosters(5-11man rosters), 0-5m cs, 5-10m cs and so on. I always found it quite weird that 1,5m cs is battling in the same rosters as 20m cs, even battling about the same piece of equipment, which leads to my next suggestion.
    Change all the red paladin equipment so it gives a percentage of your total cs. This will definitely encourage people to grow more and get into the higher brackets of war rosters!

    glad to see u finally take all of this war related feedback into consideration, hopefully we can get back to kingdoms at war and not just kingdoms of repeatedly tapping repeat action
  5. Actually making the equip stat based is a pretty good idea...i would cry a little inside though if they did it because then my attack would be awful again :lol: but it would stop the out of range hitting
  6. Devs please respond to my post page 43 . War week 4 war13.chronos battlegrounds vs insert pickle your own admission both were nomatch because of bad matches. Yet they matched please explain.
  7. I'm definitely liking the percentage based equipment idea.
    I'm not sure who said it first, but it's gotta be one of the better ideas I've seen as of yet.
    I think that could solve a lot of problems and encourage growth seeing as your equipment grows with you.
    Which kinda makes sense tbh, you would be more proficient with your weapons and armour as you gained exp and grew in stats.
    So ya a little account can have the same gear, but wouldn't reap the same benefits as a larger, more established build.
  8. Feel free to bring back 11v11.
    Everything else you are trying is definitely NOT WORKING for the remaining EE WARRIORS that haven't lost their faith in any of this seasons FAILED formulas for match ups.
    Also, nobody wants a No Match that allows u to hit TvP for up to 14 mith. We all want a match to go for Rancor for new Equipment!!

    Get realistic with S3 end closing in, 11v11 is the only way to regain everything you have lost from your current S3 shambles.

  9. War rosters need to be catagorized, bigs, mediums, the moment wars are not feasible for mids....they just weaken the team they are on regardless how experienced they are. Bigs and sh both plunder of them. War should be available for all! Set fixed sizes for wars....12man wars with 4 mids, 4 bigs, 4sh. Or 21 man wars with 7 bigs, 7 meds, 7 sh. All clans should be forced into having a range of players in their team....not just bigs n smalls or any other combination of stacking....the current system stops mids warring n only encourages them to drop their build and not to grow. For many mids becoming a lb or big will take months or years. This present system has nerfed them completely this season. Make the wars available to all pls.
  10. Be nice to know where we are at the moment with this now kaw_admin. Maybe you could let us know what ideas you are considering, what will be to hard to code etc. it may be worth while creating a restricted forum for clan leaders/representatives to discuss what they woukd like with you?
  11. @Christhemasterful - those ratios do make sense.
    Ppl will say that it isn't controllable to roster those splits however, the Devs can fix the issue.
    How you may ask?
    1. Devs set criteria build type ratio with a % differential.
    2. Once clan members have cast(say its 20v20) upon event sign up, if ur total members cast do not meet the set criteria for potential match ups it doesn't allow you to sign up.
    3. The admin/owner who attempted the sign up then gets an msg stating where they are not meeting the set criteria for that war(adjust as advised)
    4. Follow point 2 onwards for sign ups again.
  12. Can u give more detailed analysis on no match ups?

    Asking people to look at other ppl's roster at 3 clans above and below isn't helping much since you rarely match in this range.

    In addition, if this was working there should be less no matches. It's the complete opposite at the moment.

    Give some break downs. Who were the possible matches in each bracket/cs range.

    Hit ratio was bad is too vague. Give some solid feedback. Bfa too large. Bfe too small. Hit ratio was bad because <xyz reason>.

    Some more informative feed back for a few wars will probably help the player base a lot more.

    I think we should collect the war ideas/ suggestions into one huge post. I'll add more suggestions if people don't mind repeating them again lol. ( can't edit on idevice will repost every few pages)

    Will start with these as I think they're all worth a shot.

    1: two war divisions . Minor 0-12 mil cs builds only. Major 12 cs builds only .... Or find a good middle ground cs 12/13/14 whatever.
    (IMO more people would sign up if they knew they didn't have to deal with the extremes ie LB and sh)

    2. Stat ranges per each roster slot.
    4 builds 1-6 mil cs
    4 builds 6.1-12 mil
    4 12.1-18 mil cs
    4 18 .1 mil plus
    4 wildcard slots (can be any stat but two max for each previous tier, so max two smalls max two bigs etc)

    Yes this could be headache for war lead but kaw could implement a form when clan is signed up for war, showing each slot that is filled.

    Every clan would essentially be within a similar stat range and hit ratio.

    3. Internal roster hit ratio. Would prevent the roster stacking SH/LB.

    4. Implement a true build strength payout based on equipment.(sh with max equip will pay more)

    5. Each warrior casts wave and is then put in a large pool to be put in a random, evenly matched clan by kaw war system.(my least favorite idea btw)

    Any more ?
  14. How can we change our roster to make better match ups I have cast for every war this past week and have got one war how are we supposed to know how we can get better match ups? We don't know if we are too weak or strong just pour hit ratio! I don't know whether to get more bigs, mids or smalls in it's a joke!
  15. We got another no match. Just tell us why. You are not offering real feedback on our rosters. Please pm clan owners and say why our roster does not work and how to fix it. And don't say try to match with others in our range. They all get no matches also
  16. Ah this brings back memories.

    When I see this thread, it reminds me of the thread Kaw_admin opened on September 22 last year, after an EE boycot during season 2 by the main EE clans.

    The same problems occured during S2 and kaw_admin asked the community for their feedback, page after page was filled with ideas and suggestions.

    After reading this thread, I have to conclude that many of the suggestions made in this thread are the same to the suggestions made over 4 months ago - tightening hit ratio, weighing in bfa more heavily, fixing the GH (now SH stacking 'exploit') by increasing their payout, increasing participation, war xstals, more varied war times to name a few. And these same/similar suggestions have been ongoing during the remainder of season 2, the many weeks of Chaos wars and now during the first half of season 3. That's what, 24 weeks of test wars and data? And how many suggestions have been tested or implemented?

    So ya @ kaw_admin, I'm not gonna bother anymore with repeating what has been spelled out so many times already. Especially since you state there will be no substantial changes during S3. It has all been said already, now the ball is in your court. And if this is what it is, then good luck to all clans participating: get LB, get SH, bench your mids as much as possible. Be prepared to waste a LOT of time trying to get a match. And surely S4 will be better with all these suggestions...? I'm not holding my breath.

  17. I just read in spilatch post the perfect thing to fix the lower combined stats paying very little and larger stats paying more... additional plunder earned based on defenders bonus from equipment. EE wars only of course. You lock builds, which are the sole effect on plunder. You lock equipment which, while locked, is just like having additional stats from towers, except also static attack and spy attack stats. Why not make locked equipment effect plunder? or make towers not effect plunder. Since they both are static and unchanging during RANCOR WARS. I personally have ~400m BFE. Convert that to BTA and you get 8000000 cs. That is about double my build cs. Try it out KA you tested the bfa plunder thing and watched it fail why not try this? You can always change it back
  18. Without giving more advice how to create more or better matchup opportunities, all u r doing is creating more tension and frustration with your "customers". For someone who spends countless hours…yes I have a fam. and a job, and yes ik, ik :( I can give a rat's a$$ about TVP, I just want to war!!!
  19. Have no fear guys... I'm sure the devs are working hard on coming up with a solution. I mean, it's not like Easter is coming up soon and they're off working on their next Easter promo... Oh, wait... 

    Never mind, I can see it now. Instead of moths, we'll be collecting colored Easter eggs for fantastic prizes! Me, I'm hoping to collect enough to earn a level 5 Chocolate Bunny Shield. Maybe even a Marshmallow Peep Dagger!

  20. Devs I call BS on ur reason for minas morgal no match on week 5 war 2. We signed up 2 hours 10 mins before match up. Give us real reasons for no match.

    Honestly. Can u expect us to believe that reason? And if we can't believe that reason, can we believe any of the others?