Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. @Exodus there are now more and more SHT or SH which are appearing with more bfa and bfe - its distorting things - problem is one clan could have 10 super SH and the other clan 10 smaller ones with all varying hit ratios. Ive spent a lot of time playing about with rosters - working out my % and cs to have an idea on the variations
    It doesnt take a genius to work out last season we were warring in clans rostering much bigger CS than currently warring
    Hell kotfe used to be in a mid strength clan range - now we put a roster on with a few SH and we are right at the top for strength when we war
    A few of any builds in each roster is fine - over 50% of SH in your roster? Well ask yourselves - was it worth it those easy wins? All this ? Was it worth it
  2. Hmmm.... Seems to me that the number of threads about people leaving KaW has been increasing lately. Hope you're paying attention here Kaw Admin. You're running out of time to save this ship before it's too far gone...
  3. @ Vixen... Good and valid points also. This season has been a combination of bad moves by the devs and self-inflicted roster stacking blunders by clans.
  4. Devs why chronos battlegrounds and insert pickle here both listed as no match end up matching?
  5. It's reached a stage just match everyone. Get rid of dtw dts and go random matches like s1 but use 10v10 like chaos wars where more clans participated and introduce chaos war times -_- stop changing what had worked imo!!!
  6. Agree with what rogue said about leaving KAW - I'm fed up of ee wars now and have no idea what I'll do next but have regretted spending time and money on this game
  7. Kermit here 

    First of all would like to say that I agree (in a way) with where the devs tried to go this season, with the tightened hit ratios.

    Goal 1 was to reduce roster stacking.
    Sort of worked, I have seen an increased amount of mids warring and most clans have asked SH without huge BFA to increase stats.

    For the most part it failed though, clans would prefer to stack and not match than get crushed every war.

    Goal 2 to reduce blowout wars.
    Has worked for sure, sure there are still bad matches, but nothing like as many as S2

    But the resulting no matches have ruined S3 

    And for people wanting 11 man rosters back I bet you are from an established EE clan,
    And the only reason you liked chaos wars better is cos of the amount of newb clans warring due to ease of putting together 11 man rosters.
    So lots of easy wins for established clans, but ruins the EE experience for a lot of newcomers .
  8. Whoops accidentally posted early

    Here are some proposed solutions.

    1. Introduce a strict internal hit ratio your clan has to meet to sign up.
    So if you wanted SH and leaderboard in the same clan, you would only be able to have a couple, and would pretty much have to fill the rest of your clan with mids to meet the hit ratio.
    Or you could war with a clan full of SH, but your biggest would have to be about large mid level.

    Other benefit of this is would greatly reduce bad hit ratio no matches.

    Another idea is to take hit ratio back to s2 range.
    But make the minimum size that the matchup system sees your build as 6 mil cs.

    So you can use a lot of SH, but there is a catch 
    A SH is typically 2-3 mil cs
    Matchup sees you as 6 mil
    Every SH you use is giving you a 3-4 mil disadvantage at matchup.
    So a clan using 5 SH is matched up as 15-20 mil cs bigger than it is.
    Clans (RH for example) using 15 SH start at a 45-60 mil disadvantage 

    Benefits: SH build will stay, but you'll have to think twice about over stacking.

    Hope these are of some help 
  9. Just like clans have sub clans, wars rosters should be tiered, let lb players fight other lb players, mids v mids, smalls v smalls.
    Every other sport has this kind of structure, pro league doesn't play against semi pro, even pool players have a grading system, a league, b league, and use a "handicap" to equal things out. I'm not a code freak, but it doesn't seem like a hard thing to make
  10. Instead of allowing clans to manipulate rosters by choosing to stack lb/sh/gh, have pro league have a minimum cs/bfa/bfe per player, pro-am teams min/max cs/bfe/bfa, ameture teams have a max cs/bfe/bfa. A simple way to implement a handicap would be to allow 1 team an extra xtal? Or even the variable roster size would help make up the differences.

    Still, I think you should "force" clans to fit into a catagory of pro, pro-am, and ameture league rosters instead of allowing them to choose to use an exploit caused by a dysfunctional matching system.
  11. Well this season appalling I hope ur only a volunteer kaw_community lol you changed wars to random and advantage for the majority how about putting a cap on bfa for some wars? Say 200mill each slot max? I think will increase fairer matches or putting a cs limit and having a small league and big league will make wars so much better as there not about being a good team anymore it's who has the biggest lb and most gh/sh. why arnt you addressing the problems? I don't see a difference in changing mid season to havering a pre season making ppl adjust to it then changing for start of s3...
  12. This rushing for a match after war14 and no match and no match war13 this is getting old a lot of us can't war every day so let's see 2 chances for war this entire week and 2 no match please figure it out if no match is consistent as it has been for ya lately just give us a chance even if mismatched against us and compensate us either way s3 and even worse now go back to the smalller wars an just march up best ya can a lot we can march against either way just match us up please thank you
  13. Talking about this stuff in clan just now and I came to realize, we the players evolved the EE system into what it is.

    Looking back now to when EE started and over the last couple EE seasons. Builds and tactics have changed but the devs didn't force us to war this way. We found the most capable builds to use and went with it.

    Now for everyone complaining about builds and this and that, just remember, when we as the players cried "Unfair, fix it", the devs did what WE asked as a player base. Now I will admit they didn't do it quite how we expected or wanted but they did it. We only have us to blame. So if you keep fighting the system instead of joining in, your just going to stay miserable and whiny about EE.
  14. kaw_community I bet if you go through all the supposed data. youll fimd where you went wrong. also you guys spoke of being transparent.. which you really haven't been. saying low hit ratio doesnt help crap cuz could be various reasons why. I.e bfe bfa or cs sooo try an open the doors wider it will only help your company and game in the long run
  15.     All these no matches are pointless. Devs have 1 hour to make matches and they are done in 5 minutes. Why not create a rematch option. Pm the clans with no match tell them to drop roster Bfe By over xxmil with 30mins. Then lock equipment and rerun algorithm. It's not ideal but at least we get another chance at war.
           
  16. I have seen many great players drop their build to accommodate the war system now. One clan over 50% dropped to a SH.
    I have been playing for awhile now and worked hard to get my build. I won't sacrifice numerous hours of button mashing for war. I realize this means that me along with a great number of players won't get rancor rewards or mith equipment. But on the bright side I am saving money as there's no need to buy xtals anymore. Also means I will get bored and quit the game altogether.
    I'm not complaining as it's pointless.
    On a final note: look at all the friends I've made over the course of the game. For that I'm grateful.
    A converted eb fairy.
  17. Not only are NM a problem but no one will be able to obtain equipments without converting to sh. Please don't break down your build and feed the problem.
  18. The no matches are the biggest problem but how about this...

    Rather than limiting wars to specific times, make wars available every hour. People will gravitate towards the times that work best for their clan.
  19. Sorry proteean for calling u bad words and telling u that u r a weak ass
  20. 3 wars today and 3 no matches. I'm not one usually to complain but it's quite frustrating. Hope you got some big changes coming after S3.