Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Thank you everyone who contributed, feel free to continue to do so. We are going to go through all this feedback to summarize the main points, and make see what we can do.
  2. I think most of us agree that to increase number of match ups there has to be more clans warring. I think that in order to get more clans to war more mids need to be accepted into the war system. In order to do this I propose that there be tiered wars based on clan member cs restricted to something similar to:

    Tier 1: 0-5m cs
    Tier 2: 5-10m cs
    Tier 3: 11-15m cs
    Tier 4: 15-20m cs
    Tier 5: 20-25m cs
    Obviously the cs ranges are probably a little close to be actually useful as is but it shows the general idea.

    Another idea would be to redo the hit ranges I feel that 20m+cs should not be able to hit an 8m cs and an 8m cs should not be able to hit a 4m cs and vise versa
    I believe that this would allow more mids to enter war and slow sh/gh + lb stacking since the top end cannot hit the mids on the other side thus allowing mids to war mids smalls to war smalls and bigs to war bigs

    Bfe/Bfa would still have to be factored in for matchups for either system
    At first both of these systems would cause more no matches than actual matches until everyone gets used to the systems and can adjust builds/bfa accordingly but as a larger range of people are accepted into wars and people get used to the new format it may increase overall participation
  3. It appears to me that part of the mismatch problems in kaw has to do with the slant towards att over def. Would the smaller sh builds even be able to compete with larger builds if bfe wasn't weighted so heavily att over def? Could they hit if the att pots didn't give 205m against the 145m the def pots give? Maybe it's time to release a few more def sdef pots devs? Bring combined def pots up to the 205m that the att pots give. Release the s3/s4 equipments rewards for purchase with mith like you did with s1/s2 equipment but give them def heavy stats. That might keep all builds hitting builds their size. The scout thing might need attention too. I don't think you should make scouts use pots to defend, but why don't you not let the scouter use pots to scout? It's hugely weighted in favor of the attacker. To encourage grow maybe cap bfa. You can buy all the allies you want but the bonus you use is only 10x you're stats or 20x or 50x whatever would fit I don't know how much bfa people have, but once you've reached the max there would be a reason to grow. You could even make bfa unlimited once you've maxed out your build since that person can't grow any further. I also would love to see clans have to all be able to hit each other to sign up for war. If 1 can hit 20 then they can sign up. I think this would make clans that match be closer is size than they are when you just add up everyone's cs.
  4. what a bad idea. Devs must like that
  5. So devs like countless others I want the system like it was in season 1, like you said though there were many complaints, fair enough.

    However what if you DID do it MORE LIKE season 1 and ditch this hit ratio crap? Have you actually seen people support your system? No but we sure support the old one. BFA/BFE should be taken into effect not how many people I can hit, and if it IS off how many I can hit; make that ratio off my percentage of hitting people SUCCESSFULLY like a scout shows you.

    As for the obvious GH/SH issue for ee why not make a range of 50m-100m per hit? Where every hit falls in between that but how much is based on size. you catch my drift? These no matches BITE we are changing our real life schedule for a game, at least be accommodating.

  6. I believe i have a solution which probably has already been discussed. But i tink this would keep the disparity of clans exploiting sh/ lb matches.

    SH is a very unfinished build, due to that, its plunder per hit should be significantly decreased, and will only increase until lvl 3 sos is achieved. This would make builds increase their CS and concequently the hit ratio

    Furthermore, it is not fair for very advanced leaderboard players to hit players tha arent even ranked on ally lb, or barely ranked on overall. This isnt fair as lb has 99% chance of winning whereas opponent will have less than 1%. How in the world is that a fair chance.
    What i propose is, which will assumedly have some opposition, but decrease LB hit ratio, to say only a max 3 thousand ranks on ally lb or 2500 overall. Additionally. Adjusting their pay depending on how proportionally weak that player is. The weaker they are the less they will plunder from the weaker player.
  7. My suggestion for better match ups, would be to create a "win ratio". It would take the place of the hit ratio. When matching, match each set of 3-5 players starting at the top, and check their win % against each other, factoring CS BFE BFA. Preferably, the win ratio should be around 45-55%. I believe scouting already does a form of this, so it should already be in KAW mechanics. This should line up the clans by their lead players, thus eliminating the "3 ALLY LB vs 0 ALLY LB" match ups the devs seem so fond of. Then use this win ratio template to figure the match ups based on the factors normally used. There will be no matches until clans adapt. This just a rough idea and could be refined by the KAW community if it's deemed worthwhile. Thx for reading.
  8. Only way to salvage this season:

    1. Add on two more double rancor weeks to make up for all the missed wars due to No Matches.

    2. Fix the No Matches. I don't know what is wrong with your algorithm, but make it give better matches. Hell, I could give better matches than it.

    That's actually not a bad idea. Have handpicked matches. Make these wars interesting.
  9. Quick question for y'all that say "Fix the no matches"
    How are the devs to match two objects that are unalike?
    What they need to do is give strict stats to adhere too, and as a group, we adhere to it. Simple
    Now for some reality: The reason we are in this situation is because people want rewards for winning wars. Instead of warring for the sake of warring, so please stop the crying, pissing and moaning. Everyone is choked, suck it up buttercup or go fly with the fireflies.
    Stay golden Ponyboy, stay golden.
  10. The way i see it is, out of everyone who does EE on a particular day only maybe 5-10% are mid sized builds. Why do mids not participate? Because when we do we get destroyed by LB if we try to stay open and fight or we get chipped down by tiny builds who are only warring because no one wants to hit them back because they pay crap! Solution.. Tiered wars or tighter hit restrictions.. I think i saw something about each person on a roster must be able to hit the rest on the roster/ Smallest must b able to hit biggest.. Thats a great start
  11. Devs, I hope you're gonna throw us a bone with at least 1 piece of good equipment at a low rancor level like in season 1. With all these no matches & SH's taking up most roster spots in every war builds like mine that people have put a lot of real time & money into will be lucky to see level 20. If we get screwed on this season like last season I'll be another player finished burning money on kaw.
  12. Ok ppl, here is my 2 thoughts take away ability to see others ppl woc spell and also keep 20 man rosters but get clans to get atleast 23-25 ppl cast then use them as substitutes will allow kaw to drop the substitutes to make better match ups, if a clan over stacks LB or gh/sh they can drop them to create more matches
  13. Ive been reading all ideas and i think they can be so complicated to make that theyll be too late for s3

    Devs. A quick anger fixer here would be to remove the -1 rancor when losing. Itll stop the rage since theyll be no penalty for losing a mismatch.

    Remember that everyone wants rancor 50.

    Remove the penalties for now and add 1-2 weeks for of season to compensate the no matches
  14. Did Kaw-dev really say we may see what we can do? How about y'all stop lying and tell ur paying customers the truth??
    Simple truth EE isn't what pays y'all's bills it's HTE and crystals for HTE so please speak the truth...
    season 3 will continue as is Bc it's not a big profit to the developers..  stop blowing smoke up our asses when u have said nothing is going to change about season 3
  15. Devs, just go back to season 1 with 20 man rosters, include bfe and bfa. Not hard at all. I already stopped warring my mid acc's and hansel. That means no need for xtals or SOD's on those acc's. And since a sh doesn't need to grow or quickly put up towers, this acc doesn't need to spend $$.
  16. This game is like a toaster that has 30 awesome features on it , temperature gauge , alarm when the toast is done , some flashing lights , whatever..... Yet it can't toast bread.

    Every time you put your bread in it will come out too burnt or hardly toasted.

    But 80% of the time you get NO TOAST at all. Just plain bread .

    I bet THAT product would be recalled . I bet THAT product would have some folks working on it immediately to find a fix.

    This game has become aesthetics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over function . As it cannot perform the main goal in it's own title.

    Change the title to kingdoms at collecting things and I'll have nothing to complain about .
  17. I really like toast too..... Butter and grape jelly please.
  18. Devs please explain Week 4 War 5 - -Elysium- had no match due to "Other clans in your stat range had already matched up leaving only bad matches" .. but -WTF- and Wingless Angels, the two clans directly above us in strength also received no match due to "Other clans in your stat range had already matched up leaving only bad matches". Why wouldn't naturally 2 of these 3 clans match?
  19. Hit ratio comes into play here, and while these clans would have had an acceptable hit ratio with most clans in their stat range among those three specific clans there was no workable matches. In this case it's not that they have a poor hit ratio with all clans in their range, but more the only clans that were left would have resulted in bad matches. This no match is then primarily caused by the other clans matching up, and not the hit ratio of the clan itself.

    Please note that we generally don't get into specific details on each no match, but this explanation applies in many situations and is a general reason why some clans that seem close together may see this message.
  20. Put the two clans that have the most prestige against each other :lol: