Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Freezing ally ownership is never going to happen. That's been a known thing for years.

    There's also no reason to do it. When the clan signs up for war, the system can take a snapshot of the bfa stats for every person on the roster. For the entire duration of the war, these values can be used for the players' bfa values.

    Pretty much every time I've actually been matched during S3, the other roster has had multiple people switch clan ranks as they hire a substantial amount of allies with the gold they have sitting out.

    This snapshot approach solves that problem. That exploit serves no purpose. Whatever your bfa values were when your clan signed up for war, that's what they remain for the whole duration of the war, regardless of if you hire new allies or have your allies hired away from you.

    There are no drawbacks. It's very easy to code up. It's a total slam dunk
  2. I can't compete with the clamor here... But this "EB Fairy" has been playing for 4 years- and chooses not to war for about the last year because the EE wars aren't convenient and don't offer much.

    As it stands today, I could convert to a "war build" easily, but why?

    So I can try to force myself into an incredibly rigid structure the 2x per month I can do it?

    Even then no guarantee of anything.

    Other posters hit it on the head- risk of failure makes it a waste of time. I suppose if EBs offered much less I would be forced to war for mith...

    As it stands, the "matchup problem" exists because most people think war offers little. Additionally, the rigid structure of the EE game makes it a matter of build and roster gaming not individual or even team effort during the actual war itself.

    The devs could do a few simple things to address this:
    (1) move start times around much more- maybe rotate them through a 3-4 hr window each day and repeat cycle ( 5p mon, 6p tues, 7p wed, 8 p thur, wash rise repeat)
    (2) random draw on roster size- if a clan signs up, only the top 10-30 builds by aggregate size bfa bfe will be activated (22 accts from clan a and 31 accts from clan b and 26 accts from clan c- algorithm randomly determines for 18 acct war clans a
  3. @mahmood,

    Even if he was just out of KO, you shouldn't be able to get through on him at all, since his static defense is more than twice as high as your full attack strength.
  4. Sweet. Half my post didn't post... Wow.

    Forget EE altogether lol. Call back when you figure it out.
  5. Thanks tmh. What you say makes sense if in fact kaw uses the snap shot system. A response from them one way or the other would clarify it for me
  6. I know this:

    After almost a year and a half, I'm finally going to rate kaw. And it's not going to be a favorable one
  7. Look it's simple I really don't care about the ally buying and selling during war tbh .... But locking and capping Bfa is the most important ... If you do that you lvl the playing field and force clans that exploit this flaw for the last 2 seasons (not naming names) to actually use a war strategy instead of cheat the system .... A certain clan ( not naming name) that I know for a fact got there teeth kicked in during season 1 and then found this exploit and has barely lost yet ..... Of course when you run 14 gh in a war who can touch it .... And I can almost bet if you cap the bfa that the lb players will be hitable making tht clan useless because who needs to worry about the gh when you can crush plunder off an lb who's bfa was capped at say for ex... 100mil each stat .... Especially when 6 of the 14 gh will fail on the 2.5-3.2 mil sdt most builds are building .... It will change the idea and make wars more fun and accessible for every build and put certain clans in different classes
  8. @Imitation-Cheese, as i had said in my post that game mechanics are out dated so devs have to change the game mechanics in order to fix the probleem until then why not let midgets have some fun and fame !! ;)
  9. Bfa shouldn't be locked or capped. That's nonsense, the only reason people suggest that is because they have weak bfa and are jealous of the guys at the top. If you wanna be the guy at the top of the ally lb, then spend tens of thousands of dollars to get there like some of them did. Lol. But why? Who cares? Let some other folks be the strongest. Who cares? Have whatever build you want, and build it as strong as you can, be that in terms of buildings or bfa or whatever. But don't try to impose limitations on others just because you're jealous that you can't be the strongest guy in the game. That's nonsense.
  10. Tmh that's brilliant solution, one of the first suggestions I have seen in forums I truly hope they implement  makes 100% sense and no exploit possible 
  11. Lots of good ideas on this thread but the only thing worrying me is people advocating changing games mechs just for EE. EE is just a part of KaW, not the be all and all, the day KaW begins to change everything up to just fix EE is the day I quit.

    The small, fast to grow, useless builds have their place in kaw as banks, volley transfers to mains, to be annoying ect so I do not want to see them nerfed or removed from the game. That said EE should be inclusive of all within the game and the present set up is marginalising large parts of the kaw community from playing due to them being mid sized.

    For me the solution is quite simple, rather than messing with game plunder just introduce a war tax, the war tax system is already built, use it! But rather than the war tax being a % it becomes a fixed rate, say 50m for a hit and a steal, the gained war tax is then used to determine the winner rather than actual plunder made. No need to tweak or mess with kaw wide mechanics or plunder this way.

    This would largely remove the need for sh/gh bottom heavy roster since then they hold no advantage from a plunder perspective. As an added bonus the winners of war could receive the war tax, it would not be massive but enough to replace pots ect.

    Getting mids back into ee is key if matches are to be improved and until they are it is pointless looking at matching algorithms since the silly rosters currently in place make it hard to judge just how good or bad it is. Though looking at wars tonight there were lots of good close wars so maybe its not that bad after all!
  12. Nothing personal Mahmood, but builds such as yours shouldn't be in the same battlefield. Enjoy that weak ass win, KaW admin, enjoy that last crystal.
    All if you that insist on feeding a flawed system with your shitty builds, be proud! You broke the system!
    I tried to give you real players and exploiters another body for these jokes of wars.
    All of the people screaming about participation... Yea right..
    Throw a clan with actual builds to the wolves to feed the exploiters! Great plan.
    I'm done, there is no hope for this season. ️
  13. Yes kaw_admin S1 did have just as much complaints. But S2 and S3 have brought new problems and even more complaints to what you have changed. Most i have talked to want to go back to how S1 wars were run. Guaranteed if you did we would have more peeps war and eliminate current problems/complaints.
  14. No matter what is done you will always have complaints but if most in general like how S1 was then why not go back to what worked better
  15. I guess Kaw adm went to lunch again.. I'll try again tomorrow bet y'all eat big on us idiots
  16. Here's an idea/ let people purchase more than 6 mith again. This will help lessen the gap as far as bfe between the people who are getting screwed, and the ones who aren't over this entire season. You may even calm a few of us down :lol:
  17. You know, since you've pretty much admitted you're going to ride out the season in this state
  18. OK devs just wanna be honest for a minute.
    1. If your gonna open a thread to decuss the worst war system y'all have ever come up with starting it out with we aren't gonna make any changes is kinda stupid.
    2. The war system y'all have made sucks you either get a no match or the worst possible match ever.
    3. We pay your salary with the crystal/nobility purchaces how about doing what the people paying you want you to do for a change.
    Just saying. And thanks for listening.
  19. I wonder how much information the devs really take from this and debate on applying?

    My question is because a majority of the responses the devs take in are pretty much always general
    "We will look into this."
    "We will review all responses."
    Yada yada yah

    Though, I wonder why they don't give more thought out responses.

    -Also, guys, be nice. Let kaw_admin joke when he/she jokes. I don't want to run the devs off of forums again. kaw_community was brought in to communicate with us and we rarely see him/her because of how touchy we have become.
  20. Ok my 2 pennies worth. I personally found the 11 man wars great, was on the losing side a lot but the matches i had were close. I also got to war my mid in a noob clan and matched another noob clan!!!!! So my experience of the 11v11 was good.

    I think when people are talking about cs tiers what they are really talking about is a complete strength tier, so cs, bfe, bfa propacks etc. again with higher cs divisions better rewards, maybe plunder bonus equipment, to help with the towers etc.

    One idea I had was to have an overall roster strength match, similar to tug of war weights. So your roster could have say 10t total strength (i haven't done the maths so numbers may be way out) clans then build a roster around that. So if you want a lb acct you need to balance with a small, but a genuine small. Again there could be tiering.

    Maybe increase of reward, so a losing team makes 1-10 mith profit based on actions?

    I'd also like to do away with the mith spells, everyone casts them that wars but 14 mith to a noob is expensive. Maybe create spells that have shorter bursts, 5mins, 5 attks? Somthing that really adds a tactical edge rather than is a prohibative entry cost. Again needs to be limited.