Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. I know this isn't the place to ask but I've tried other channels and there was no response, plus you're active here right now.

    Is there any chance you guys will have a day with 100% refund to buildings? Just wanna know whether or not to hangs build now.
  2. On CS tiers:
    As someone mentioned, this wouldn't stop people with a CS in a tier to then be overpowered by BFA and BFE.

    On removing certain 'builds' from warring or restricting them:
    We don't categorize players into 'builds', 'builds' are a player concept to describe a particular mix of buildings. Our system would have to look at a players collection of buildings, and then assign this category to them, but this is easily manipulated.
  3. Hell KA, these times aren't even good for the US!
    Ya wonder why your turnout sucks?
    I'm not gonna war during work or stay up late when I'll surely get a shitty match.
    What's the incentive?
    Oh yay!! I get to assassinate SH with my 17m cs account!! Woo flipping Hoo!
    Sound like fun to you?
    You wanna miss sleep for that?
    Put yourself in our shoes for crying out loud.
  4. No flames there will never be a 100% building refund
  5. Sorry if thus has been suggested.

    How about having two types of wars clans can choose to sign up for? One being the SH/GH and the other being a regular roster war. You automatically get a no match if you sign up for the wrong war based on the composition of your roster.

    This sounds like it may create more no matches but it would increase participation as clans would see bad matchups decrease and it would increase the possibility of being matched with a clan with a similar hit ratio.
  6. Think of this thread as the start of this process. We want to hear out everyone before we make any claims/promises like this.
  7. "Insert stupid ass joke or comment here"... Waits for kaw admin's response
  8. @ kaw admin look back at s1 what worked what didnt. In s1 we had none of this sos hansel/guild hansel stacking. 4 hours sucked and was hard to do but for the most part wars were about strategy and who had the biggest and best builds. (I was in osw so only did a few ee maybe I missed something)

    Season 2. You removed the clan ranking system and guild hansels took over. Rosters became about who could field the smallest cs roster so clans like RH SORTA and a few others went to a 15 gh roster with lb and bc accounts. They have little chance of matching each other so they instead draw normal clans with or 3 gh bunch of 8-12m accounts and a few bigs and not only win but decimated them due to the gh making 60m and paying 1m or less. Community boycotts and then you make a thread about fixes and nerfing gh builds.

    chaos wars gh now make less (sucks to be a new guy lol) sos hansels are born they have higher hit ranges and still pay crap. Rosters make the quick cheap switch and bam exploit still exists rosters drop to 11 meaning for a good match u need to be less than 85m cs or greater than 200m. Community still complains about matches so u go to 25 man rosters (because that will fix the issue.....not) then you tighten the hit ratio or create tons of no matches. Yet the stacked clans still get matched 95% of the time.......tell us more about how you keep helping the exploit clans.

    solution is simple in ee all builds should pay a minimum 30m that would force gh/sh to grow into normal builds no roster will allow a leak. But all they will do is add adt and sdt. Good they will pay even more lol.

    Now for all the sh out there please note I use a sh for ee lol.
  9. @MaCHiNE,
    What's the matter buddy? Tough day at work? Failed a school test? Period?
    Yeah, I just niced my own insult. You would too if you had any good insults.

    Chill, bill. Not everything is about serious talk. The odd joke can make all the difference, being serious 24/7 bores people into losing interest. kaw_admin is still reviewing and replying, if they were uncaring this game would still be like it was in 09', and this thread wouldn't even be up. So calm down, grab a cup of tea and sit down.
  10. The reason we didn't see this sh stacking in season 1 is because no one had figured it out yet
  11. Wat about instead of basing plunder off the build ur hitting u base plunder made off of ur own build?

    Matching system (other then dts/dtw hit ratios) is actually quite good ... For every strength in a roster is an equal (or close to equal weakness)

    Problem is that with plunder mechs and dts/dtw u can't take advantage of the weaknesses of stacking rosters

    If every build would make per att exactly wat he would make hitting himself this would even the field

    And weaknesses that caused the match up to begin with would be available to hurt these clans

    Like / kind size rosters would have even plunder abilities in wars as would stacked rosters

    Only thing is no pure spies in the system wars are measured in plunder therefore u need to be able to produce or leak plunder to participate

    And obviously dts/dtw would need to be turned off
  12. Ka, ans to the warvalor's post on page 5. I know u can pick every suggestion and reply to it bt reply to these ones which make more sense. Unless your system cannot pick up the suggestion she presented and u just want to overlook what is said
  13. To station that's a bit better at dumbing it down but I think u should try harder (U can do it) @ Kaw adm we've had horrible no matches and as a war list maker it's not only hard to make a list but it's hard to know exactly what y'all want. Excuse me but odd guild out and hit ratio are rather lame excuses and I feel we deserve better.. I'm at 0 rancor Bc of all the no matches so how (if not fixed and fast) how do me or my members realistically get 50?? We can't yet we still try war after war. I put hours into a list for y'all to 5 minutes say nm piss off K.o.S. Station for 3 had gave u good ideas to fix things none have been tried or ever really even talked about or commented on my Kaw adm. So do u really wanna fix? I say u can't only hear us u actually have to listen. He does understand ur game even if u don't fully... To all other clans in EE facing no matches I say hang in there and maybe we might be heard TY
  14. No sir.
  15. @kaw admin from what i understand you are saying tough cookies to australians for S3 war times? all good to say you will put it back in in off season, but off season doesnt give me rancor.

    i found chaos wars were better than S3
  16. I'm sorry kaw admin but u are incorrect ...

    Saying that u "can not" lock Allie hires at time of war lock is false ....

    It was done durning summer wars so it can be done

    Question is better are u willing to lock Allies at time of roster lock

    And that answer is no for a whole slew of reasons most of us understand
  17. Just match by clan strength 1 vs 2 3 vs 4 - simple and will force people to not have such drastic war rosters.
  18. Locking allies at start of sign up would be very stupid. It's a free ally market - if I casted the night before, and woke up 30 mins before war with a couple trillion out, what? I'm just screwed? Gonna lose a couple hundred BIL?

    Then the other solution is locking allies if WOC casted. Also very stupid. Then those ally hoarders would just cast WOC and never have to sell allies.

    IMO that's why devs aren't doing ally locks 
  19. Fair enough.