Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. To all those saying no match = 1 rancor level , no way - its totally open to abuse and i see it as an easy way to plaster over a problem than fix it. And what entitles someone who barely warred all season to get level 50 over someone that warred their ass off but lost that few too many wars lol i prefer my solution of upping the levels won per war much earlier than normally done.
    Also for everyone talking about nerfing SH - well we all know what will come next - another build to be used as an exploit so again the problem goes much deeper than simply nerfing. SH are going to more and more replaced with SHT who have hit ranges that can reach lb and we are gonna have more crying from people. We all know nerfing doesnt work and we all know plunder needs a serious revamping- but that is hopefully something that can be done by s4
    So im still maintaining for this season remove the dts/dtw mech , let those pesky smalls annoy the bigs each and every war , rosters wil start changing im pretty damn sure
  2. How about everyone just cast 10 players in DTS STRENGTH RANGES 2 and 3. And cast 10 players in ranges 4, 5, and 6. Dont vary casting by more than 4 players in any direction. Dont cast anyone in range 1.
  3. Take bfa and plunder-bonus from allies out of ee completely. Will help with a lot of imbalances. If it helps with matchup- maybe even that. It definitely would help w the gh/sh problem.
  4. Why not just get rid of the no matches? match on strength, BFE, & BFA alone. Throw the low hit ratio out the window. If clans want to war with all SH then so be it. 1 clan is always going to be stronger then the next. Go back to how you did it in season 1. A lot less people complaining back then. All i see is Dev's do this Dev's do that. Dev's do what you think is best for the community!!!!!
  5. Get rid of no matches! If it's a match of bad hit ratios, OH WELL! At least there will be a winner and a loser if someone can hit. Also, if NO ONE can hit, then it is a draw and both sides get EE and 1 Rancor. Support?
  6. Also, that helps against clans like RH. They want LB and SH? Cool, I will make a roster of nothing but SH. Their SH will be pinned because their LB players are useless. Encourages roster changes.
  7. Well, why dont the clans be matched by their strength? There is a clan matchup report after the wars with the clan ranked by strength. Why not just match 1&2, 3&4...?
  8. 11 vs 11 like the chaos wars ffs devs. Is I that hard to figure out?
  9. If all clans just signed up with a roster that was manipulated - guaranteed you would all pretty much get a match How about clans reducing the amount of SH they use and see if that makes a difference 
    Or are you all too scared it will actually show your wins were nothing to do with your war skills but infact because you chose to go with a certain roster to try and ensure a win? Too scared that those SH you went with covered up the fact that actually your all pretty rubbish and have to find ways of getting an easy win!
    So rather than putting the blame onto the devs - why not try rosters that are less about manipulating and more about skill - go on i dare you all - guaranteed you will get your match up 
  10. I think what KaW admin is suggesting, is that it was jolly inconvenient ignoring all those threads about the matchup farce. They'd prefer just to ignore the one thread.

    Makes sense I guess...
  11. Wasnt manipulated ^ oops
  12. Support 11 man rosters.

    ...Sick of "The Vanished Paladins"...
    ...Tired of no matches...
    3/3 on Sunday.
  14. Ok let's go there

    Point system ... If ur going to go along those lines here's a few points to think about

    1) points ...
    U need to make sure points reflect actual actions counts and by this I mean that 3/4 of all actions in ee are spy actions if they are worth as many points as attack actions u will have screwed up

    U need to take into account how many actions u can have per full bar to decide points values for each type of action

    Att actions may be 1/4 of scouting actions so points for att actions should in turn be worth 4x as many points as scouts same principle as assassinates .. Also think about steal actions

    2) points can't be as simple as 1 point for scout 2 for assassinate and 4 for attack actions

    U have ko and sko which cost u points or transfer points from one side to the other if the point system is too low ko/sko 1 time could in theory cost u more points then an entire 2 bars of actions

    So points would need to be higher numbers like 100 points for att 50 for ass 25 per scout .. Something like that ... So that it reflects correctly ur action counts and real damage done durning wars

    Easy enough fix

    3) failed actions / actions that cost no troops/spies

    Here's a real issue I see with point systems

    Say I scout for 1 point each and I pin ur spies ... No big deal right? Wrong now I don't let u ko and ur open the entire war for easy scouts from my whole clan to score easy points scouting u the entire time not costing u and spies at all ... Not contributing to the war effort at all

    So fix is u don't score points by successful actions but by actions that cost enemy troops/spies only

    This brings me to other half of this problem wat about failed actions? They cost troops/spies so help with wars but don't count as successful

    So now u have to award points for fails?

    I mean I could fail bomb people for big points? Why do I need towers or any strategy ?
    Just need to hit faster score more points and get down scout a guy with zero spies 200 times and cause no real damage to enemy roster and win huge

    If I can think of these issues in 10 minutes looking at it I'm hoping u have someone there doing the same because most of ur kaw war commanders the smart ones anyway would have seen most of these issues before u ever finished typing
  15. support 11 man rosters but looks like devs have left this thread
  16. I vaguely remember one consolidated thread after S2 which everyone was invited to comment on.

    T'was to be a place where ideas could be put forth, discussions had over what would make EE work better.

    Everybody duly put in their comments and feedback. and a vision on how to move forward was conceived. Matchups would be tweaked, war crystals would be looked into, the overpowered guild hansels problem would be solved.

    All before season 3.

    Sound familiar?

    There are plenty of good ideas around, many have been out forward multiple times in many different variants.

    The problem, as ever, is the all-talk-no-walk attitude of the devs. Pure and simple. Little fixes and tweaks here and there does not a problem fix.
  17. Kaw-admin
    Is their any way to lock ally hires at sign up ?
  18. Don't blame the game, blame the player
  19. why not give minimum stat to join EE war likes 4mcs or more..., so all player will upgrade their stat..., I think it will solve all complain and reduce no match at EE war because no little stat could join EE war..., and it will make you easier to make algorithm for match up too devs.
    no clan could abuse the EE war with create many alts with little stat too.