Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Players, we are able to rate KAW on the App
    Store. It only takes a minute and may be effective?
  2. Lmao yes olive, threats solve everything 
  3. To avoid gh/sh from controlling the game..
    There should be range of build that can participate..
    I mean like in boxing or wrestling heavy weight ,medium weight and small......what do you say?
  4. Replies to posts either side of me, but wont answer if plunder issue can and will be fixed? I will take that as a no then lol, well that counts me out of ee until im hfbc and stacked in bfa, see you all for season 24 hahahaha
  5. Mu suggestion to improve syatem war:

    1. Limit each player actions. You can only hit 80 times, steal 60 times and assa 60 times in 4 hrs war, so plannned your action carefully.
    2. You can only have 50 members max for a war, but less members is OK but you will not get anything special for this
    3. Prestige point will be used to determine which clan you will fight next, just like rank 1 vs rank 2, rank 3 vs rank 4 an etc.
    5. At the end of every season, the top 16 clans will go to final round, roster will be closed for this round but war size will be upgraded to 100 members max roster
  6. Why do people continue to post big ass paragraphs of suggestions,

    You do know this thread wont even be looked at, or used in ANY way.
  7. Why dont you try beating the dead horse with a wet noodle instead of a broken stick!? Seriously? how many suggestions do you want from us before you fix it? How many trials do we have to go through? How many discussions will be posted? When is enough…enough? When does what we've been saying for 2 seasons actually happen? I think you have compiled enough ideas/suggestions/complaints by now. Just put it all back to how season 1 was and lets war already.
  8. Kaw_admin thank you for all the thoughtful replies since you got back from lunch. :)

    Totally support the points-based system, without plunder being factored in at all.

    A big effect of this is to not penalize people for having towers. Having towers will still slow growth until plunder mechanics are fixed (oh you built a tower? Ok now you aren't capable of earning the same $ as before--- how does this make any sense?) but at least people with heavy towers won't be earning poorly toward their war victory.

    If you make it so the points are based just on action type and not on the relative strength of attacker vs defender, that might make tiny hansels more or less disappear from war, since they will be easy prey for everyone to earn points off of, and they will be less desirable than mid sized builds.

    There is a lot to consider as far as how things could be exploited, but on initial consideration it sounds like a solution with a lot of potential.
  9. Why not duplicate the app call it KAW BETA and try things out there? Like plunder changes. Dts changes. Bfe bfa effects changes. New bonuses. New propacks. New spells. Any plunder affecting changes. Or drop rate changes. any mechanic that could give a brief advantage to some or a big change that could really mess things up. Just make it snap shot the original game and duplicates it once a day/week. Then add changes to duplicate. Run it as trial then make decision to either use changes or modify/delete changes by dropping that duplicate and using another snapshot. Idk maybe a big project but seems worth it in the long run.
  10. Oh soo many ideas...... Out already...

    Limit strength of any by removing bonus of allies.... This also makes it fair that the lb bigs can war and not outmatch there clan caus they have soo much in allies... So remove limit allies can do in ee wars.

    Second- limit the range of all according to there siZe more then they are for ee... Aka 4m can hit 18m etc etc...

    Change for ee the amount made by atk plunder be same no matter what size u hit. Be it lb big or gh.

    When matching include actual raw cs first and see hit ratio before adding bfe and or bfa..... Then add the bfe and bfa after for total strength...

    These changes I believe would make a large dent into the current system.

    Now for hopefully additions. With those changes it does nothing for hansel types to be of more use or wante in ee... Therefore I believe there should be bonus to assassin ko.

    Also there is an issue with scouting altogether because you able to use pots when atk and yet can't defend with pots with I believe gives another mill or 2 in cs on atk making it way too strong... Therefore removing using pots on scouts or defender able to use pots would be great. And/or lower chance of success currently sct is practically 100% in wars and is a 2/1 ratio atleast used in ee.... Somehow make it more viable to use steal or ass.... No answer for that jus a thought.
  11. Just to recap parts of the threads I've seen. Wars are still about being as big as possible whilst still being small. In a game where you are supposed to be growing. Mid builds r really unwanted for war.

    Everything is about sh and how to deal with them.

    Long term solutions
    - I can see banners eventually helping with % bonuses.
    - If other eq is % based then eventually being small won't be able to hit anyone. (A long time)
    - start putting cs restrictions on new eq. A small without bfe to hit means they need bfa to be effective. Maybe 6mil-10mil cs for new equips. Sh who increase their bfa for range deserve to be there.

    This should aim at keeping bigs , well ..... Big and stops a small accounts using big swords. Think level 20 using level 80 sword (from wow example earlier in thread).

    Short term solutions
    - everyone who pays under a threshold is paid a minimum amount. This means u never get less than x (25mil-35mil) a hit. Still crap. But better than 1mil.
    - ko's on small ppl under a threshold means ko should be based on my size than the opponents size. Especially attack and assassinate ko. A big who k/o's a small should be paid the same as k/o'ing a 3-6mil cs build. This will mean there's actually a point and strategy to use mids to focus smalls for plunder when u can't hit up.
    - clans with lb sh should be matched against each other first. The rest can match the normal way.

    If mids were actually desired there would probably be more ppl signing up for wars. More clans means less match up problem.

    I also put an old idea from s2 about 3
    No match = 1 rancour. It's in suggestions. This is done in 9's up to rancour 20 (or some other number)
  12. If You Guys Cant ChNge The Mechanics then do one thing Give One rancor point To those who Get 3 No match In A Row !! OR bring in more wars !
  13. Maybe increase the hit procentege can also give out more matches... As "small" bigs will be capable of hitting some SH.... And vice-versa...

    But any change you will do, needs to have 1 week of testing... Cant actually do that mid season :-/
  14. I think the first thing you must do is to make the hit range(the hit range must take in to account raw stats, bfe and bfa) smaller, not only in ee wars but in off system pvp too. You reduced guild hansel plunder but if you had made the hit range smaller, they would have not able to hit in the first place. Now there are shadow hansels and LB members. If you fix the hit range, the clans with shadow hansels and LB players will receive a no match because you match up clans with hit ratio, thus making them change their roster.
    I do not think people should be able to hit or be hit by people half their size.
    If you cannot change hit range, a substitute would be to make 2 types of wars. One will be where people who have unlocked their HF lands wil fight each other, and rewards will be great. Another will be where people who have not yet unlocked their HF lands will fight each other, and rewards will be small.
    Even if you do the above, problems will still arise and you will have to take care of them, but the first thing you must do is to make the hit ratio smaller.
  15. @kaw_admin ok sorry kaw admin but im going to go on a rant here. So basically its stuff you to all the australian/nz/asia players because not enough particapation? i was in every war down under and had no problem finding a clan, every war we got a match and to be honest they were better matches then what i see the USA people get.

    Ok so crystal says are halved to normal wars but as a paying customer i feel like i was just slapped in the face with that comment, and no ammount of back pedalling will help you, and im sure many others will be angry with that stuff you attitude
  16. How would it work out if EE wars where decided by KO count and not Gold ??? ... least KOs to WIN.
    this may make an interesting trial and would have the potential for a draw/tie too!!!

    If wars remain based on gold then plunder should be worked out more evenly. So calculations should be done on players real size not their cs.

    TVP should be scrapped, Mith spells counted ONLY after matchup and returned by system on no match/loss or win (up to a max of 15 for loss/no match)

    Encourage more participation with sensible rosters by awarding 2 Rancor for taking part in a match, -1 Rancor for a LOSS (net +1) and +2 Rancor for a WIN( net +4). NO Rancor for a No Match (forcing a non-exploitive roster to gain).
    Thresholds for equip increased! i.e. 1-24, 25-49, 50-74, 75-99, 100-124. 125+ required for all 6 pieces of equipment.

    As far as matchups go every clans roster should be calculated when signup ends. Everything should be counted CS+BFE+BFA+PRO Packs etc. for each player and the whole Roster ranked. Excessive Deviation from average player size calculated for Top and Bottom players, (Limits would need set after trial data collected) this would force a no match if excessive. Totals and Averages should be posted to clans that are not matched
    All clans that proceed should be weighted by their prestige and then ranked in order of their new combined score. 1 should fight 2, 3 fight 4 and so on. Only clan to get a No Match at this point is 'the odd guild out' all others should War! This would ensure winning clans fight harder matches and struggling clans caught a break ;)

    My 2 cents worth, thanks for reading :D
  17. @Kaw_admin- I guess my response was overlooked in your reading. A tested reason hit ratios dont work and a possible solution to your problem using statistics. Remove hit ratio, implement range, variance, standard deviation metrics into the relative strength. Then clans built the same and are relatively the same size fight themselves. Takes the best matching from season 1 (#1 fights #2) as long as they are consistent in their build mix.
  18. @ Most Wanted
    You might have something there re the KO's.
    If devs cannot adjust payout, surely they can manage to base the W on KO's made/KO's lost. Skills will come into play 
  19. This is a troll by kaw_admin.
  20. How about 11 vs 11 man rosters those were fun and as u said get more clans warring