Official No Match Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. That's pretty much what I figured Dragster... Which is why I refered Kaw Admin to my earlier post. I just wanted official confirmation. Just because I can, in theory, hit a LB player, doesn't mean I will ever be successful. Hit ratio basis alone is NOT the way to determine matches.
  2. I've actually said on numerous threads, if you want to eliminate the exploit of GH/SH you need to restrict / reduce the DTS/DTW range

    Tightening up the range of DTS/DTW to say /- 20% base stats would force us to adjust and eliminate GH/SH from rostering with Big Attack builds due to I tighter hit range.

    Look at you underlying algorithm for DTS/DTW and run some tests. I think you will find that this puts most GH/SH out of range of mid size attack builds and thus would eliminate the GH/SH exploit
  3. This whole thing started spiraling down hill when hit ratio and dts/dtw was employed after season 1. That's the first problem.

    The next is hit ranges are entirely out of whack. Either go back to season 1 where everyone could hit everyone or tighten up hit ranges to 2mil CS gap in either direction. This will keep the whiny LB, bigs, mids from complaint more that a sh or smaller build or whomever can hit them and get plunder or KO them. Nothing is wrong with any build that is created just the hit range.

    Lastly, the amount of plunder someone loses per successful incoming hit should be based off of bfa, bfe AND CS, not just CS. This would make a lot of SHs pay more. Make a plunder ceiling too for maximum value.

    The people complaining about sh have made the whole system worse by manipulating the devs. Since sh/gh is 1/3 or more of the EE player base and all successful clans use them there shouldn't be complaints. If you complain about one build as a cheat or flaw then all builds are. To me an LB that can't be successfully hit against is a cheat especially in EE wars and especially against clans that don't have one.

    So many issues but hit ratio and dtw/dts are the biggest and were the start of increased no matches and have just made it worse over time and decreased your EE war player base. You did it to yourselves devs.
  4. In order to increase participation, instead of giving no matches do this... In a war that would be a mismatch grant the losing clan back their mithril casted and do not decrease their rancor/estoc edge level. Problem solved?
  5. Hit the nail on the head doc, great post. Please fix the plunder system to reflect a persons true size not just their raw cs, include bfe and bfa in calculation. If this is not possible to code in, let us know so we can not bother with ee anymore and i can tear down these plunder sucking towers and go back to the garden of eb fairies. single and most pronounced problem with current system.
  6. Hi kaw_admin. Since you are responding a lot to this thread I hope I can get a response too. Is the dev team currently considering the changes posted on the thread "*UPDATED*A few suggestions regarding the EE war system." ? There lies your answers to every issue...
  7. Actually this is one of the biggest issues that we want to address but not just for EE wars. It's a huge change though, so it will take time and we have to take all factors into consideration before we head down that road.
  8. one suggestion would be to either cancel this season work on the new algorithms... and actually have 1-2 weeks of tests and the "week 0" of season - not like S3 without any test with the roster you implemented here

    another suggestion would be to at least increase this season by 1 month... lets say 2 weeks of rancor 2, 1 rancor 3, 1 rancor 4
  9. I think the point of the game should be to grow.

    There is no incentive to grow if u r a sh/gh esp if u want to grow. Unless u r a big build, u might as well not grow cuz no clans wants to war w them. Uve basically excluded a lot of kaw players who want to war...

    Also I read that u try to simulate game situations to create a good match. When a clan stacks lbs and gh, how the hell do u match them with a clan havin no lbs? Everyone except u guys know the match is poop. Obviously ur algorithm isn't that sound cuz everyone in kaw knows the match is poop. Only u guys think the match is great. Too bad ur matchin system lacks common sense.
  10. What do devs see as possible problems with a pre-set min/max cs for each spot on war roster?
  11. If u all want a good rec - cap bfa u can war w. 100m per category.

    Plus reverse plunder - gh/sh doesn't make much gold when hittin bigger builds but bigger builds makes killing hittin gh/sh

    This eliminates
  12. Isn't the metric already in place?

    How does the game determine who wins or losses?

    If it's a percentage then just divide plunder now by the win loss metric percentage

    You guys have the code, play around with it till it makes sense.

    It seems 60% chance of success (based off of a scout) usually wins so make that a base line. If my usual payout would be 100mill and my chance of success is 80% then 80 60 = 120%

    100mill / 1.2 = 88 mill (my plunder)

    If my odds are 30% chance of success then 30 60 = 90%

    100 mill / .9 = 111mill

    This means bigs picking on mids get paid less - it means strong GH / SH get paid less attacking mids that are actually not as strong as them. The mids make more hitting bigs - hansels don't pay as much, but do earn a bit better

    I really think this fixes sooooo much in EE and kaw in general!
  13. and a third suggestion would be for you guys to actually give rancor for no matches (half rancor points than you would normally get for a win) - after all most people warring now do it for Rancor

    in order to do that, and not let people exploit the system very bad my solution would be for you to "modify" a little the equipment that will be dropped at the end of the season and the way it will be enchanted (I'll give my suggestion details bellow)

    1. all equip dropped has Smoke Signal similar stats: +1 for all stats => it will result it is useless to have it without enchanting it
    2. lets randomly say one equip (the ring for example) total amount of mith needed to be max enchanted is 400 mith.
    make the first level of enchant cost like 300 mith (to enchant them from +1 stats to what you have planned now for stats - no need to change those stats)... and ok level 2,3,4... and so on will be like 5/10/whatever amount.. so that the total for the equip level 10 is 400 (as you initially planned anyway)
    that way if clans try to get no matches just for "free" rancor points and win "free" equip wont be able to use it (as they don't have enough mith to enchant them)

    ok this will mean actually more ppl get the equip (yes) - I don't like that either, but life ain't fair... they want to enchant that equip (after getting it with free rancor) => they will need to do wars for good after season and hopefully season 4 comes before they have it fully enchanted

    @kaw_admin hope at least my suggestions will be listened, and best of luck in finding the good solutions

    Best Regards
  14. Why on earth should devs dish out rancor levels to clans deliberately stacking rosters with lb/sh to ensure they either match a clan with more mids and less lb = certain win, or get a no match. This practice should not in any way be rewarded, the system is already crippled by these extreme roster, giving even more incentive will mean more stacked rosters signing up and more no matches. Its funny most of the clans that carry in less sh and more mids in get a match more often than not, albeit a completely lop sided one against a stacked clan. look in your own backyard and ease up on your roster stack before asking for handouts from a system brought to its knees by your own clan's stacking ways...
  15. Take Gold out of EE entirely. Its pointless having it in anyways.

    Make actions your basis for deciding outcomes.

    1/2 point for scouts/failed attack/ failed ass
    1 point for ass win
    1 point for attack win
    2 points for a KO

    Or something like that anyways.

  16. @devs, some ppl here have briefly touched on the Pure Spy issue. And it is an issue. Every account in a war must be able to be plundered on and you can not hit and plunder on a pure spy, therefore EE should be restricted to accounts with troops. Be it an attack or a hansel. Pure Spies open the opportunity to game the system. Top 20 lb and a clan of pure spies are impossible for another clan to plunder on. So they just sit and get farmed for mith and finally stop signing up for EE.

    2hr wars allow for weaker clans to win, it also allows for come from behind wins. It's a ko war. 1hr wars is simply the team that plunders more wins- and they don't even have it have the most ko. Having both is important to a balanced enjoyable war system.
  17. @Valor as most people struggle to commit the two hours for war plus hour of prep beforehand, maybe regen times can be sped up to twice the speed in ee and 2 xtals instead of one. That way its basically like a 2hr war but squeezed into a 1hr timeslot? I know from my own personal situation its hard for me to devote the 3hrs needed for the longer wars. Much easier to find a good hiding spot at work for the 1hr version lol :D

    @Kaw_Admin still nothing said about fixing the plunder mechanics so builds pay on their true size, not just raw stats. Is it doable? Will fix your sh issue and in turn may ease some of the no match issues also
  18. Apologies to y'all but I need to mention this just once more while the Devs appear to be paying attention...

    Squeezing 4 wars into a 12 hour period is great for half of the world KAW population, but what about the rest of the world for the next 12 hour period?

    Asia/Australia/NZ got kicked in the ass for S3. War times of 2am, 7am, 10am and 2pm are only suitable for non-working non-KAW humans.

    You don't need to adjust the mechanics to fix this now, please just include and early/mid evening war for our time zone so we can spend our money on your game.
  19. This how we are working on making war rewards work. So players can earn different rewards for the above actions. But we have been considering a point system like you suggest for win conditions as well.
  20. We tried the other timezones and their wasn't enough participation to support the Season.