Official KaW Bromance 2k14

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Seth, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Oh dear mother of god
  2. [title2]YOU SAW NOTHING.[/title2]
  4. what I don't understand is why did you replace the 0 in 2014 with a k?
  5. Shits hit the fan
  7. Narwhal and me are engaging in a rigorous activity at the moment. Will answer questions in about 19 seconds 
  8. I saw it 
  10. What happened to RP14 aka Alycone
  11. >OP is secretly in the closet.
    >OP can't even Green Text.
    >No Support.
  12. -Narwhal put his horn in places that should not be thought about...

    I wonder if Phart found it painful or enjoyable.
  13. no support go back to pimd
  14. This is his try out for pimd exclusive Brokeback Phone App Club
  15. Support. Wait...
  16. No support
    You can go back to the dark, desolate hole from which you came.

  17. Live footage from the inside of Seth and dragonites love shack!

  18. Omg, my new OTP!