Official KaW Alt Manager??

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Christs_Follower, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. I was thinking the same thing, hulk. Limit of, say, 3 total accounts? I think that's reasonable.
  2. This is the funniest comment on this thread.
  3. What is an alt? Don't we all just have one account :D
  4. Yeah I agree
  5. No. Alts are required to have a device.

    1 account per device as per ToU.

    Duuuuuuude do you even read bro
  6. I'm thinking the alts would need ONLY the ata linking option right? Because one ata link per device...
  7. It's against ToU to use more than one account on one device
  8. Devs don't want people to create alts, why you think they have made one account to one device ?
  9. This will never ever happen or even be considered by devs

    Also no support. One device one account. No need for change.
  10. TOU can be re-written. I think this is a good idea.....would like to be able to see who's alts are linked to what main acct though. If you are linking your main and alts for your ease, then I should be able to see who your main and alts are....If you want to keep your alts secret, you'll have to still carry 10 devices in your pocket. Thats your fee for wanting secrecy.
  11. Support. Limit it to three accounts. Most people already have 3 or even more :lol: . Why not make it easier for everybody to KaW?