Official IG vs Foxes War Experiment II

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. And no wins each hour.
  2. Can I join 24,800 attack 16,900 defence
  3. Can I join 24,800 attack 16,900 defence
  4. Is infra or scrim picking e fighters?
  5. Hii agree with d bo....I will not take part in this war unless som1 hires men I'm shure there will be more than 1there is too much politic's involved for meall clans shuld b able to get along!the first real war actualy had a meaning to it....this however just dosent feel the same
  6. Btw,r potion lossess going to b counted?I think they shuld b counted as they r quite a valuable loss ie cost...
  7. The players on the roster of the winning team should get a reward!!! The winning players should get 50 nobility points!!!(That number seem right?)Or, maybe to keep it like a war by any clan would be, 10% bonus from all coin you took from the people you attacked in the opposing team if you win.(each individual player, though the team is important because you won't get anything extra if you don't win)
  8. KHE will NOT be participating. Kthxbai
  9. Lol this is how the chaos vs. Noobs should have been run... That kitten kicking chaos clan would have fallen!
  10. Wow chaos  all the way baby
  11. "Woof, Woof" -  Go Fox 
  12. HiAll, i will not be in war, or on official rosterIG and others staying nuetralFYIthere is another Arwen_ in the game. She is no relation to me and i have no idea who she isIv'e beem informed that she is a foxsomeone told me she is on their roll call forum? Anyway, IG / Foxes don't confuse Arwen_with me
  13. Idea for next war......
    See which side durring battle can use the most nob/crystals.....
    Possible next step????
  14. @Nova I think that's the plan on this January war. Since it's all about who can make the most money, then using crystals/np gives you alot of chances to keep raking in the gold.

    It's one reason Im not participating and decided to reset my kingdom instead of playing in this upcoming war of pockets.
  15. Didn't u people read the first post? People participating are limited to 3 crystals per day. 6 crystals total.

    You can get six crystals from 6 or 8 hours of nothing but questing. Or get your nieces and nephews and neighbors with iPhones to install KaW, use your referral code, and delete the app. You don't even spend a penny.

    Don't u guys see, the point of this is a test of a warring system, and one that specifically restricts crystal usage? I would think folks would wanna participate to help ensure the new war system works like they think it should.
  16. There's already foxes who spent 500$ mininum getting ready for this war lol.
  17. lol they must have no life
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