official FarmFest 2016

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIlXIlIlXIlIlXIlIlI, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Hehe many a did. :lol:
  2. there's some steals :^)
  3. /.\ come on. You shouldnt be failing on my small sdt.
  4. Shots fired, straight finger thugs in here.
  5. How much do you pay your wandering villagers
  6. Now, who would like to setup an osw clan with me? Follow me 

  7. wow.....takin cred like a politician. Well, whatever makes ya feel happy I guess. 
  8. If someone knew the true spirit behind FarmFest and why it was created, then he wouldnt bash it and insult the ones who continue its legacy. Foxey Roxey is one of the people who truly understand the fun and tradition and rightfully belongs the group of players who together made it happen. Fakes can talk a big game cant they. Good job Roxey, and long live PE.

  9. Archey. Pure evil... Always and forever ^.^ <3