I have to say the return fire has been furious.. Those who are in my NF cos someone here hit u.. Bravo.. That's good vengence..
Proph just cos u ain't a part of this FF doesn't mean it sucks. Well maybe it does in ur mind but honestly who cares u sound like one of those butthurt farmees tbh..I know u are better than thatWe are having fun here and that's the ultimate goal, isn't it? Game have changed and it is way more hard these days to get tears on walls compare to even a first FF when I was a nub target and my tears ensured a win for Dis lol Things change and evolve. I understand u missed a good chunk of time in Kaw but it's actually good to see old u - talking crap on whatever subject u feel to be relevant to
So I spent a little time reading the reply's and reactions to this farmfest . Needless to say a large majority of the replies have all been negative, in effort to ridicule the participants. Well , I just have to say:: It is what it is. Personally after I finished with event pvp I spent the better part of 6 hrs searching for players to hit that I thought would spam my wall begging me to stop,or cry to their clannies for help. Yes,they were smaller than me; not all of them, but some. I mean can you blame me,I haven't dedicated all of my time to kaw like some ,so I have neither the resources or stats to sit around all day and basically go toe to toe with players larger than me,or players in the LB. From what I'm seeing that's what you want in honest "farming" ,"real" farming .Well I won't apologize for not being at that stage in the game yet,its just not my time. Anyway,long story short ,I actually took some of this kinda serious yknow ,I tried.simple .if you don't like it yadayadayada, make your threats ,jokes whatever. I'll be here, why? Because real life is hard ,and this is just a gameok wait.screw that sentimental crap .I'll be here.Rock on you hardcore kaw dudes and kawdets.
LOL Thats not what its about at all. Have fun and enjoy kaw how you will but when you call somethinf FF, it needs to be FF. This is not FF. This is a a sad excuse of it, and while you may not understand that, most do. Its like you are driving a chevy but telling everyone its a ford. You can call it what you want, but it doesnt make it a chevy (farmfest)
Blazey, talk with ashes, he seems to agree with me that this event sucks. If a week or two more would have been spent preparing this event could have been epic. But no, gotta rush into. As for not relevent too, lol i thought this event up soooo yeah its sorta part od the prophecy. Sorry to burst you bubble You are legit bad to the bone at kaw, one of the few players i will openly admit i wouldnt want to osw with for months/year again. If you deny FF is crap this year, its only because you are involved with it. You skills compared to 90% of those involved arent even comparable. Brush up on those reading skills, Im not the only one here posting how crap this event has become. Clearly you still crushin on meh since you arent addressing anyone else. =P Jokes aside, i truly hope you guys have fun with this crap event. Regardless that its crap, kaw is still meant for fun and so long as that happens then its time well spent. But calling this a real farmfest and not a joke, is utterly silly.
Mister Geech You are entitled to your own opinion fair enough. But lets look at some facts 1) You havent been relevant or active in KaW for some years now. Neither have the original organisers. And the last year it wasnt even ran. 2) We made it very clear we wanted to introduce a new generation to farm fest, In a time of KaW when participation as a total is down, and events rule the roost 3) More than 100 people have signed up and are actively participating in the event. Double the last Farm Fest of two years ago. 4) Previous farm fests had fake posts and cheating. This year we are actually working together to stamp out fake posts and reward genuine ones 5) You can come on here with your little 7mill CS account and your fancy words. But like many crawling out the woodwork - you simply are irrelevant Kudos to Roxey for wanting to bring this event back to the community and for all the hard work. Everyones having fun and some of the tears have been awesome We cant wait till after event to show you the best tears, the best ragers
Also Blazey, ive been back playing, a couple of weeks after years of not touching the game, yet here you are 4 or 5 years later still spending countless hours of your life on kaw. Relevence would be nothing more than me doing like half the players here and buying an account and spending the next 3 or 4 years here telling people they arent relevent. LOL. Oh the irony
As refreshing as it is to see Proph back, I've got to comment on this new FF. I love FF. I have to get that out of the way. Too many people download kaw and go straight to an EB clan because that's exactly what the introduction tells people to do. Fine, I get it. Join an eb clan and collect goldies. But events like FF and WC roulette are really what inspires fairies to become OSWarriors. Like so many, I was a fairy, and it wasn't until BH Cleavage started whooping my ass that I got interested in OSWar. OSWar really got me into this game and helped me meet some really cool people and learn so much about a tap tap game that I never thought imaginable. The difference is that BH Cleavage farmed the crap outta me and my clan. Ruthlessly and relentlessly. That made me noob rage like nobody's business, but it also inspired me to find a way to exert revenge. This is what FF lacks so far, IMHO. The current participants are looking for easy "points." This event is about points? When did that happen? My view of FF is to inspire casual KaWers to become hopelessly addicted. The incoming has been mediocre, at best. I want these folks to find targets and ravage them like a vendor in the Red Light District. Be ruthless. Farm, persist, ravage, destroy, pin, rinse, and repeat. Show no mercy. Earn those tears. Make people want to learn the whole game, not just what the devs have provided for us. Make them obsess and learn OSW. To all the FF participants, you lot need to step up your game. 5 hits doesn't do it any more, and please stop with the scouts. Hit me, pin me, sit on me (if you pathetic lot even know what the hell sitting is). Make the 2016 FF the FF to go down in the history books as the FF that made all of KaW unwilling participants in the greatest OSW KaW has ever seen! Let your aspirations of growth and glory go. We aren't here to grow pretty pink princess kingdoms so huge the royalty of the Saudi Kingdom would be proud of. KaW isn't about growth, you damn noobs! KaW is about WAAAAARRRRR! Show us your war faces! Fight on!!!!!
Proph, be quiet. Your as relevant as a rat in this. Cheese, I appreciate what your saying.. FF has gone great. We've had a ton of fun and bought the most difficult people in kaw together. So, in a nut shell, I'll disregard anything you have to say (very politely mind) because we've had a ball.
Vixen if I am not relevant i would hate to know what most here playing are. I came back a few weeks ago cause i got a message from an old friend saying i was still being talked about in the forums. Had to see what my irrelevant ass was still being brought up for years and years later. Seems nobody stepped up to fill the void of being able to light this game on complete fire like i could. Have i moved on with life and defo turned my attention away from kaw and focus it on other things. Yes i have, for quite sometime now. That means little tho. This is tap tap kaw. Not some crazy indepth mmorpg that takes years to fugure out mechs for. See my post prior to blazey regarding being relevant in kaw. Espeically the part about buying acounts. Years and years since i even think of kaw, yet within two weeks back ive already seen the 100s of ss of the mod group and that whole ordeal of your "gifted" account. You all know too well that prior to TOU change, i bought lots of accounts and could just as easily do the same now. Thats not what relevence is and Im sorry you feel that way. Furthermore, i even attempted to help you guys make this event better. I was ready to offer funding for rewards and ideas to make it better. In fact one said idea was going into HTE clans and stealing item phases. Not only would you piss off a whole clan, likely get them to farm you, get real tears on your wall, get a clan full of real targets to rain down upon. If anyone in FF did that this year, they would hands down win this comp as is. You said that wasnt for FF. Its another event. Lol. Yet here your contestants are posting walls asking people to request CF and postinf WC for new clan for smaller players so they can hit noobs eho dont even know what farming is and yada yada yada. Ya know what, i yeild youre right. You way is a much better one. GREATEST FARMFEST EVA!
U got it wrong cheese. FF is not about points, its all about fun - the pvp fun, not apheriun autopilot type of whacking. If just one participant sees the difference and appreciates it - we have succeeded. Very first FF turned me into farmer/osw player from pwar 'warrior'. The main reason I agreed to take part in running 2k16 FF is just that - FF changed my game play and if it wasn't for that first FF I wouldn't be playing this game as of about 4.5 years ago lol Just like for you cheese: deep cleavage made u see another side of Kaw. And even as of right now - we do see results so u all can say whatever u want about this FF not being the same as original blah blah; but if it's able to show another side of Kaw to even just one newbie that it can be fun without that autopilot whacking of ebs - this event is successful
How can FF be about not hitting Haunting? It wasnt even around when it was created lol. This is like the silliest convo ever. Like your telling Bill Gates how to build an os or something. Being that this event is from my very mind Im quite sure I am the one who would kmow the purpose of farmfest. And that purpose is to cause as much choas as possible. And whoever does that is the champ. You can try and make it what you want, but it will never change the real reason farmfest came to be.
Blazey, your story is similar to mine. What I do have to point out is this, Pure Evil has touched us all (Oioi tiger) in so many ways. Pure Evil to me was about just a hand full of players who, I will always remember fondly and happily when I'm a dried up 75 year old, with a dribble cloth. It's been an a long 5 years in this game for me. If it wasn't for pure evil, I'd have quit along time ago. I would like to take this opportunity to just stand back, thank kaw for being here and tell my mates from Pure Evil that I hate them... But I also love them just a little bitnaughyGwen, tornado, DC, wibutos, blazey, dis, nic, sucker. ty, Widow... As for IPleb.... Be gone. Your blasting on about FF whilst all the while not thinking about Pure Evil. Your a hypocritical lying maniac, infact I wouldn't touch you with a 50 ft barge pole, Jayde? She must be off her rocker. Step away from your device, delete kaw and never come back. Your a rancid human being who thinks he can play with people. Your powerless here IPleb and from this moment forward so are your words. You need a personality check, anything... Because man, your vile. You have no right to be here. The effort your exerting is fun to watch, but go away IPleb. Can't play with someone's life anymore so now you feel fit to do to on kaw. Be gone with you..
Ebs didn't exist back then. But pwars did. Same autopilot whacking, wasn't it? Cmon I expected a better argument from u lol that's where my 'Kaw has evolved' argument comes into play. But it's not like u missed ebs take over - u actually were one of those to use ebs as a strategy in osw - remember u told me that ebs were the way to go 3-4 years ago? when u had regs adopt ur 'hit eb for funds and strip with those funds' strategy. Today we have ally hiding spell, which makes that eb strategy obsolete, though some still live in the past. I'm sure if u were active for few months ud come up with up to date strategy. Forget about ur self proclaimed FF legacy..There's clans that need u Proph! Ever think of getting a bigger account and joining Veritas or regs??