Okay everyone... A brief update., We have good interest so far.. The start time is 9am PST this Sunday.. Basically we will guide the contestants to join the host clans a couple of hours before (So please be ready and all coffee'd up before 9am PST).. Also once the Festivities start, we will be providing a running commentary on how the event is progressing, and sample noob tears that have been shed on the walls.. There will be a couple choice wall posts being nominated at the end of the event for the Best Wall Rage award which all of you can cast the vote on the forums.. Follow any of the judges for any questions.. Noob Tears Cometh!️
Since when did any farmfest have a start time and date in forums? You noobs have destroyed the integrity of farmfest. What's next? Walling people and giving them a heads up that you're going to hit them? A farmfest thread has always been done before hand. BUT, NEVER HAS A DATE AND TIME BEEN SET IN FORUMS.