**Official Butthurt Thread For War #3 (INCLUDING ME)**

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. im in GHS Lol really unfair #'s even when on the winning side its no fun all you see is the color green every 15minutes
  2. NWoCB: so far, so gd :D
  3. Yep I'm currently in the war that is 28 vs 60 it's total bs .. 
  4. am also in the war of 28 vs 60 on GHC side... total mismatch these guys deserve some sort of compensation they really have been hard done by...
  5. Lmao v-hawks got matched with messiah many times
  6. Terrible match up here... Outnumbered and weaker.
  7. Crows still hunting...
  8. Anyone think its because the two biggest osw's in kaw going on. Wtfu (w=wake) for the noobs
  9. imo these matchups are sucking because clans are LB stacking, and filling with a bunch of low stat players/ alts. LB stacking causes low clan size vs. larger clan size with a bunch of low stat players. Looks like the algorithm is calculating player size (strength) not actual amount of members in the clan. cant fault the devs for how we build our clans.
  10. I just wanted to say great job to my clan, who fought very bravely, yet the result was always hard to dodge. And huge thank you to cstreff and the V-Hawks for only using 1 xtal and keeping this a war worth fighting for :D
  11. hmm..not sure whether to make this the official butthurt thread for this week's wars or let this die :?:
  12. This thread would like to live on LMFAO
    WOOHOO!!! :D <3
  13. Im not really butthurt about it, but i would like to thank all the other clans around our size for loving them eb's, and not warring. Gave us the honor of drawing rca. Keep up those haunts!!
  14. @OP why don't you just get some more friends and grow your clan??!! 
  15. The match ups seem of been a screw up in last war. look at White-knights-kingdom match up and pillar of chaos match up they both look unfair.
    Would have been better match up if u swapped the sides about wkk against pillars and ghc against guild Inc.Looks like it would have been a contest instead if 2hrs of a waste of time and mith.
    I know swapping sides about is silly but why did the devs not see this at match up there formula for match ups is bs I think it's pull names out of the hat and now they have put into effect no match up they can continue to do so .
  16. It is based off of strength.

    I wish people would think logically about match ups, it really isn't that hard to understand.

    The match up is based on your strength, your members play a very little role in this... As you can see we had 60 members to their 28.

    But, they were the next strongest clan...

    It is impossible to make a matchup, based off of the Member Count, that is quite simply going to be 3 fold worse than the current system.

    Where the system is at fault here, is quite simply because there wern't many clans to sign up, and it seemed there were 3 main sizes.

    30 members.
    60 members
    100 members.

    I'm not trying to say our match up was fair, but it was the next strongest clan, I fell the system/algorithm did its bit, all the clans that could have warred didn't...

    Meh,it's a hard topic though...
  17. The equation they use to work out strength of clans if the flawed part and that was my point.
    Numbers make all the difference in this style of war not just strength.
    2 ppl half the size att one at same time will ko them quicker than they can unload troops or spies . This is the flaw that needs fixed
  18. Anarchy we were previously matched (being in the 150's) against LB # 48..there is no excuse for this. It was a lost war b4 it started.they were on LB, had higher stats,more ppl more bfa!

    In terms of strength u can't win cz no matter how good the algorithm, sum clan is always stronger than urs..thx 2 devs stupid algorithm many have lost xtals n precious time over wars..n ppl like me have stopped warring al together

    If these r test wars n devs r still testing they shud give candidates xtals n mith for the war as well..not messed up match up's at the cost of our xtals n mithril! 
  19. What happened to the no war button? -_^
  20. Queen I was talking about matches like ours, where strength is equal but numbers are way out. All I can say about yours is that is a perfect example of a bad systematic match up... A terrible one in fact.

    The no match feature will be good though, a question, do you get anything as compensation if you get the 'no match found'?