Offensive bang for my buck.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by treven, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. i disagree, cheese. in the long run, building based on stats/gold will end up wasting gold. you will just end up replacing them eventually.

    tearing down 49 t4's will make 161 bil disappear. :|
  2. You're right.

    I must have missed the part where the OP asked about long run benefits.


    By the way, you'd only have to replace 25, if you were doing a long-run analysis, since you can't put T5 on LL, AFAIK.
  3. good point on the 25.

    still. answering the question that the op asked isn't always the best answer to give the op. because as some folks have stated...stables give the best stats per gold.
  4. You're right again. But he didn't ask about T1. He asked for a comparison, specifically between T4 vl3 and T5 lvl1.
  5. you missed my point or are ignoring it.

    my point about the stables was that the question op asked was flawed. it does not take into account the limited number of building slots available. so rather than simply answer the question, why not try to explain that to the op?

    just because stables have better stats per gold, does that really mean you are getting the most bang for your buck?

    just because coe have better stats per gold, does that really mean you are getting the most bang for you buck?

    those are not really good questions. ya follow me?
  6. I understand that you're looking out for the long-term interests of the OP by reading into his question.

    I tend to take things at face value. I suppose that's why I sucked so badly at English classes - I lack the ability to "read between the lines."
  7. btw i am really just arguing with you to drive my point home for the op.

    and i am still mildly embarrassed for forgetting that you can't build t5 on lowlands. :oops:
  8. LOL.

    The OP hasn't been online since page 1 of this thread.
  9. But i say go with t5. Its cheaper just takes longer
  10. Oh crap corinthian is active :shock:
  11. T5 lvl > T4 lvl 3

    • Better Plunder
    • Stronger Stats
    • Cheaper if you just put up T5's instead of T4's, tear down later, build T5's