Off Topic: The Draft America's Daughters Act

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MR_Un1v3r5E_ThE_MaCHiNE, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Personally, no one should be drafted. Why should a person be forced into war? Male or female. War is about as pointless as the government and gets us no where. These "freedoms" this country give us, is not enough for me to wanna go and get screamed at in my face by someone who thinks he's better than me because hes wearing shiny new badges. Think risking your life is noble? Great, what happens if the USA gets invaded and your clear over seas in Japan? Gonna try and fly or ship back knowing there's a possibility your too late and your family could be slaughtered? This country in general is a sad mistake. Protecting our "freedoms" is bs also when we've lost the majority of them. So no, in my opinion, women should not be forced into the draft like men.
  2. You are a sad mistake should revoke your USA citizenship and move your pathetic coward unpatriotic ass away some where... Trust me punk if it comes down to it you're gonna go just like every other able bodied American male citizen (but like I said it prob won't ever come down to that again) ...or rot in prison as you should.

    ...They should keep Guantanamo open specifically for "YOU".

    I'm not sure how it is now but when I was in the service and stationed in Germany, German citizens over the age 18 were "required" to serve for 2 years in their military. Was the same in Holland and several other European countries. If you ask me it should be a requirement here in America.
  3. I'd rather have a small squad of willing volunteers watching my back than a platoon of unwilling victims of a draft.
  4. I've never been in military "combat" but ild imagine drafted or volunteer when you're in the thick of it you're gonna fight just as hard as the next man to get back home to your family.
  5. ...anyways never hurts to have some meat shields 
  6. Being able to vote should mean you can be drafted.
  7. 1 you are my hero 2 I saw a meme on fb that stated all posts on Internet are 100% true ! And it was from president Lincoln so it has to be true
  8. Please Lock to prevent thread jacking.

    There will be more current threads this can be discussed on throughout the election year.

  9. Well women want EO? So the draft should apply to them as well. Dont know how its going to work, but might as well
  10. Women are doing better in school because they are favored by teachers and the school systems to make up for the hundreds of years of not being allowed to learn.

    About the draft, I think it's complete bull **** when women in America today say they are oppressed by men. I've had multiple psychology teachers tell me that girls are heavily favored in the classroom. Every time I hear women say or talk about 'feminism' the first thing I say is "what about the draft?" I think it's completely fair for women to be drafted into the military of it came to a time where we needed a draft. There's no reason they shouldn't be in it. Of women want to be treated "equally" they should be included in the draft. Feminism and racism movements in America isn't about being equal, it's about being superior.
  11. I've served with a few women that would destroy most men.

    I have no problem with being alongside a willing woman. But, humans in general, if they don't want to serve, they are less likely to protect the person beside them.

    Drafting in the United States today would be a disaster.
  12. Women should be able to fight for their nation's values and liberties for which it stands.
  13. Women are completely equal as men without a doubt and have every right men have.
  14. Bump so others read this
  15. As a direct-fire wounded combat veteran, I'm here to tell you and anyone else reading this that the will to fight is paramount to combat effectiveness.

    I've seen too many men who joined for the wrong reason (or because their recruiter painted a rosy picture of combat) freeze when the bullets start flying. And their inaction not only puts their own lives at risk, but also jeopardizes the mission and the lives of everyone else around them.

    There have been enough problems created by lying recruiters under pressure to boost their numbers who enlist people who are emotionally unprepared for the vigors of combat.

    The last thing we need is a bunch of people who don't want to be there.
  16. This then we will be true lye equal
  17. Cheese im in AIT righy now and so many people have quit just in my company... We started with 245 and we're now down to 193
  18. quit? ...that must be new
  19. Peak women vs bottom men is a void argument. Some men can be killed by a squirrel.
    A draft today would be a disaster since the nations excistence is not treatened...
  20. I didn't think, nor do i believe the US government drafts anyone anymore, here it is a choice, not a command, to join the military!