off system pvp is dead

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SkinnyMinny, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. people really play civ V? Im still beating the Germans on Civ 3. Legit have been playing that save for 3 years now with breaks.
  2. If bored pvp hit their random clan members especially visitors that dropped seal
    Guaranteed more action most cry some try pin you for a while and swear on your wall that you will die
    You can't die btw it's a game or even get pinned for too long so it seems
  3. Civ three was my all time favorite, I don't really play any Civ much these days, but V is solid
  4.  this is the problem with kaw
    I've no idea what they talking about
  5. Exactly what expected not one hit back
    Skinny it's pvclan or nothing 
  6. The problem is you don't know what people are talking about? You are ignorant, and that's kaws problem?

    You hit someone and don't get an instant response, therefore you must post about how cool you are?

    You are a ps with no allies sitting in your dead clan seeking attention. You are what's wrong with kaw.
  7. The problem is people are ignorant about a war game where your suppose to war I'm pure spy I've been same build for years I seek a fun game that includes attention from people like you which I have already
    Care to fight ?
  8. Dear god if I'd wanted all talk no action I'd or remarried my ex wife
  9. lol I'm basically retired
  10. Wow you and that instant gratification problem. Sure, let's fight. You aren't the first attention starved yet too scared to really play ps I've laughed at.
  11. We all retired meme bored out of our wits till action comes even then it's can I be bothered the game changed so much it's not the game I used to play it's become the game I log into now and then chat to friends and hit someone if I have time for it
  12. No allies, no pots, not troops, no gold out. Do you get some weird satisfaction from just being scouted? No wonder kaw isn't fun for you, that's the most boring kaw existence I could think of.
  13. The remaining dtw and failing steal is a great tactic I wonder how long u can keep this up and how long before u realise nothing to steal
    U have played before I'm guessing ? This prob should be out forum tbh post my wall with ur wins
  14. Satan I'm an osw build it's all I do u chose to fight me don't cry about it
  15. Reaction to this thread look see osw isn't dead I got a guy crying within 2 hours osw is alive and kicking get on it
  16. Your ADHD will beat you before I do.

    Yes, I understand how a ps works. Nearly everyone that really has played has a ps alt. If that's your main that is really sad. Like I said, you must enjoy playing were the worst that can happen is you might get scouted. So much fun!

    I look forward to you attempting to burn my bottom 3 pots. Go get em slugger.
  17. You literally have just been posting talking to yourself. Better slow down, that ADHD is about to ko you
  18. Satan oh my u really no idea lol
    Ok I'll attempt your 3 pots
    Try wind me up some more 