Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Some people's posts just disgust me. America is the land if the free, anyone should be allowed to come here. Nationalism is a bunch of baloney and pointless. No one here is pure American, everyone in the country is a immigrant. Our founding father were immigrants for crying out loud.

    As for the speech, I think this will help the broken system. We r not just making them into legal citizens, he just said they won't be deported. That's for the people in the country. Our borders are now heightened in security and people won't be able to cross as easier. We should welcome these immigrants that will help our economy. Famous business men are immigrants. Robert Herjevac is a son of an immigrant factory worker and Mark Cuban is Croation (Shark Tank reference). They multimillionaire and billionaires. They help our economy.

    This into my say in this ugly topic
  2. Which post do you find disgusting if you don't mind me asking? This is a very civil conversation for this type of forum. I have seen far worse on more supposedly mature forums.

    Is it the politics involved?
  3. Hahaha someone said paying taxes is a "right". And if citizens don't pay taxes, money gets stolen from us at gunpoint. Illegals don't have that threat, since the immigration law is "catch and release". Yeah, they're deported at gunpoint, but not robbed by the IRS when they dont pay
  4. Obama told congress to find a way to fix immagration in 2010, he gave them an oppurtunity but they didn't do anything about it.So Obama took action and I believe that this will be successful. The immagrants that Obama is letting become citizens are the ones who work hard and are trying to make a life in the US, he is not giving citizenship to those who cause destruction and are breaking laws other than illegal immagration
  5. I'm very happy with the changes that Obama made 
  6. Just read the speech and I believe you are somewhat mistaken.
    Obama has announced that there will not be mass deportation and by giving them citizen ship it enables them to pay taxes legally and have health care the same as other Americans.
    The first obviously better for the USA as a whole. The second better for migrants.
    He does state illegals avoiding tax will not be tolerated and it appears he is just saying they lost the battle for control over migrants so they may as well make it possible to cash in easily on those workers by green lighting a way for them to have legal taxable jobs.
    Yes it's far from ideal, however creating a situation where people can now contribute to the economy they live in is better than nothing.
  7. I think you should try actually listening to the speech instead of posting a bunch of lies.

  8. My ass.

    You don't seem to know very much Gunny. Bush released 532 Gitmo detainees, including Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. We didn't even get anything for them. Reagan sold hundreds of TOW anti tanks missiles and Hawk anti aircraft missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages. Then he used the money to fund drug deals for the Contras. Now he's a Republican hero. Go figure.

    I think if you wing nuts actually knew more about your country's history and constitution, you might not sound like fools all the time, ranting over stuff you know little about.
  9. Wrong black dragon. I know more than you think
  10. These threads always make me lol.

    On a serious note though, figure out a way to rework the party system to make it more accessible to third party candidates and that would work out a lot of issues in congress, which would make the presidents job a little easier imo.
  11. This one really annoys me, since you're supposedly a veteran but you apparently have no problem throwing a fellow service member under a bus without any due process whatsoever. So let's take a trip down memory lane. This is what your heroes were saying before Bergdahl was released:

    “Todd and I are praying for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, his family, and all of his fellow soldiers who are putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom and protect democracy abroad,” Sarah Palin, 2009

    “My prayers are with the family of Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier seen on the Taliban abduction video released this weekend. The Jawa Report has the full clip. All Americans should hope and pray for his release from jihadi custody.” Michelle Malkin,2009

    “Today, I received from the National League of POW/MIA Families, a “Never Forget Bracelet” emblazoned with the name of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. He was seized on June 30, 2009 in Afghanistan and is being held by the Haqqani Organization – a Taliban afilliated terrorist group – in northwest Pakistan. Sgt Bergdahl and his loved ones here at home deserve our prayers and encouragement until he is rescued or released. That’s what we do. We’re Americans.” Oliver North, 2011

    “The mission to bring our missing soldiers home is one that will never end. It’s important that we make every effort to bring this captured soldier home to his family.” Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) June, 2013

    “Then there is Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl still held by the Islamic terrorist Haqqani network, probably in Pakistan, in the same place where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. This past POW/MIA national day of recognition, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reiterated a pledge to secure the young Army NCO being held captive, but have there been any actions? Any time, attention, or even mention from the Commander-in-Chief? Nah, no camera highlights in it for him.” Rep. Allen West (R-FL) December, 2013

    “I would support. Obviously I’d have to know the details, but I would support ways of bringing him home, and if exchange was one of them, I think that would be something I think we should seriously consider.” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) February, 2014

    “As part of ongoing efforts to urge the Department of Defense to do all it can to find Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and bring him home safely, Senator Ayotte worked successfully to include a provision in the bill that presses Pakistan to fully cooperate in the search for SGT Bergdahl.” Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) May, 2014

    “Last year, on the fourth anniversary of Sgt. Bergdahl’s capture, on the floor of the House of Representatives, I introduced a resolution in the House calling on the United States to do everything possible not to leave any members of the armed forces behind during the drawdown of Iraq and Afghanistan. Believe it or not, I had members of Congress come up to me and say, ‘I didn’t know we had a living POW in Afghanistan.’ That was shocking to me.” Rep. Rich Nugent (R-FL) February, 2014

    The second Obama exchanged gitmo detainees for Bergdahl, everyone of those clowns flip flopped and Bergdahl became a deserter that we should have left there to rot. And it was purely to get Obama. They couldn't have cared less about smearing the soldier before finding out any facts as long as they could make the President look bad.

    As a veteran myself, I find them and you to be flippin' embarrassing.
  12. Normally a statement like that is baked up, otherwise people assume your just a ball less lying loser :)
  13. Let's hope so, because so far you're doing an excellent job of camouflaging it.