Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Homeland security.

    Security of the homeland. Think you are reading too deep into it
  2. he isn't even historically accurate. i honestly wish he would read a little deeper into the history books.
  3. But word if people actually did learn some history imagine how much less stupid the world would have to put up with ?
  4. "The name Homeland Security grates on a lot of people, understandably. Homeland isn't really an American word, it's not something we used to say or say now. It has a vaguely Teutonic ring--Ve must help ze Fuehrer protect ze Homeland!--and Republicans must always be on guard against sounding Teutonic."

    Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, June 2002, regarding the creation and name of "Homeland Security".
  5. Is this how you people spend your days? Arguing about pointless stuff that will never make a difference of anything in forums?
  6. Mister just because one op ed says something doesn't mean it's a fact.

     kind of the core issue with politics and newsmedia today
  7. @word on page 2
    I read through half of that and skimmed the rest.
    All in all, it seems reasonable. Deporting the undesirable immigrants, and keeping those that work hard around to keep doing what they're doing.
  8. yeah. it is just a matter of prioritizing the least desirable for deportation. i don't see why anyone has a problem with that.
  9. Posting through mobile is hard lol...I give up hihi :p
  10. He suspended deportation for parents of residents/citizens. They already were bound for legalization (anchor babies). So obama did nothing outta the ordinary really.
  11. He also made clear that he wants nothing to do with crimminals (other than than of crossing the border illegaly).
  12. I think that them paying taxes would make them a legal citizen. Thats probably why they don't pay. As for the free healthcare, thats is a real problem. I dont know where obama gets the money to afford this, but where ever it comes from, it in turn has a direct effect on us.
  13. What? Paying taxes doesn't make you a citizen. Foreigners work in the us, and they pay taxes. U.s. Children are citizens and don't pay taxes. Where do you get these ideas from?

    The reason many undocumented workers don't pay income taxes is because they work "under the table". (Btw they still do pay other taxes, such as sales tax).

    And the part about giving free health care was complete nonsense.
  14. That's why you move to Canada
  16. I think everyone has the right to pay taxes. Nothing is free except you were born in high class kingdom.
  17. So who thinks the GOP will over play this and do something stupid?

    IMO I think they should embrace this, and use this as opportunity to improve bi partisan relations heading into the new year. Keystone XL comes up for vote again in January. If it is vetoed, with popular support, it could be something that is remembered in 2016. Union support and a 60%? approval from the people. We all know they want that pipe line.

    Fighting this may not be the wisest political move.

    Give BoDawg this one. For the sake of everyone's sanity.

  18. Yes, the main argument in fact.

    To avoid hypocracy, if you want then to pay taxes, you have to allow them to stay - legally
  19. The same reason you guys never get anything through congress. It's a good idea, good ideas = more votes

    More votes = good

    Good for opposing party = bad

    Idea = bad