Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. I wonder how much sense does this post make of being posted in KAW FORUMS!! You have an opinion about any political/national or other such issues, please post them to other forums. You will have company of people who actually intend to give a **** about those issues. This is an internationally played game we don't bother about all that crap unless its even slightly related to this game.
    I would give more respect to a completely zero effort thread regarding this game than these threads which make no sense being posted here.
    This is a game and let it be one....peace out
  2. Ok the Taliban are the government military over in Iraq while al quida is the terrorist organization
  3. This was posted in off topic. Just so you're aware that means not involving this game.
  4. you think the taliban are from iraq? please tell me you are joking.

  5. I meant Afghanistan
  6. Firing squad is an option in some states for execution. It was put back in due to the two drug system not working.

    Not sure why it doesn't work, and why the states cant get whatever Brittney Maynard got in Oregon, seemed to work fine for her.

    Either way, ammo is still scarce because "Homeland" bought it all this year. (why its's called homeland is another irk of mine.. Only one dictator called their nation the Homeland in history.. And he wasn't well liked by America and England..)

  7. Did you show this much rage on all of Moose's political threads over the past 4 weeks?
  8. Gotta love these arguments in KaW forums that doesn't help anyone or anything and only causes an uproar..
  9. who doesn't call their homeland their homeland? :?
  10. Perfectly said mr. Universe
  11. What does calling it our homeland have to do with anything?
  12. Can't ya read? I specifically noted the dictator that called his country the "homeland", and we somehow adopted the same terminology and programs from that dictator's regime.

    Edit* id name said dictator, but his name is censored by the filters if i remember correctly
  13. Where the hell did you go to school
  14. Will pretty much pain me to continue talking on this thread.
  15. are you referring to hitler? because he called germany the "fatherland", not the "homeland". but he said it in german.
  16. This a pretty common opinion he has about politics on KaW forums. The political posters. Such as myself are the minority. Just like everywhere else in the US. I can't speak for other nations.

    At the same time people find this amusing. We get laughed at fairly often. And the target age group of this game does not care about politics, but rather fun and stuff that is much cooler than old people arguing.

    I pretty sure someone like myself says this probably shouldn't be a topic on a kids game every thread. Or close to every thread.

    Does it matter? No it doesn't. He has a opinion on how he would like the forums to be. Which doesn't include theads like this. So he is somewhat on topic.

    At least it's national politics and not fringe movement propaganda. It's be out of AT in a day.
  17. I graduated from a college in America. Why? Do you like the American government calling its agencies the same as socialist dictatorships from 80 years ago?
  18. Couldn't tell if that was aimed towards me or not from what hydra shock said
  19. willful ignorance is my least favorite kind.

    it. was. "fatherland"
  20. Explain what you mean or GTFO. You haven't given any proof.