Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. "BLACK" ? What was that for?
  2. "the" black people. wow. stupid and racist. what an unusual combo.
  3. There was no other way to put it and I'm not being racist. They are just over reacting
  4. sort of like how the WHITE people make death threats on the president of the united states.
  6. much improved, aj.
  7. I support public hangins for vigilantes offering bounties.
  8. Are you seriously going to argue with him using the point that you're sure they're being tracked and monitored? What the **** happened to the United States does not negotiate with terrorists?
  9. You guys are taking this the completely the wrong way. IM NOT BEING RACIST
  10. I don't support public hangings as we are supposed to be moving forward, not dwelling on the past. Public shootings ftw.
  11. It was just bad wording, give Gunny a break. At least he puts effort into keeping threads alive.
  12. Support
  13. Obama has traded 5 known and very deadly terrorists for one Army Sgt who left his post while on duty (which is illegal to do by the way). Obama authorised that to happen so if we have another 9-11 thing it's all gonna be blamed on Obama.


    For one, you can't tell me those terrorist aren't being tracked. Two, you'd be calling Obama unamerican if he didn't get the soldier back.
    If we have another 9/11, it will be because of what our country has done in the past, not the future.[/quote]

    Are you seriously going to argue with him using the point that you're sure they're being tracked and monitored? What the **** happened to the United States does not negotiate with terrorists?[/quote]

    Finally somebody agrees with me
  14. Rope is cheaper than bullets. The feds bought all the ammo this year.
  15. I was testing my terrible sense of sarcasm, it obviously went as planned.
  16. the taliban isn't a terrorist organization. calling them that is propaganda. it was the government of a nation that united states invaded and defeated. what is wrong with trading prisoners of war?
  17. We don't use bullets to execute people I don't see how that's valid at all...
  18. I see what you did there
  19. You missed my post on the last page then.
  20. Down with the Canadian senate