Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 21, 2014.

  2. You see the democrat in him. Those are stupid rights. He can drive my volvo
  3. whoops. i was thrown off by the fact that op wrote almost the same thing on my wall that golden did.
  4. "If you have no criminal record ... are willing to pay taxes .... we will let you stay in America"

  5. If you're countering word, OP said it. And word is understandably against the misinformation OP either received or is spreading.

    If you're agreeing with word, indeed. Obama said quite the opposite in fact. They should pay their fair taxes.
  6. I am editing this post because i messed up :(
  7. I'm just saying what enemy threw Obamas mind hummmm Illegal Immigrants let's give them perks hey Obama do the USA a favor and look up what the word Illegal means THEN make the decision
  8. Guys stop quoting the same speech word master put down
  9. Pretty sure he got that off a website
  10. are you sure i didn't just type it all out from memory?
  11. I hope the House draws up impeachment articles. Augmenting the congressional immigration law by executive order is not a presidential power granted under the constitution. The executive branch can't just waive laws whenever people are illegally in the country. He'd be better off issuing presidential pardons for every illegal immigrant, which is in his power. But that would sink all chances of any Dems staying in office...
  12. We could go Schengen Area style if you prefer.
  13. Correction....Derp
  14. Stop quoting the damn thing, it's unnecessary.
  15. Wordwaster next time quote it from the website and give it a proper citation instead of stealing it v

  16. I agree

  17. Yes guys stop quoting the DAMN speech. It's starting to get really annoying
  18. Oh and real mature of you wordwaster to block me from posting one damn thing on your wall which was me asking you why did you have to put the whole speech
  19. if congress doesn't provide the level of funding to fully enforce a law, the executive branch has authority to prioritize who they target. congress has not authorized anything close to the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars it would cost to deport the MILLIONS of undocumented people in the country.

    i'm really getting tired of people blaming the president for congress not doing its job.