3 crystals per war. Seriously. As everyone is rebelling and saying how fed up with pay to play you increase the cost to war. Sure everyone could refuse to xtal but some dirtbag would break that agreement out of greed to win mith. This is getting silly. Will not be warring during any 3 xtal wars. Should increase regen times or even try my full regen on being ko'd idea and half regen on sko at least then by trying it you would show the community not all ideas are pay to play as that would truly make wars totally free to participate in even if only they were available 1-3 days a week
Again & again . Devs prou e how greedy they are 3 xtals in 1 hr war Seriously??? i guess u've gone so far No war for us to b4 u fix ur greedy 3 xtals in 1 hr war
Agree with all these guys 3x xtal in 1 hr war smacks of pure greed coupled with the dangling carrot of 4x golds in HTE tempting more spending by the community. This game is getting to expensive to continue playing. Oh btw devs cheers for keeping your word " i don't see any 9-10pm gmt"wars as promised on Wednesday. I guessed you guys had the dollar on your mind not requests of the community
1 whole war this round could be because of all the eb bonuses, could be the 3 xstals, could be both. But the 3 xstals are probably not helping participation. Instead of having 3 xstals in a 1 hour war; how about doubling the regen rate in a 1 hour war? Make spies and troops regen at double speed. That will be Chaos but the good kind I think
Enough of the whining its endless. 3 xtal wars r temporary, read before u sob or pass on it. Whoever claims Black Friday is bad makes no sense at all. Shake yer heads
and people say that devs arent being greedy with this 3 crystals wars..... LMAO You devs simply are so out of your damn minds :lol:
Devs you on crack. You think ima burn 3 xstalls in a ******* 1 hour war LMAO? That's not chaos, that's just developer greed, and you've used the word "chaos" to cover up your greed
Well done Did you not understand what happened in forums Thursday Devs?! The problem is you making this game pay to play and you make the new wars even more expensive than the last ?! Full mith plus 3 crystals in an hour ? Really ?!
I actually was looking forward to the three xstals in one hour war would be intense but we get a no match instead. Only one war and one participant isnt participating thats were i have a problem....
Come on guys its just 3 bucks per war for one day and would be awesome. Intense action the whole time i hope i get to do at least one of the last two.
1 hour war with 3 xtals? nice devs.. its ok, this is your game.. and this is chaos wars, but I say honestly.. I'm disagree with this.. look how much clan warring at war #6.. for Us, its wasting xtals.. not worth it for payback.. better use xtals at Haunting Escape..
Hey Devs/kaw_admin, Are you going to incentivize us to do Chaos Wars on Black Friday? The deals for EBs are very good. It just seems like these could be 2x mith payout also. -Skip
anyone dumb enough to support these 3 xtal 1 hour wars needs their head examined. you do these wars this will become the norm. then you are paying $3 every war season 3 for equip. enjoy this is the beginning of the end of something that was fun.