not in war = cant leave = dumb

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S3CRE7SQU1R83I, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Fantastic response, vineyard. Took the words right out of my mouth
  2. Stay and support your clannies. It's not 24 hour wars ya know.
  3. you're probably more inactive than active anyhow. why not just a merc WC for ebs?
  4. The roster locking is a real reason for locking non participants into a clan. It is easily solved. Allow the war roster (list of entrents with plunder etc) to be a fixed order. There is no real need for it to be sorted by plunder during the war. Will also make ee system a little friendlier for new war clans.

    And yes...simple code...could be done in less than an hour...and rolled out next time devs do an update.
  5. I suspect more than 99% players are more logged off Kaw more than 50% of hours during the course of a week.
  6. That right mac.

    No wolfie...all clans do not give 4 hours notice, although i agree that good war clans do. I have seen several times when clannoeenjust decide on the spur of the moment to try and get numbers within less than an hour...and ive participated in those when on. You can guess the result lol. The reaction from those not in war who log on af tree locking ranges from jealous at missing out through annoyed and even rage when they cannot leave the clan.
  7. You got 2 hours to farm someone
  8. stop crying.. no one agrees with your stupid ass
  9. Vineyard beat me to it but will repeat in short sentences.

    Leaving clan would allow for CR shifting shenanigans.

    Battle list is open 24/7.


  10. I see some agree...and some disagree...and a variety of maturity levels. Excellent. I have addressed the easily overcome roster issue. So from what i see so far, no harm would come of a minor tweak to allow non participants to leave...but some good will come. Or is there some other hidden downside?
  11. Yea it's a bad idea
  12. go to eb clan,

    Hit battle list,

    Do quests for nobs if you finished quests,

    Ask to be kicked if they decide to war,

    Find an inactive, or a whole clan of inactives to hit when doors are locked.

    You have so many options, why should the devs recode the came because you are lazy
  13. What you see on the war roster is really just a pictorial representation of the top plunderers plus a hyperlink to their account. Your clan roster is where your account is located, not the war roster. Therefore war rosters cannot have a fixed order, as the name roster is misleading. You can see this, as war shows in a clan history just like an epic battle. The top eb plunder is basically the same as the top war plunder.
    It would also be significantly more complicated then you believe to make such a fixed roster based around a timed event. Issues include:
    Where does this war roster go after the war ends? Is it just floating in kaw until war times?
    How does a spell make you join the war roster? It implies that I wouldn't have to join your clan to get into your war roster, and I can't see a fix for this.

    Your idea is impossible to implement.
  14. Logical arguement can so often be overshadowed by immaturity.

    Wanting to leave a war that you are not part of is not lazy. Indeed this thread is about enabling activity rather than ghe status quo limitation on activity.

    Is there a downside to the suggestion?
  15. Imagine a clan of bar codes coming and going during the EE war.
  16. Yes epic that is the nightmare scenario. Squirrel has tried to counter by suggesting the war rosters be based on. strength rather then plunder, but my last post refuting it has been ignored as of this time.
  17. Ty vineyard.

    The war roster is a list of players participating in the war. It is visible during the war. You become part of that roster by casting woc and the clan being matched. Locking its sort sequence enables it to be a fixed reference for war commanders and players. Should be a fairly simple thing to achieve and would make the current need to lock the clan roster redundant.
  18. Op, a lot of clans have a separate clan just for ee wars.

    Maybe suggest that idea to your clannies.
  19. Not ignoring vineyard...just takes time to text: )

    It is possible the war roster is actually a filtered view of a clan roster. If so...more code required to achieve as you suggest. I always suspected it woukd be a separate list created during the matchup period as devs woukd not want to be filtering a whole clan while doing matchup logarithms.